HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 401, December 7, 1918Y Syl t t�•• i° ... p _ a ! ' w+, Nr � ,- .. , �S �� �` ' r s+. ^i^m^r 'H�;.�.0-y+,�' _ " .•}Sig i4 �'i1yt,;I'3'2�y�'sfi�'l�i't(-si Ptt '�1�. i��y...�.� , � t�Z ��-t?'.i- It Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah Deoember 7th lyi a At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners -hod in the Comte' Chamberof ++ , the City Hall,. Paducah, Ky., on 'Dee. 7th; ".a4 ten o'clock' A. M., 1918, .upon call of ; ff`' hl • .the tall the following aneaered their names t•Burn it, Gardner, Haeelip and Wooldridge -!4. On motion of Member. Gardner," that .the communication of.the Com'r of works; .of this In. 're. barge and date, to the Board, in regard to. a: bill from A. Hays of Metropolis, for lumber used in 0 bill from A. iF Hays. the construction of a bridge near Madison & 21st street in Paducah; Ky., be received •s : and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas: ` 3 yi: ; On motion of Member Haselip, that the Mayor of the City of Yeduoah be instructed";;" Oomotory `'",' "deed to Jae. " to sign deed to Lot 4209 in block 14, Oak Grove Cemetery', oonbeying any interest 4kae i Yoger. City may have in said lot to Jamee Koger, in consideration of the sum of $78, reoeipt '• i for same being filed herewith, and that said, deed. be recorded in the proper offIce- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeae. f,.'" 9sloon licene3M.r On motion of Mayor 'Barna, that the saloon or coffee house license of J.. H.. ;f +' ;• J.A.Clendenoa- Clendenonf'•!'-=;'`. . transferred " I"..., , deo. d; be transferred to P. J. Beokenbaoh,,at 113 S. second street, as psi , 14 Beokenbaoh. the request of Demo. 4, 1919 of Mary B. Olendenon, Exisoutriz- carried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. ( y.,.•. ' ....,. 1r1 f ; �..•. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following voter w;,:. •• •. ' Yeas. Burne, Gardner Haselip end Wooldridge- 4. _ APP OVBID .I;:`• . ted 19"L, tr MAYUis: „•, December 9. 1919. At a regular meeting ng of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comte Chamber of ; the City Hall; Paducah, Ky., on.Deo. 9, 1918, upon call df the roll the following p +; anssiP 01 ered their names: Burns. Gardner, Haselip and' Woo74rridge- 4. k+:• On motion of `• Public Health Mayon Beane, AN. ORDINANCE DEFINING AND PROHIBITING NUISANOES•'"; ordinance- ti) nuisances AFFLOTING THE PUffiIC HEALTH AND viMpin OF THF CITIMNS OF PADUOAH, AND PROVIDING ;= prohibited.... �,• t PENALTY FOR A VI07ATi0N HEREOF, was given its passage upon call of the roll by the .. following votes Yeas, Bayne Haselip and Wooldridge- -,�B. ge- 3. Nay; Gardner- lr •�,.;';• On motion of Member Wooldridge', the minutes the meetings of Deoember 2d, 6th and 7th, 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4. yeas. Bilis in re On motion of Member Gardner, that certaip-eowaultb *nA_�pay rolls. for material' Tenn. St. IIII Sewer allovied u and labor on the Tena.. Street sewer be allowed and charged to the special sewer thud-�: said accounts aggregating $397..09 carried upon call of,the roll by the. following ? vote: :Yeas,'Burns, Gardner 'and Wooldridge, 8. Nay, Haselip, 1. (transportation On motion of the above, the Mayor was instraoted to write Congressmen Alban IP: i •: soldiers -i Barkl in an endeavor to art , p sailors: �► ange, it possible either free railroad transportation is or.at a rats of one Pent smile for our soldiers anfl sailore.vdaen they are mustered out, of the army and desire to return home apon call oi_the roll b 4 sae.. • . y y �. - n On motion of Member Aaseli that " ' Employee p, every employee of the city shall be required"" reoeipt in -`t"' dividually for to get his or her own check personally from the.Com'r of. Finance and receipt for same�• oheok. f provided, however, that any commissioner may receipt far the checks in his department; I'y; deliver. them: pereonally and take receipts therefor,- and deliver said receipts to Ihsl" ;r= Oomtr of ?insi%or serried apo: Pali of the roll bl 4 yeas. .,, `' � -- ..' . i Vis' •^ : i � ... ✓d. .'Cl1i�.. s�+f K. -u ..4WwY .�hL, ..n+n+l .u.t_ ._'-_ .. ..-•_i...-. .. ...�. ... � - .