HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 423, March 28, 1919r•�I trol:,£?:h ]_,��'_..�.....•,e..rrr•M'ia.�o.zra�4m't�'Y"z'F.tRT!3t1:'e",�.{.rc^'T,Sf`"�"i�+7'`�Ti 'Cb�}'_1�-"�'• S kj No l Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 24th 19J 9 SECTION OF CALDWE'LL AVENUE AND CALDWELL STREET TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE N.O. dt ST. L.R.R. NEAR THE ILLINOIS OENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY DEPOT; APPROXIMATELY 9IE THOUSAND k: + NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (8980) LINEAR BEET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT. THE 008T OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OVINERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SALTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE rr ' TEN YEAR PAY1.1ENT PLAN, was adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, r, Barns, Haselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. r+.On motion of Member Tully, A RESOLUTION.PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TAli ''4 .,.RESOLUTION for ,` DRIVEWAYS ON BROADWAY STREET FRO1.1 THE EAST PROPERTY LI1IE OF SEVENT=- ITH STRZET (OR I >. �{ Street Improve+ '.''•'. ment Away FOUNTAIN AVENUE) , OR THE END OF THE PRESENT BITULITHIO STREET I11PROV19,1ENT, TO THE 71EST� .- ' '17thto 26th PROPERTY LINE OF'TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, APPROZIMATELY 3210 111MA2 FEET. IN THE 0 rry OF i PADUCAH. KHNTUCKY,.AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OVJI&RS, AND PROVIDING THAT SALIE 1 BHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TE17. YEAR PAY1.C.NT PLAN -.was ado , ,.„ ., '' • pied upon call of the roll: ' by the following vote: Y®aa; Burne, Harelip, Tally an& Wooldridge- 4.' Nay, Gardner= 1 E' Resolution On motion of Member Haaelip, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR -THE OONSTRUCTIOII OF THE for street DRIVEWAYS ON JEFFERSON STREET FROM. THE EAST PROPERTY LIKE OF SEVENTEZI TH STREET (OR improvement Jefferson St. 4 17th .to' 28th FOUNTAIN. AVEIITiB) TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TFiEiiTY-FIFTH STREET. BEING APPRQ%IIaATELYI' k 3210 LINEAR, FEET, IN THE CITY OF.PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SALE SHALL HS CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMT PLAN-. ; f. wee adopted upon call of the roll by the following. votes Yeae. Burns. Haselip; Tullyane, +�F Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. l Reeolution for on motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE. CONSTRUCTION OF.THB DRIVE - i �TP street imp. Bth 8t. $V• WAYS ON FIFTH STREET"FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THA,NORTH PROPERTY •'• .. i k,. Ave. to Norton LINE OF NORTON STREET, .IN.THB CITY OF PADUCAH,-KENTUCKY; AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTIiiG .• x:. PROPERTY 071PERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SALE SHALL BE COIISTRUCTED .UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYLIEN! PLAN- was adopted upon'oall of the roll by the follordng vote' Yeas, Burne,,Raselip, 4 Tully and Wooldridge- 4. IJay, Gardner- 1. On'motion.the Board adjourned upon callof the roll by. the following voter,: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. r ` gf,FROV i'`... j�-`' ASAAXOIs �. i At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comm! Chamber of `. r 'the City Hall; Paducah, Ky., on March E8, 1919, upon oall.of the roll the following answered their namess.Burne Gardner Haselip,Tully end Wooldri OommuniostionOn motion of Member Tully, a communication dated March E4. 1919 from the Paducah of . Pedueah .. F ';..Water Co. Water Co., regarding the City's option to purchase the water worke.plant, was received. and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.r i On motion of Member Haselip, that the Oity.Solioitor be instructed to prepare Notice to the ¢3 Paducah Water:: legally notice, and the Mayor be directed to have same served upon the Paducah pater E'.. 00. Company, apprie:ng them that the City will require appidisement of its plant looking to the exercise ofits option to purchase said plant- carried upon call of the roll ! S. eh° by 6.yeas. On motion of Mayor Burns, that the City Solicitor prepare an agreement to be.e:ecuted 4 . Agreement bet. City and Pad. 'by the City of Paducah and the.Paduoah Water Co. stipulating that.any award or report; ". Water Ooo hereafter made by appraieere to.bs.appointed by.the City and the Water Co. may be held - ,� up and not tiled until July 1, 1920, and that such report os sward. shall. be filed an.naid Date, to -sits July 1, 1920 -.carried upon call of the roll by -6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the fol wing votes Yeae, t 1 7 r Barna, Gardner, Hasel._Tully and Wooldridge. gPpgOVE37Y� F1 ` AaIAYOR ..y 1. ..�. _ :C.. •�! �6. .'h... .ii � { 1