HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 381, September 2, 1918iili..a lll'•
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No. J J % n
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah A,iAuet 26, 191
Mike Gallagher desires to move from 2d and Clark streete'to a'point near the oorner of -
td b Clark Ste., be received and filed- carried npoi,call 'of the roll by 4 yeae.
Cermtory trans-•
On motion of Member Easel ip, that the Board approve, deed tram Bernie parker
for, r rnie
Kettler.d� her husband -Henn J. Kettler, conveying their interest in the South half of
y r Yi B
etc. to''J..I• �;
o ""
lot 144 section Mof Oak Grove Cemetery to J. 1. Meadows, and that the proper entry
of said transfer be made.on the oematery deed book- carried upon call of the roll by
4 yore.
Cemetery trans..',
On motion of the above, that the Board ratify deed from Sallie Beauchamp tofor,
.-Fred English, oonvoying her intoroet in the north half and the southeast } of lot 404' '
Fred Englidh.
in section 28, in Oak Grove Cemetery, and that proper transfer be made'on the oemetery.
deed book- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. I. .
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter, .
Yess, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4.
At -r-� bPPROVIDD .
.. -:
�,.a... BEA"S F,. ta.
September S. 1918. .
AL a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber..'
of the City Halla Paducah, Ky., on Bait. .2,.1918. upon call of the roll the folldeisg ...
answered their name Gardner. Haselip. Tally. and Wooldridge- 4.
on motion; this being'babor.Day and 6 legal boliday..tbe meeting was
adjourned until September 4, 1918 at four o'clock P. M. upon call of the roll by
4 yeas. `
1 AP FS,ov _U Y
SSP7EUBSR 4 1918. I'
At -an adjoumed meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in .the Comre' Chamber'
of the City Hdll. Paduoab, Ky. on Sept. 4, 1918, upon call of the roll the. 1b flowing,
answered their names: ------ Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 1.
On motion "of Member Gardner, the minutes of .the meeting of August 26. 1918 and
Sept. 2,'1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yoga.
Bill. of
On motion of the above, that the bill of ad D. -Hannan in the amt. of $14.70; for
Ed D. Hannan
repairi ntr leak in water pipe in front of Geo. W. Ketterj ohn' a Dangalow on Jefferson St:.
.leak in pipe
on Jeff. St.
Bet. 11' A, 12"
bet. 11th and 12th, be paid; said bill to be kept onfils,l�n thr:offioe of Com'r of
Finance until'the final deoieion in the case of Pad'. Fater Co. ve City of pad. now >
pending in the U.S.Cirouit Court of Appeals. and in the event the snit is decided against
the City this bill to be presented for payment to F'eo.F.Kntterjohn, but if said suit be
decided against the Rater Co.,. said bill to be presented to the Fater Co. for payment-'
carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
Bill of Ed.
D. Hannan
On motion of the above. that the bill of. ad. D. Hannan in.the amt. of 414. for
repairing leak
In 'pia on Bwy
DoL. 16
repairing leak in water pipe .in front of Mrs. Mary Hand's residence on Brray Det. 16th 6
8" 17
p Ste., be paid; said bill to be kept on file in. the office of Com'r of Finance until
the final decision in. ra. pad. fates Co. ve OiLy.of Pada now pending in the U.B.OiraniL
Court of Appeale,•anQ In the eve nj the Suit.ia deoided against the City this bill
present ed"for pyrment'to Mrs. Hand.. but if said suit. De decided '
against the Fater Co.,
said bill:•.to to presented to,tbe.water Cor for paymentp carried upon call of the roll'
',:.1: c'
, by 4 yoga. 1
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