HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 401, December 9, 1918` - { - ' :.� •• , r jam' - �, ..r ^ Q ' N+^;yf?!', • ,,. ;G. i :�•,��e , �d �q �f'a7`^f''�;��.."'.�,.w^+.-r-:�r}�p�,.,;,-:1'w .: Y � : 2 -•'�?:; . . . i .n f s - * <: < ;.T . + •. City s, .cl ! ^fE.t•:r i ' fur .�• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deoember 7th At n called meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Comrs' Chamber of ?: �'. - r,> ' the City Hall„ Paducah, $y., an Dec. 7th, at ten o'clock A. M., 1918,,upon 0.011 of .the roll the following answered their utmost -Barns, Gardner, Harelip and Wooldridge -4."F~,. M1 C On motion of Member.8ardner, that"the communication of the Com'r of Works, of this,, In. re. i barge and .. "date, to the Board, in regard to.a bill from A. Haye of Metropolis, for lumber need in �= bill from A. :'• Bays. the construction of a bridge near Madison .m 21st street in Paducah, 4-1 be reosivedi � I and filed- carried upon call of the roil by 4 yeas: L r1° _.' On motion of Member Haselip, that the Mayor of the 01t7 of Paducah to instructs&Oemotory ak' "deed to Jae. to ei deed to Lot #209 in Monk 14 Oak Grove Cemetery cone e I 'R Yoger. Bo y. . yang any interest the.r,r' . city my have in said lot to Jamee Sager, in ooneideration of the sum of,$76, receipt ty4s• for eame being 'filed herewith, and that said, dead. be recorded in the proper office- �,I•� .carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Saloon lioeneo', ` On motion of Mayor Burns', that the saloon. or coffee house license of J.. B. Vii:^•; transferred Clendenon, deo'd; be transferred to P. J. Beokenbaoh,.at 113 S. S000nd street, as per „t _ to P. J. a{. a; Beokenbaoh. the request of Deo. 4, 1918 of Mary B. Olendenon, Executrix- carried upon call of thiisf';' roll by 4' yeas. ;'.. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. gP PROVB3D �; fed - 191 il�i1*0 WAYOU- ca` n, December 9. 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre Chamber ofry;' •"., '. .. dd . the Oi Paducah ty Hall,. , Icy., on. Dec.;Deo. 9, 1918, upon call dt the roll the "following A � f +:. answered their names: Burns. Gardner Haselip and WoolAridge- 4. j ' Public Health On motion of Mayor Burne, All ORDINANCE.DSFIHIBG AND PROHIBITING NUISANCESordinance- ,,. ' r nuisances AFFSOTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND VOLFARE OF THE CITIZ6N8 OF PADUOIIH, AND PROVIDING I " prohibited..F^ J• PENALTY FOR A VIOLATION HEREOF, wae"giveh its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Berne, Harelip and Wooldridge- 3. Nay; Gardner- 1.• ( w On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes the meetings of Deoember"8d, ) °� 8th and 7th, 1918 wore adopted as read"upon call of the roll by 4. yeas. Bills in re On motion of Member Gardner, that oertafip-aoaea>ts sAd_,pay rolls. for material' .'. Tenn. St, 'Sewer allowed 4 and labor on the Tenn., Street sewer be allowed and ohsiged to the special @ewer fund-�,; p ., Baia accounts aggregating $397..09- carried upon call of the roll by the. following votef 1e6e,•Burns, Gardner 'and Wooldridge, 3. Nay, Harelip, 1. . Transportation, On motion of the above, the Mayor was instructed to write Oongreesdisa Alban W: soldiers b sailors: Barkley in an endeavor to arrange, it poeeible, either free railroad transportation 3, creat a rata of one cent a mils for our soldiers and sailor®;vdten they are mustered out „ of the army and desire to return home, upon call of. the roll :by 4 yoga.. Employee On motion of Member Haselip, that every enploy06 of the city shall be required t, receipt in- ,. dividuaily tor;, Bet his or her own check personally from the.Com'r of.Pinanoe and reosipt for same," ohook. q provided however that n f.a r . n commicaioner say reosipt for'the checks in his department; { ; .delivor.them: personally,and take receipts therefor • and deliver said receipts to thel Oom*r of Rimy* carried upon Doll 0.i the roll b/ a yeas U Lis, e .. af+ilJ'� 'Wli'I•' NS .. w e, .,. ... : +r..:.,,w.. ............. _.,, - . ,-Y... .... _ .. . - ... ...