HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 38, March 30, 1915�y.�'tM1� r � Y,Tt2 ,�, ,. � `l � h r �^:+" �c -.. �: ,m- . {' � � :" t.: ry. � .tom-•L'CY 4t7-rvK-A1 '� ♦ •. .few'�w � .�: ^.1. c Ri' n�•r 'a .. rt �• ,3, s .t 1t ) i...�.4a .�c_:�i. _ �.; No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 29th 191 5 continued. . On motion by Member Wallace,.the.rulee were suspended upon sending out ( : oopiee upon a resolution as follows: "WHEREAS, Roscoe, Reed, City Attorney of { Paducah, Kentuaky,'haa designated the tiewa-Demo brat, e'newspaper published in Paduoah, . pp �. Kentucky by the Democrat Publishing Co:, as the official newspaper of the,City until : 6., April lot,. -1916 ^ carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns) ' Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. : On notion by the above, the above.reeolution.was given its paeeage upon �. call of the roll. .by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b.. On motion by the.ubove, a deed was grunted to Lire. Harper for Lot E1 I Block 44, in Oak Grove Cemetery,, upon call of the roll by the following votes . Yeast' Burne, Hazelip; Marton,. Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Burne, the action of the. Liayor in appointing Hoa: W. A. Calhoun as:member of Park Commissioners was ratified and approved upon call oil }• the roll by the following.vote:. Yeas, Burne; Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washing- ton -6. . / a On.motion by the above, that eaoh item when charged in the Apportionment .I : �yr{y•••�••tc.• Ordinance. be taken up and voted on separately, carried upon call of .the, roll by the following.vote: Yeas; Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Washington - 5.. AL On motion .,by, the above, that the tax rate be fixed at i1.70.per hundred ' { r dollars for the year 1916, curried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Burne, Barton and Washington = B. Hays: Hazelip and Wallace - 2. ..on motion by the above. that a postponement for the.. apportionment'ordinanoe be made until ten o'clock March 30th, curried upon call of the roll by the following' 1. vote: '•Yeae', Burne, iiazelip, liarton. Vallaoe and Lashington - 5' I On motion the Board.adjourned, upon call of'the roll by the following .. vote: You e;. Burne, Hazelip, Lorton. Wallace and Washington - 6. • a _ I ADJOURRED UE.T 1iG OF M A R C H 30th, 1916. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Council , Cha•.ber in the City Hall, in the City of Paduoah, Ky., on lurch 30, 1915, upon ball, of the roll the following answered .their 'nameai Yeas', Burne; Hazelip; liarton, }}`ullnae and 'Washington -.8. . . ,retoe On motion by 1.iembor.Wallaoe, that the fire. plugs furnished.the City by.:thei' a -Cz Paducah Water Co. be. placed at x25.00 per plug; curried ,upon gall of the roll by 'tho following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip; Wallace and Waahington - 4, Tiny: Liarton - 1. On mo Lion. by Bomber Burne, that the ubovo be re-ooneidered until oitiaene can be he in regard to came, curried upon call of she roll b the following y to ing y .. veto: Yeas. Burne, Hnzolip, 'i;ulluoe and ;,'uehington - 4. Hay: Liarton -'1. On motion.by the above, that the original motion, in regard to fire plugs,� 1 °.0 stand, curried upon call of the roll by the following.voto: Yeae: Barrie, Hazolip,�:. Wallace. and. Washington - 4.. Hnyl Marton G pcty.97.a1w On motion by the above., that each commissioner be.00nstitutod-a Comnittso of one to invootiguto.tho Waterworks problem, and that`L:r.. Waehinrton bo appointed secreta' Pto receive the reports and lete.etatiatioe carried upon call of the .i. oom P roll by the. following voter Yeae,.Burne, Hazelip, Warton, Wallace .and.i:aehinrA on - S. '^ «.:y:: '.:�+.r s�.:x-: 14.+.-1.,,.•:aaw�.v... Z.",.i5•+a.. ..t:r. .u•.,..•x�,..., w..x• ..:s.: stir+ �c-?..�rc....a .. .; . I rTw :'�"f'?"'K't3l.r••�'." ±r 7 r:Bwr ,�''}0;7.'�,�,�. �,t Y" .7 } - .,'h+; i < 'j`,} 1 t.< 1 t a, tl: `7,r .. r No. _ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' uardh nth 191LA. oontinued. 1. On motion by Member Marton, "In so for as the City of Paducah is not under v oontraot with the Paduooh Vater Co. for 186 fire hydrants, and tie the Commissioners— and the Paducah b'uter 0o. have so far failed to arrive at what would be ooneidered n fair rental for these fire hydrunte,.I move that no money be apportioned in the ,. (L,1 --apportionment ordinanoe for these plugs, and that the amount of X2,776.00 thut hue I been plaoed in the• apportionment ordinnnoe for rental on theee hydrants be p]aoed In the contingent fund, and same to rennin until the oommieeionere and l•�oter Co.,, 7- arrive at what is oonsidered a fair rate, (Signed) Don P. Murton p.whioh redeivod.no aeoond: On motion by Member VashinRton, the Board adjourned upon oall of' the roll by the following votes Yeue, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Vallaoe and Washington 6.'` ' AM01 "D city wor"; M a r.a h ° 1916. ('. At a oulled meeting of the Board of Oonmiasionero, hold in the Oounoil ;;'Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduouh, lientuohy, on Llaroh 31st,.1916, upon oull'of the,. Iroll the following answered their names: Burne, Hnzelip, 1lnrton, Gulluoe,and f Washington On motion by Member Burne, an Ordinance FIXING THE 6PPORTIONLENTS GP THS .. S n PUBLIC FUNDS OF TME CITY OB PnDUOAH. 1EHTUCKY FOR THE YEAR 1916, was given' -its" passage upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yous, Burne, Hazelip:Gallaoe and Vashington - 4. Alorton _' 1, Buy.. " +' (�i�+-��+•u On motion by the above, an ordinnnoe FIXIlIC THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION , :r OII PROPERTY Ill TLE CITY OF P..DUCi.H, Y.EUTUCKY, FOR THE YE..c'. 1915, „IID THE R:.TE OF THE ,.'l •'. ' POLL T.:S 1':ITH .HE PURPOSES OF .9::ID LEVY THEREU11DER DEFIIIED, was given its passage e 4 upon oull of.the roll by the following vote:' Yeue,, Burne, Huselip, Marton, Vulluoe ' and Vushington 6. t 4. •: On motion the Board adjourned, upon oall of the roll by the following vote. Yees, Bume, Hnzelip, Murton, G'ulluoe and Washington - 6. ; & i190