HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 38, March 30, 1915�y.�'tM1� r � Y,Tt2 ,�, ,. � `l � h r �^:+" �c -.. �: ,m- . {' � � :" t.: ry. � .tom-•L'CY 4t7-rvK-A1 '� ♦ •. .few'�w
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�.; No.
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 29th 191 5 continued. .
On motion by Member Wallace,.the.rulee were suspended upon sending out ( :
oopiee upon a resolution as follows: "WHEREAS, Roscoe, Reed, City Attorney of
{ Paducah, Kentuaky,'haa designated the tiewa-Demo brat, e'newspaper published in Paduoah, .
pp �.
Kentucky by the Democrat Publishing Co:, as the official newspaper of the,City until :
6., April lot,. -1916 ^ carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns)
' Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
: On notion by the above, the above.reeolution.was given its paeeage upon
�. call of the roll. .by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and
Washington - b..
On motion by the.ubove, a deed was grunted to Lire. Harper for Lot E1 I
Block 44, in Oak Grove Cemetery,, upon call of the roll by the following votes .
Yeast' Burne, Hazelip; Marton,. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Burne, the action of the. Liayor in appointing Hoa:
W. A. Calhoun as:member of Park Commissioners was ratified and approved upon call oil
}• the roll by the following.vote:. Yeas, Burne; Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washing-
ton -6. .
/ a
On.motion by the above, that eaoh item when charged in the Apportionment .I :
�yr{y•••�••tc.• Ordinance. be taken up and voted on separately, carried upon call of .the, roll by the
following.vote: Yeas; Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washington - 5..
AL On motion .,by, the above, that the tax rate be fixed at i1.70.per hundred '
{ r
dollars for the year 1916, curried upon call of the roll by the following voter
Yeae, Burne, Barton and Washington = B. Hays: Hazelip and Wallace - 2.
..on motion by the above. that a postponement for the.. apportionment'ordinanoe
be made until ten o'clock March 30th, curried upon call of the roll by the following'
vote: '•Yeae', Burne, iiazelip, liarton. Vallaoe and Lashington - 5' I
On motion the Board.adjourned, upon call of'the roll by the following
.. vote: You e;. Burne, Hazelip, Lorton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
• a _ I
ADJOURRED UE.T 1iG OF M A R C H 30th, 1916.
At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Council
Cha•.ber in the City Hall, in the City of Paduoah, Ky., on lurch 30, 1915, upon ball,
of the roll the following answered .their 'nameai Yeas', Burne; Hazelip; liarton,
}}`ullnae and 'Washington -.8.
. .
,retoe On motion by 1.iembor.Wallaoe, that the fire. plugs furnished.the
City by.:thei'
a -Cz
Paducah Water Co. be. placed at x25.00 per plug; curried ,upon gall of the roll by
'tho following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip; Wallace and Waahington - 4, Tiny:
Liarton - 1.
On mo Lion. by Bomber Burne, that the ubovo be re-ooneidered until oitiaene
can be he in regard to came, curried upon call of she roll b the following
y to ing
y .. veto: Yeas. Burne, Hnzolip, 'i;ulluoe and ;,'uehington - 4. Hay: Liarton -'1.
On motion.by the above, that the original motion, in regard to fire plugs,�
1 °.0 stand, curried upon call of the roll by the following.voto: Yeae: Barrie, Hazolip,�:.
Wallace. and. Washington - 4.. Hnyl Marton
G pcty.97.a1w On motion by the above., that each commissioner be.00nstitutod-a Comnittso
of one to invootiguto.tho Waterworks problem, and that`L:r.. Waehinrton bo appointed
secreta' Pto receive the reports and lete.etatiatioe carried upon call of the .i.
oom P
roll by the. following voter Yeae,.Burne, Hazelip, Warton, Wallace .and.i:aehinrA on - S.
'^ «.:y:: '.:�+.r s�.:x-: 14.+.-1.,,.•:aaw�.v... Z.",.i5•+a.. ..t:r. .u•.,..•x�,..., w..x• ..:s.: stir+ �c-?..�rc....a .. .;
. I rTw :'�"f'?"'K't3l.r••�'." ±r 7 r:Bwr ,�''}0;7.'�,�,�. �,t Y" .7 } - .,'h+; i < 'j`,} 1 t.< 1 t a, tl: `7,r ..
No. _
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' uardh nth 191LA. oontinued.
1. On motion by Member Marton, "In so for as the City of Paducah is not under
v oontraot with the Paduooh Vater Co. for 186 fire hydrants, and tie the Commissioners—
and the Paducah b'uter 0o. have so far failed to arrive at what would be ooneidered
n fair rental for these fire hydrunte,.I move that no money be apportioned in the ,.
(L,1 --apportionment ordinanoe for these plugs, and that the amount of X2,776.00 thut hue
I been plaoed in the• apportionment ordinnnoe for rental on theee hydrants be p]aoed
In the contingent fund, and same to rennin until the oommieeionere and l•�oter Co.,, 7-
arrive at what is oonsidered a fair rate, (Signed) Don P. Murton p.whioh redeivod.no
On motion by Member VashinRton, the Board adjourned upon oall of' the roll
by the following votes Yeue, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Vallaoe and Washington 6.'` '
AM01 "D
city wor";
M a r.a h ° 1916.
('. At a oulled meeting of the Board of Oonmiasionero, hold in the Oounoil
;;'Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduouh, lientuohy, on Llaroh 31st,.1916, upon oull'of the,.
Iroll the following answered their names: Burne, Hnzelip, 1lnrton, Gulluoe,and
f Washington
On motion by Member Burne, an Ordinance FIXING THE 6PPORTIONLENTS GP THS ..
passage upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yous, Burne, Hazelip:Gallaoe
and Vashington - 4. Alorton _' 1, Buy.. "
+' (�i�+-��+•u On motion by the above, an ordinnnoe FIXIlIC THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION ,
•'. '
POLL T.:S 1':ITH .HE PURPOSES OF .9::ID LEVY THEREU11DER DEFIIIED, was given its passage
e 4 upon oull of.the roll by the following vote:' Yeue,, Burne, Huselip, Marton, Vulluoe
and Vushington 6.
4. •:
On motion the Board adjourned, upon oall of the roll by the following
vote. Yees, Bume, Hnzelip, Murton, G'ulluoe and Washington - 6.
& i190