HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 427, April 7, 1919'No
Commissioner's Proceedings, Cit} of Paducah April 4th lyJ9 sb
At an adjourned meeting of, the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber[of c'
the-City Hall, Paducah, yv:, at ten o'clock A' M. on the 4th day of. April 1919, upon'+
call of the roll-the following answered their namest Burne, Gardner, Baselip, Tully and
. Wooldridge- 6. t.
Proposed amend-
Member Gardner offered the following motion: That Section 6 of the ordinance
meat to TrnoLioa.
submitted by the Paducah Traction Cobe amended so as to. red as followsThe avel'
= gravel'
Co. ordinances•
u between.the rails and one foot on each aide thereof on all graveled streets upon which. j;
4,. Lhe street oar.pompany is operating its oars shall be kept in good order.by Lhe.pur-�:
ohaser of this franohiae--- same was tabled for want of a second.
on motion of the abovet That a section be added to the proposed Traction Company ?
for Taxation
d' ordinance providing as'follows: That the pnrohaeer of this franchise and its assigns j.. }
of Traction Co:
shall list for taxation all property owned or operated'by it in. the4®treat"oar system
at the same rate as private individuals list their property, and if thie'rate of valuation
ie raieefl or lomesofl to the private Individuals,, that the purchaser hereof will conform-.
Its assessment to that valuation-- some was tabled for want of a second,
On motion.of Member Heaslip, that the TraoLion franchise ordinance eaLitleds AH
THEREOF, be 1aLroflnoed- parried St'
upon call of-.the roll by the following votes Yeas, Bu w,
Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. Nay, Gardner,
On motion of Member Gardner, that the communication of Comtr Gardner regarding his 4
reasons far.
;. 7
Tot inngg.ns to
rots one for voting nay to the now Traotion Company ordinance, be received and 'filed-.�.
;.2snotion Ord.
same was tabled for want of a second:.'
On motion the. Board adjourned upon call of.the roll by the following Toter Ysae.'
+ ,t
Hume; Gnianer,.Haselip. Tully and Wooldridge- Br I ff77z`
D k
•. t) l 4
.. tib
.. ,
APRIL 7th. 1919.
At a regdlor meeting of the Board.of Commissioners held 1n the'Oomre' Chamber of the
City Hall, Paduoah; Xy., on April 7th, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered''.
their names: Burne Gardner Haaeli Tall
. ,. p, y and Wooldridge- 6.. ; 'y
On motion of Member Tully,, the minutes of the meetings of Yaroh .31st, April ]s t, 8a.
?. ;. ,:• ; :
3d and 4th, 1919 were adopted as read upon call of the roll b 6 °+
y yeas.
J. M. Brad-..
:.�-ehaw bill.
On motion of Member Gardner, that the bill of J. !d. Bradshaw in.Lhe'sum. of $36.10;
for grading b graveling 41 foot 'at the interseotion of Sowell b Thurman streets whiohi f•.
was not oovered.by ordinance, be referred to the'city Solicitor for his opinion as to,'
the llaMlity of the City- oarried upon cell 'of the roll by B,
~.Gemstar Qeed?
yeas. .•
• Yrs. Maud
On motion of Member Tully, that deed be e=eouted to Yrs. Maud Caruthers for lot.79`
in blook#8
'� on the east aids of Miller street bet.'Ford'b'Hannan,Ste.. in Oak grove !
I Ji.r
Cemetery, she having paid therefor. the sum of $30 as evideaoed by treaenrer'e ;soeipt' +Y`
herewith filed-'oarried upon cell cf,the roll b y.6 yeas.
•' Liberty.Bonds.
On motion of the.above, a communication from Comlr of Finance reporting the receipt
of registered gold bonds '19871948, numbers 81318-81339 inclusive, and. check $A-823e4� .. i
for 831.88, covering interest necessary to adjust the difference in said bonds w+hioh
;:• ''
y were exchanged'for.the second liberty loan bonds- was received and filed upon call of
4t ,'(+•y
. the roll by 8 yeae.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April -7th J919
( On motion of Member Tally, that the report o! Com'r of Pinanoe for the month of
;' .. March IL 919 received, !lied and ordered published in the official newspaper- oarried '
it Upon Gall Of the roll by.the following vote, Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully
and Wooldridge- 6.
On motion of the above, that the accounts for the 'last half of March 19191 as per
I the report of Com'r of Finance, be allowed and payment Of eame'approved-, oarried upon
a Gall of the roll by 6'yeae.
On motion of the'above, the payment of the Street Department pay roll for the .,
week ending April 6, 1919, amounting to $270,26, was approved upon call"of the roll
j; Momber Tully was excuse& from the meeting.
jF. II On motion of Mayor Burne, that L. A. Washington be employed, at the rate of $886 per
"} Le A. Washington''
-yl" .';i
d. 1month, to* determine grades, speoifioations and estimated coats of oonstruoting improved
streets; also to make estimates as to ooet of building Beware to_oovor the, entire oityv
said information to be used -in submitting a bond issue to build same; nleo cost of.
r } eeaering the Third Sewer District on square footage basis to abutting and benefitting
propertyowners- carried upon call of the roll b the follows
y ng voter Yeae Burne,
Gardner. Harelip and'Wooldridge., 4.,
i9 Appointment of u' On motion of Member Gardner, that S. R. Bradshaw, Jr. be appointed City Engineer
as City Engineer' at a salary of $160 per month, beginning April Sth, 1919 and including the month of
(i October, 1919- carried.upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the petition signed by 43 citizens, asking
Petition for.
Opening up that Jackson St. be opened from 81st St. to the cit limits '
Jackson, at. I' y and that a strait be
1! opened from 81st m Jaokeon St,; to what to known as 24th St. in O'Brien's Addition, be
t .
hinstructed to comply with said request as Boon as possible- oarried upon call of the
roil by 4 Yana.
• at .
Extension of ; On motion of Mayor Burne' Petition that the for an extension of 19th street from
!J 19th Street.
Madison to Jefferson streets bereferred to the Qom'r of Works to gat estimate of
11.00ete, oto.- carried upon call of the roil by 4 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.the following vote
11 Yana, Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. .
r �.• lidtplid' :c�(�.11141.. `�PhjLp APFRO D
April 14th, 1919.4.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre' Ohamber '
of the City Hall. Paducah, Ky., on April 14., 1919. upon Gall of the roll the follow -
Log answered their nemeen Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4.
'??;.•'. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting.of April 9th,
1919 were adopted as.read upon oall o! the rail by 4 yeae.
,t ReeolUtione �. On motion of the above. that the resolutions adopted by oitizene on April Sd
protesting va. ! at'a meeting held at the City Hall, and on April 7th, at a meeting he1Q st the ?
Trimble 8t.
improvement.' .� Trimble St. Preab Brien Churoh
yt , protesting against the proposed improvement of
Trimble street. be. received' and !sled- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas...
Report o! 8t. y.. On motion of the ebove.,the report of D. D. Atchison. Street Inspector. for
Inspector. the month of March 1919 was received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
y 1' On motion of the above the ort of the Com'r of Works for the month of March•,t
Report of Com'r L report
of Works for B 1919 was reoeived end filed n on call of the roll
March. P by 4 yeae. Y