HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 428, April 14, 1919r� .Li i'✓.,, �rq1 Vf' r,)frY . +, Tl+,rh t !� .i+ q.. Y" ;4. M A;y.• .. ,' ,S_,. 't'_ r �. �5 •' 7 r� �> - .rr (3'q ;3 H'P"'t ,qy. t- C r' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ April9th J919 :?� • ' opened from gist A Jaokeon St; to what is known as 24th St. in O'Brien's Addition, be instructed to comply with said request as Boon as possible- carried upon call of the h roll by 4 yeas. . S Extension of h On motion of May Burne, that the petition for an extension of 19th street from ?j. 18th Street. I Madison to Jefferson streets be referred to the Oom'r of Works to got estimate of 6 (.conte, oto.- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by,tho following votes ,• �i Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. . !ldtplid J''t1J172 �PPz.?,p 3PFE2.0 D K cur Cl" -YOR April 14th, 1919• At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Oomrs' Ohasmer ` ' of the Oity Rall, Paducah, Ky., on April'14, 1919, upon call of the roll the follow. -9n I Ing answered their names: Gardner, Hasolip, Tully and Wooldridge. 4. :?r On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular mesting .of April 9th. - " 1919 were adopted ae.read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Resolutions On motion of the above• that the resolutions adopted by citizens on April Sd . proteetLog To. r ata meeting held at the city Hall, and on April 7th; at a meeting held at the' Trimble 81. . improvement. 1• Trimble St. Presbyterian Ohuroh, protesting against the proposed improvement of 'A I' Trimble street, be .received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas... Report of 8t. On motion of the above,, the report of D. D. Atchison. Street Inspector, for Inspeotar. the month of March 3.919 was rooeived.and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeae. i G On motion of the above, the report of the Oom'r of Works for Report of Qom1r the month of Mexoh • ,."• of Works for of Wo. � 1818 use received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ' .. J On motion of Member Tully, that the report of Oom'r of Finance for the month of March 1919 be received, filed and ordered publiahad in the official newspaper- carried ;1. f upon call of the roll by.the following vote, Yeae, Burne, GarOner;Rssellp, Tully .'I and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of the above, that the accounts for the last half o! March 19191 as per the report of Oom'r of Finance, be allowed and payment of same'approved-carried-upon call of the roll by 6' yeaa• t, u On motion of the'nbovo, the payment of the Stroat Department pay roll for the :.L p it week ending April 6, 1919, amounting to $270,2.6, wa8 approved upon call"of the roll,by, !' 6.yaas. t l• Member Tully was excused from the meeting. 1 4 ''o L.A.wshingt6n' On motion of Mayor Burns, that L. A. Washington be employed, at the rate of $226 per :! employwd. 1. month, to' determine grades, specifications and estimated coats of constructing improved ; streets; 8186 to make estimates tea to cost of building sewers to oover the* entire city, said information to be used in submitting a bond leeue to build eame; also cost of �.. it eowering the Third Bower District on square footage basis to abutting and benefitting p property owners- osrrisd upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns, I� Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge., 4. a. ' Appointment of u B. R.Bradshaw,Jr.:: On motion of Member Gardner, that S. R. Bradshaw, Jr, be appointed Oity Engineer �} as city Enginoert at a salary of $160 per month, beginning April 8th, 1919 and including the month of :+ I' October, 1919- oarried_upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. I� Petition for43 On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the petition signed by oitieena, asking „�. opening up J aokeon St I' that Jackson St. be opened train Blot St. to the city limits , and that a street be :?� • ' opened from gist A Jaokeon St; to what is known as 24th St. in O'Brien's Addition, be instructed to comply with said request as Boon as possible- carried upon call of the h roll by 4 yeas. . S Extension of h On motion of May Burne, that the petition for an extension of 19th street from ?j. 18th Street. I Madison to Jefferson streets be referred to the Oom'r of Works to got estimate of 6 (.conte, oto.- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by,tho following votes ,• �i Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. . !ldtplid J''t1J172 �PPz.?,p 3PFE2.0 D K cur Cl" -YOR April 14th, 1919• At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Oomrs' Ohasmer ` ' of the Oity Rall, Paducah, Ky., on April'14, 1919, upon call of the roll the follow. -9n I Ing answered their names: Gardner, Hasolip, Tully and Wooldridge. 