-.a•->+-c:-: c'.'��--,,.. _.. .:._ .. a d.. -c: r --u. -.:J .: -. w....i_wt;+.\r - _.i . ..x,. � Sr. c.�L:.'-.� • t , ' .. ,. /. .?ti ii'µ•' 7�:,':., • ''-41;q:?': Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaducaah December '9th ��8.00ntinned. WSTER. MRM it', Member Gardner offered the following motiont whereas, on the 89th• day of Sept. Fpmrohase. 1884 an ordinance known as the "Water Werke ordiaanoe" was passed by the city oannoil of Paducah, granting to aria J. L. Jones of St. Louis, Mo: and big assigns a franchise to aonatruot and operates system of Water works in the city of Paducah, using the streets of Paducah for laying the pipes and mains therein, and which ordineaoe was lu nonce respeots ohanged by an amended ordinance passed by,the city council on Got. 6, 1884, and whereas; aeotion nine of the ordinanoe of Sept. 89, 1884 provided for an p! + appralaemeat of the property at the and of any five year period it the City should. } dewire to purohace said water works property, providod it gave wiz months notice in writing to said Jones and hie assigns of its deeire for an. appraisal, I move that the Mayor, on or before Jane 1, 1919, serve notice on the Paducah Water Co., now owner of the water works oonatructed under oontraot with said J. A. Jones, of its desire for an appraisement of said property- Appraise Pad. Water Works. Mayor Burns offered the following motions that the matter of appraisement and ''. purobnaa of water works be referred to the City Solicitor and committee of the whole ,j to determine the proper prooedure, oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4. iI ' Hat'1 Surety Iup'' On. motion of Member Wooldridge, that the National Surety Co. be released from the. bondeeleneed on P . bonds or the following mm, as of the dates of the termination of pheir services with the City, to -wit= L. A. Grahnrp ,.� ..May 14.,. 1918. IIQ'' Ziba Williac* Aug. 10, 1918. Emile Gourieu: Oct. 7 , 1918. h carried upon call of the roll by 4 yoga. "ji Ord. to Prevent; On motion of the above AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE OBSTRUCTION OF FIRE PLUGS IH abetruation at lire plugs. ' THE CITY OF PADUCAH. IMNTLC Mf, AAD PROVIDING PIVALTY FOR A VIOLATION HEREOF wag J Sven Ste BB e u " �' g pa, ag poa'oell of the roll by 4 yeas. .1 Soldiers re, On motion of Mayor Burns, that the oommunioation of congressman Alban We Barkley ng. . n Cannons for in.. re. return of eoldlere and aeouring a number of cannons for the olty, be received ' city. i and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens. •. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votes f . Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Hasalip and Wooldridge- 4. • � � _ 1` s '� A o ad o G 19f�• sPPk 1/ h,L ,�. { , .7,6�4 c Ca.� MAYGL+G Deoember 9th. 1918. At a oalled meeting of the Board of Commiesionere held in the Oomrs Chamber of. the City Hall,.Poducah, Xyq, on Dec. 9, 1918, at seven o'olook P• it., :upon call at thi' ' •�. .•� _ 'i. roll the following answered.their nomeet Burns, Gardner, Hasolip and Wooldridge- 4, Heeigmtion of On motion of Mayor Burns, that the resignation of F. W. Mooney, atroot inepeotor, , F."I.Mooaey St. Inapeot }. or. be aocapted- lost upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yana, Burns and. Wooldridge, 8. Nay, Gardner and Haselip, 8. On motion of Member Hasoli that the disposition of ohar es a giret F. W. Mooney , .. P. P g 8. y .. ._; i In. ree be continued to Monday, Deo. 16th, at the regular meeting, and pending the disposition -charges agei,nst� j ;. F.WoMooney. of said charges that F. W. Mooney remain suspended- oarried upon oall of tho roll by 4 yeas ., On motion the Board mourned upon call of the roll by the following votat• Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge -.4. s