HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 420, March 10, 1919I
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Commissioner's .Proceedings, City of Paducah ►�,reh ot* _19h_
:1 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre! Chamber of
• l{
1 .the City Hall, Paducah, ter., on March 10, 1919, upon cell of the roll the tollowing.
anewarod their names: Burns,. Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.
i On motion of Mayor Burns, that the matter of granting ferry franchise 'be roforred
Request for it to . the .City Solicitor for an opinion ae to the rights of Vickers Ferry Oo. , to have
Ferry franohieei privilege to ]and at the foot of Elizabeth street and as to the duty of the Board of
! ht to Commf.SSionere f^n lata
fg e „ ra on to avid request.; also to advise Whether it is necessary to
Viakere Ferry Ij grant said privilege, or Whether said landing could be used without the 3onsent of the
4 Co. Board- and that he be instructed to report at the next mooting, oarried.npon rah 'of
' the roll by 6 yese.
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of Maroh 36 and 6th,
i, 1919 were adopted so read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ,
PaA.Government On motion of Member Gardner, the Resolution of the Paducah Government Ownership
Ownership League,
League, regarding the franchise of the Paduoah Water Co., was.rsoeived and filed upon..
call of the roll:by 6 yeas. -
On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare and
Wath pork ' bring before this Board by April 7, 1919 an ordinance calling for an issue of five <,
Bond hundred thousand ($600,000)dollars in bonds for the City to construct its own water.
I88". i works system or buy the present system; said bonds to be of the denomination of $16000 '«
each, drawing 6% interest per annum, interest payable Bemt-annually, and principal to
be paid twenty years after date at the office of the Com'r of Finance in Paducah,
Ky; and Bald ordinanoo to be submitted to the duly qualified voters of the City of a
i Paducah at the regular election to be held in Paducah,Ky. on the 4th day of Hove mba
- 1919, but only Bo much of said sum to be used as absolutely necessary to build an up- '
'I to -date plant or to I I'
:� i• P pra•ohnss the Present Water Works plant at s fair valuation- oarria� � s,
upon call of the roil by 6 yeas.
On motion o1 Member Pully, the payment of the following pay rolls for the wk ^`
- iending March 8, 1919 18tre8t Dept. $829.27, Repaire to briok streets $69.03; was, '
approved upon call of the roll by 6 yoga.'.
II On motion of the above, the accounts for .the last half of March 1919, amounting ,
j� to $16,663.94, were allowed and payment of same approved, upon call of the roll by.
6 yeas.
Cemetery deed On motion of fha above, that dead bo e:eauted to Luble Jackson and Hick Cunningham
:r Luble Jackson
- t and I to lot AO in block $6, on the east side of Foremen St. betwoon Ford � Hannan Streets, i
Hick Cunningham
• in Oak Grove Cemetery, they hevira is:f•d therefor into the treasury the Bum of $30 as
�• { .per receipt herewith filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
s On motion of the above, the Report of Oom1r of Finance of Receipts & Disbursement
' for the month of February 1919 was received, filed and.orderod Qnblished in the
' official newspaper, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Ij On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yews
f Barne, Gardner, Haselip. Pully and Wooldridge- 6.' y-
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