4. :?r On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular mesting .of April 9th. - " 1919 were adopted ae.read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Resolutions On motion of the above• that the resolutions adopted by citizens on April Sd . proteetLog To. r ata meeting held at the city Hall, and on April 7th; at a meeting held at the' Trimble 81. . improvement. 1• Trimble St. Presbyterian Ohuroh, protesting against the proposed improvement of 'A I' Trimble street, be .received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas... Report of 8t. On motion of the above,, the report of D. D. Atchison. Street Inspector, for Inspeotar. the month of March 3.919 was rooeived.and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeae. i G On motion of the above, the report of the Oom'r of Works for Report of Qom1r the month of Mexoh • ,."• of Works for of Wo. � 1818 use received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ' .. t.~'N-, a'V,'Cu �. F '' . x"'°CF'T?? ,+9'; t?IT`"•`?S',•''-lryf:, . u.:� 7's.,*s• y; ,`i-.ot'v�F«n„-a.+11''m` �+``" n tZ ,e'p. ...•..y- ,... - 5. C•t a w!-�; �� d�_. t • J, ._..._.........._...1-..-..«.•+.l^�-^—mgr-.,Y......_ _...._... Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci of Paducah April 14th eme.teiy: On motion of,Member Haseli that the deed from Edith L. Holcomb to 0. J. Holcomb tranefer rata- p• Edith L. oonveying her undivided one-half interest in both the north and month half of lot #96 s 'Holcomb to �'• in block $6 in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified as �- C. d.,Holoomb; y. . pea' the request of said first party, i and that the olerk be instructed to record said transfer in the cemetery deed book- r carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, Tally ands 'l t ,Wooldridge,' 4. - I On motion of the above, that the deed of T. 0. WadlingtOn to J. R. Moes, conveying Cemetery deed rt ratified- } ,the front half of lot $26 in block #48, excepting and reserving the grave thereon where 'J 7' T.O.Wadling- r. .z{� ton to J. R."! Mrs. T. 0. Wedlington is buried, in Oak Grove Cemetery', be ratified as per the request 3 t Moss. ;,; party of the first part, and that the clerk be inetruotad to record said tranefer in the cemetery register- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. „k On motion of Member Tally, the payment of the Street Dept. pay roll for the week; . t ending April 12, 1919, amounting to .$270.32, was approved upon call of the roll by 4 yese. ;rh '.Refund to : On motion of Member Haselip, the Com'r.of Pinanoe.wae ordered to.refund.Lala b Lul. 6 Hualoe Whits: ER:nioe White the amountpaid by them for city lazes for the year 1917 on lot which they y,J r did not own, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.J. Refund to On motion of Member Tully, that the sum;of $16.66 be refunded to H. A. Wurtb, and H. A. Wurth.. payment of same approved- this being the amount paid by him on Tax Bill #3834 assessed in S�� error- this bill being a.duplication of the assessment on Tax Bill #3760 against Albert �,rJ •P. A Rosa Warta, the amount of blob has been paid by them;_ carried upon call of the roll �•t f + by 4. yeas. On motion of'Member Wooldridge, that the Mayor be appointed to attend the conference . Mayor of exeoutives'of 2d. m. 3d class cities of $y; to be bald at the Watterson Hotel in LouleHlle rY ,z : • appointed t0 1 ' attend R on April leth1919, for the purpose of discussing ways m means of making up losses in . meeting of .� executives revenue of such cities sustained thru exemption. of manufacturing concerns under the new in Louis- 'n4 i` villa., law and thru lova of revenue heretofore derived from liquor license- carried upon call. S - of the roll.by 4 yeas., r , On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: Team, s I Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. {, r 4 MAYDEL' 1 t Aywil 16th, 1919.' At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber of {{ l n: the city Hall, Paducah, Kentucky on April 16, 1919, .upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Haselip', Tull' y.ead Wooldridge- 8. rF Hartford On motion of Member Gardnor, that the policy issued by the Hartford Ina. Co.• . J% insurance - ppolicyy on on f17 Wheel at the City Light Plant be accepted and premium thereon paid- oarriod • ` "fly lrhool (.' at city.. Y upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Tally and 1 Light. Plant: a Wooldridge, 4. Member Haselip excused from voting.. `.. On motion the Board sd,ourned upon call of the rail by .the following voter I e Yeae' Burns, Gardner, Hoselip; Tally.and Wooldridge- B.` d dPPRO Oi a 1[AYOM r •�F ti Lp .t„• ,�s •r, .�..y ,J •.a ':1 _J.ca:akt{ rI'F'. f L a �,� :t}, ` L1111-1111