HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 43, April 12, 1915' .. �--3'f?nr,+ri. >.rr �"7i.� 'i•-rv^r,Y n�•t ,j�a`4hy., >:i�.;': .'.lY.,:+� ..r+r3 r i� Y� �h !. KC'M � -
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N. .
V April 12' 1915.'
At a"regular meetingof the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oounoil,
I Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky,. on April 12th,. 1916, upon call of the
.P' .
I; roll the following answered their nasaea s 8nsne, 4asslip, Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6.
I' on motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted after o!orreation�
I. on call of the roll by the following votes Yana, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
' Washington - 6. '
Q , I
On motion by Mayor Haselip. Olaude Riley was granted a Quart liquor lloafse•
- !` on Bridge street near tipple track, upon call of the roll by the following rotes
Yeas, Hasellp, Marton and Wallaagi B.Naye s Bums and Washington 2.
�--�� On motion by Member Burne, an Ordinance providing for the construction of ,
sidewalks, etc. on Second street from Washington to Monroes and Third from Washington
v'1 to Monroe, etc., wan tabled, upon call of the roll.by the following voter Yeas, Burns(
Marton, Wallace and Washington - t. Nays, Haselip, 1t
r f; On motion by the above, the.01ty Solloitor was instructed to bring in en
amendment to the traffic ordinance providing for a City License for public chauffeurs.
at $1.000 upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Morton,
f Wallace and Washington . 6.
•' �'
I! .•
" •i;
On motion b the above, that the Olt
L j�" L y Y purchase a ri ght-ol-way "sosoes the
lumber yard of the Lgoae Land •&"Lbr.' Co. at a cost of $100.00 for land,.and that the
¢ Tpj City 00ustmot, of its own coat, a fence paralleling a division fence now standing
and the Oity remove the lumber on the yard to an adjacent location, carried upon call !
of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
On motion by Member Marton, the Department of Safety was instruoted to
/osj� ! keep all vehicles at least one bundred"feet from Broadway on North fourth to Jefferson,'
carried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yens. Burne, Hazelip, Marton,
Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above. J. H. Hardison was,refunded $6.00 for poll tax .
; : for four years. upon .oall of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burns, Haselip,
, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above. the communication in regard to the'looation of fire
�Twe P clirvsrv«
hydrants was referred to the Hoard of Commieslomreupon call of the roll by the follow-,
tng.vote: Yens. Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
Oa motion by Member.Burne, the queetioa of'rated and franchise of the
Paducah Light & Power Go. was referred to the Committee of a whole to investigate,
upon call of the roll by the following vote: "Yeas, Burns-, Haselip, Marton. Wallace
ant Washington - 6.-
."On motion by,Mamber Wallace.the South half of Lot 88 1n Block One new
addition to Oak Grove Oametery was transferred from J. S. Terry to Rob. A. Hines,
upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns, Hasellp, Marton, Wallace
e" and Washington - 6.
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On motion by the above Lot 202 in Block "P" was transferred from J. W..
• �%L/
lari dgnew to Mrs. Matilda PsaaYe, upon cull of the roll by the following votes Yeas,
� - Burne, Haselip,,Marton, Wnllaos and Washington"- 6.
On motion by the above, the oommunloation from the Ohattanoogn Industrial
f •_
r,,..G! Board was received and filed, upon call of the roll by the following.votel Yeae,
Burns. Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
� r •'� e i r\ .'i'.°"•'` -,i- �i+:.r 's'o - 1 •rY: ti i 1 It (r^`4-�"p�� � , _'T r- y t . J"�.,"+" .rx c X r Y ,�w�•�--+ .
y. lYC•. -h-•. _ '.- x ;.: wa �• �.;:rMr.....�,_.�t>z.�:citi_A.._.-:..,..-..,<„�:;e�._r,'25ti?:x. s_: ,,•. ..,.3. .,._.• � r :.._ .. ._ ---.�c _�`-�� ..._«.7.. ;?'-7�%'..^��t�.,..
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Aps•il it 191-4 oontinned
On motion by Member Burne, the, the 01 Solioitor be instructed to
brio in an ordinanoe placing all.ownere of motor propelled vehicles for hire under.
B p g P.
afi:•,,i .
a bond of $2600.00, for protection of persons suffering damage for negligence, lost
upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Wallace - 1- Hays Haselip'.
Burne, Marton and Washington - 4.
On motion by Member Burne, that street lights be operated on moonlight I4
' •
schedule, as in years past. carried'n on call of the roll the following vote:
p P by
Yeas, Burns. Haselip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Weebington, the weekly payroll for the street dept. ..
ending Saturday. April 10th. and not covered by ordinance but paid by cash
order. was received and filed upon call of the roll by the. following vote:
Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Waebington - S.
On motion by Mayor Haselip. that the recommendation of Commissioner of
public Wore: be .concurred in, in regard to patching and re -ending streets now j
constructed with bitulithio, carried upon Gall of the roll by the following vote:'i
Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton. Wallace and 'Washington - 6.
On motion by the above, the communication from Jas. Campbell,Jr. City,^.;
47 •
Solioitor, in aegerd to the official newspaper of the City of Paducah was received
and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Haselip.
Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.On
motion by Member Burne, the proposition relative to the St. Mary's..
Horth was
Academy in regard to an alley on pifth street, referred to. the City
Solicitor to confer with Mr. Hughes and report back afters thorough Investigation..{
carried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Baine, Haselip;
Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion theBoard adjourned, upon call of the roll by the.following
votei. Yeae, Borne, Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - S.
c. {
City G.W
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