HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 399, December 2, 1918r,,,.�w,,,yu,i,,,uariy4,.w _ ti _ , r �r i ti ,•x.r 4 i I' .d''yli.."rt^)livil`.:'iL i'.a^l":: I. e..Y.y - 1 • .. .•No..?49 . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' ooember 9d. 191 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs Chamber of the City Hall,.Paduoah, Icy:, on Doo. 8, 1918, upon call. of the roll:the following anewered their names Burne,, Gardner, Haselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. on motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes.of the m+etinge.of Rovenber 68th, pp 66th, 67th and 69th were adopted as, read upon call of the roil Dy 6 yeas. 0n motion of Member Gardner, that the communication of Com'r Gardner, regarding In. re. ,.. alleged statements made in the Demoorat.to the effect that the street inspector had carried irregulari- ties in Ste C him to his farm in the. spring, be received & filed and referred to the hearing on Department. r 9p Dec. 4th- carried upon call of the roll Dy,b ysna. On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE MAXIM IT UNLAWFUL PCH ANY PERSON, FIRM, Public Utility 00'� COMBANY OR OORPO%TtON,MANA0IN0 OR OPERATING ANY PUBLIO UTILITY COMPANY. WITHIN THB ordinance. CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH OPERATING UNDER A. FRANOHISE FROM THB.a LTY OF PADUCAH, INTENTIONALLY TO DEMAND, ACCEPT OR CHLRGB AN UNLAWFUL RATE FOR ANY ARTICLE OP PUBLIC UTILITY RSN,DERSD BY SUCH PUBLIO UTILITY COMPANY TO A CONSUMER OR PATRON- was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner &; Wooldridge- S• Nsy,,Haseiip and Tully- 8. ! Auditor On motion of the above, that an auditor be employed to check uy the business of check up ,-,,;• a000nnts.. -osoh department of the oity, so as to finish said audit -by December 31st, 1918- @arried' upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. On motion of Member Tully,that payment of the Street Department pay roll for the. . weekending Nov. 30, 1918, amounting to $198.81, be approved- carried upon can of the . roll by 6 yese. On motion of the above, that payment of Riverside improvement work for week 'ending . Have 30 1918 amounting to 119 60 d- r ..' . , g $ be•apprave carried upon cell of the roll byB yens- . .On motioa of the above, that payment of the.Street Dept* pay roll for repairs on.. briok streets for week ending Nov. 63, 1918, amounting to $43.05, be approved- carried " upon call of, the roll by B yeas. On motion of the above; that payment of the Street Dept. pay roll for week ending '• Nov. 63, 1918, amounting to $606.68, be approved- carried upon mall of the roll by B yeas. I On motion of the above, that payment of' th*' Riverside Improvement pay roll for week . F ending Nov. 93, 1918.,'amounting to $103.71, be approved- carried upon @all of the roll by 6 yeas. I Liberty Bond}, On motion of the above, that the report of Com'r of Finance regarding $800 interest intereet.. ..P on Liberty Loan Donde having been deposited in the Citisens Savings Bank to the credit of the sinking fund, be received and tiled- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas..: J. H. Wagner 4' On motion of the above, that deed be issued to J. H. Wagner for lot 34 in. block S " cemetery. i deed. on the south side of Miller St. bst.'Pard 8, Hannan Ste. in Oak Grove Cemetery,.the ants of.$SO having been paid therefor as ovidenoed by receipt herewith filed- carried upon call, of the roil.by 8 yeas. Mrs. El " On.,motion of the above, that.dGed be executed to We. Stie Mason for lot 104:1a Mason - cemetery deed .blook 6 on north side of Ford street bet. Baker & Miller Sts. in Oak Grove Cemetery, ; i� the sum of $40 having been paid therefor, as, evidenced by receipt herewith filed-' n i earried.upon call of the roll by S yeas. Peaohie.G.. On.motion of the, above, that deed be szeonted to Mrs, Peaohis Ge soott to the north' eoott- cemetery deed eigbteen fest of lot 17 in block 47 in Oak Grove Cy,V6h the sum of $82 90 having bean S+, _ . paid therefor into the city :treasury, as evidenced by receipt herewith of date Aug. 16e 1910 to J. H. Greer, in the sum of $9, and his da%hter Mrs. Peaohis Ge Scott having paid the �. ,•• balanoe of $76.90 and now demands that deed be made to her-, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. , ti 4 No. ._o0 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah December a& 1916 onto & Jennie Rhine- more- duplicate On motion of Member 4aliy, that a &nplieate deed be grants& to Janie Whitte- oastory doe&. more to her lot #30 in bloat a on north side of Miller St.. bet. Pore h Haman ate. In Ori Grove Cemetery, as per her request, upon payment of the fee of $1 an required by ordinance, she having lost her original dee&- oarrie& upon call of the roll by Repair 13th St. On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the 0om1r of Boris be instruoted to i Goebel LN. make the necessary relairs on 13th street between Plunket Hill and Jackson street wool on Goebel ,ve. between the railroad property and 16th street to remedy the existing muddy condition on said streets, and to buy the cinders from the Railroad If possible- carried upon call of the roll by a yeas. Oscar Denier On motion of Mayor Beans, that tis sommunioation of Oscar Denker in regard • request for refund. a refund on his saloon license, be received and filed- carried upon can of the roll by a yeas. on notion the Board adjourned upon *all of the roll by the following votes 1. Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, felly and Wooldridge- a. � lila_-� 191 �v�Ca 0w � � ]diAXUI� MC&1®RR d. 1918* At a Gall•& meeting of the Board of 00ati@eienere hold in the Comrs' Obamber``I of the Olt' Hall, Paduaoh. Ky., on Deo. 6, 1918, at 10:30 A. M., upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burns. Haselip and Wooldridge- 3. F Bide for heat- On motion of Member Haselip, that the bid of $1681 and specifications from ing plant at oontajiLon ward. M. M. Coulson Co., and the bid of $1388 and epeoifiostions from Ed. D. Haman, to V install a steam heating plant for the contagion ward at Riverside Hospital- be i received and filed, carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of the above, that the contract for the @team heating plant for Heating Plant Contagion ward the contagion war& at Riverside Hospital be awarded to 8d D. Hannam for the am of contract 9war&e4 $1388. be being the lowest bidder; @aid award conditioned, however, upon the complete I performance of said work by Dec. $1. 1918; and that the city solicitor be instructed I, to draw a contract embraoing the speoifioations as outlined in the bid and in a0ordan0e with this notion; and that the mayor be authorised to sign said contract i for the city of Paducah- carried upon call of the roil by 3 yeas- Chain gang On motion of Member Wooldridge. that the Comer of Publis Works, be instru01ed unload city ooalq, to have the chain gang. or any part of same, not exceeding five men to the ear, unload all coal at the city coal yard. in order to lessen the cost of 0091 as Raab of possible for the poor of our city. an& to unload same as soon as possible after oars are delivered, in order to prevent demurrage charges- oarris& upon call of•tba roil by 3 yoga. i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Bmus, Haselip and Wooldridge- 3. 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