HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 396, November 25, 1918trt y y. r �..+•",.,Y /'16^y: .,+*,p•a :rod; `r:`4+ -r H wW . , ..
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November as 191 e'
It a regular meeting of the BosrA of Commissioners hall in the Comre' Ohamber
Of the City Hall, Paducah, ly., on Nov. -28, 1918, upon,Gall of the roll the
ing answered. their namees.Barns, Gardner; Haselip and Wooldridge- 4.
' On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of November 18th
1 19th, 80th and, 881 were adopted as res& upon call of the roll by 4 yese.
/ !I'
Contagion I On motion of Member Harelip, that th0 consent of the pity commis elonors in
hereby grant*& for the use of the contagion hospital for influenza oases among
children, so far Be the commissioners have the right to said, privilege, and so far as
Unurses can be furnished- carried upon call of tete roll by 4 yeas. .
Ju. P. 8milh On motion of Mayor Berns. that the claim of Jae. P. Smith 1n the amount of,
claie. p 416.46 for repairs to sidewalks at 884 & 886 Ky. Ave., which had to be"oonstruete&
within two years after they were originally -laid, Da refaces& to -the Oom'r of Works .
• �f,I and City Solicitor for recommendation and opinion- carried upon call of the roll
by 4 yeas.
�. 1.0.0.P. Bsnd- On motion of the above, a Resolution extending the thanks of the Board to
extending ZI the I. 0. 0. P. Band, for the services donated by it d,uring the entire day of Nov.
` thanks. V
J 11, 1918, was adopted upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of the above, a Resolution inviting the Go -operation of the various'
Memorial for [ organisations of the City of Paducah and County of McCracken to most with the Boar&
soldiers end:''; of Comrs on Doo.Sd, 1918 to consider .ways and means and pians for the erection of i
sailors. a permanent memorial to the"boys.of this city and county who haus been indnotei into
the service of the 0. Be Army- was adopts& upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
y @ On motion of Member WoolAridge, that the Mayor be instructed to write
Cannons for
r Congressman Barkley to see if he can get several cannons to be placed on a lot '
City. hareafter designated in -the oity:of.Pa&uoah- carried upon *all of the roll by 4 yese.
Cr: On motion of Member Gardner, that the City of Paducah donate 4800 towards
Convection at expense of sending delegates to &.convention to be held'in Louieville,'KY. on
Louisville. I Dee. 11th and 18th for the purpose of seeking an appropriation from the Government :
�a for building looks. and dams on the Ohio river between Henderson, %y. and Cairo, I11.,
.�3 anA that the Mayor appoint said delegates- said $800 1 be paid out of,the contingent
. fun&carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes F•'r.
Ye"... Burns, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4.
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