HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 379, August 19, 1918r �P��rA'i0 f` � 4 r i �`."},'j"°"eSV*ti'y�.�(�'Y+�a'~°`�a��.• f� �„j!;y`,+.t*'�I„ Tt,� W �':,i.. � ,iZ'R 'rf�,••.. ,}: r :Q',xr,f" " i -'..' Y:ti,r',l f,.. .r ;_'S; Y� . 4 CnmmiscinnPr's Prnceedinds. City of Paducah August 12th /9J 8 Tonn;.etrest On motion of Member Gardner, that the expense of running the sewer main from Sewer. manhole on bank of river on Tennessee street to low water mark, for material and" - labor, be, oharged and paid out of the special sewer Hind, oarried.upon call of the roll by:tha following votes Yeas, Barns, Gardner, and Wooldridge, 3. Hay, Tully, le Tenn. at. Sewer. On motion of the above, that the expense, of assistants to the city engineer aceistante to now being employed on the sewer on Taiinoseoo street and south Eigbth street for the city engineer.. 1 ' months of August and September 1918 be charged to the special sewer fund as a part of the expense of building said sewer- carried upon call of the roll by the following (" ' votes Yeas, Burne, Gardner, and Wooldridge, 3. Hay, Tully, 1. on motion of Member Tully, payment of street ddpartment par roll for the week " ending August 10, 1918,amounting to $221.16, was approved upon call of the roll by t " 4 yeas. Cemetery deed." On motion of the above, that deed be exeouted.to Mrs. Mattie C. b Mrs: 0. R. Allen "'Mrs.Mat a 0. de . Mrs. 0. R. Allai. to Lot $77 in Block ¢8; on the east side' of Miller street bet. Ford .& Hannan etreste,l Oak Grove Cemetery; ,the sum of forty dollars .having been paid therefor, into.the treasury %as evidenoed by receipt herewith- oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Closing of on motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Board of Commissioners oonaar in the businesses. on '� request of the Labor Dny Committee, in regard to closing placed of business. on Labor Day.. ,September. 2fl 'from nine o'clock A..M. to noon- carried upon call of the.roll by 4 Vesting time On motion of the the.mesti time. of the Board of Commissioners was . r►B " changed. ohanged from.1s30 P. M. on Monday. to 4100 P. M; of every:Monday, upon oall of the roll L ;by 4 yens. On.motion the Board:adjourned upon call of•the. roll by the follovingvote: "'• Yens, Barns, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. .. " / igLL , ' " rRaxoxt: AUKUAt 19, 1918'. �" .... -..:. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Comrs' Chamber of""..•.. yy the. City Hall, Paducah,. -Yy.' on August 19,'1918; upon call of tho roll the following answered their names Gardner, Haselip, .Tully, and. Wooldridge- `4. On motion of Member.Hazolip-, the minutes of the "meetings of August 6th 6th: and 12th, 1918 were adopted -as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas: On motion of Member Tully, the payment of street departngnt 'pay roll for the week ending August 17, 1918, amounting to $200.37, was approved upon call of the .roll by 4.yeasi ' i On motion of the above; .the report'of Oom'r of Finance for.firet'half of August, wne reoeived and filed;..and.said s000untai amounting to $6297.78, were allowed and ordered` paid upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. 1 `J.P.Boulware On.motion of the above, 'the communication from J. P. Boulware regarding street,' " complaint of street oroes- oroesing at 4th &o Monroe streets, was referred to the Oom'r.of Public Works upon call of .'. in g. the roll by 4.yeae. On motion of Member Wooldridge, the communication from Jadge Hichole in regard!to s Refund of fine".' p the oaoe.of Com'th-ve Harry Rogers and Capt. Billy Smith was received and filed, and.�y'a was to Billy Smith. •. . ' .i orderod.refunded to said Smith, said amount. having been paid into court is a fine and the J. oase.against Smith havidg been later dismissed,'in.aooardanoe with recommendation of polios " pG Judge Nichols- upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. , �. :�City.Purohaee ry On motion of the above,.the Com'r of Safety wile instructed and authorised to pur- 'tire b tube for fire truck #S. chase one new Lire eafl a new.:tube for:fire.truo k.#8, from the Goodyear Tire & Robber Co. ; . ,. 'Lilwtti.1?r`l.'.1{ vjL!If r.�}.L:t�, a.w :V?'Ri. •nuj .. 1Yfi iY ` 7.a. a MM r.wvl'.W.ti.kf`:D}.,. .i4.`. IAI.l;a �. 771177, : r 7 .. .. . I R ••ir•+�Y"�a' , .-.yy r ar �• jR' Swy ,!'�'lr ,Jr�.l r. y •c yJ, � i�.:, .ifs.. .n� Y "i ('2- w- _ i5; e''�?. , p c - —. �..'-«--a">.---•i"...�-.._.1::+._._i.i�;a. .c...r �'wt�:...a...-Si:-lua+......:.+.:,.=.:t.�.�-.._L:---- . r No.3 ,G 0 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah A at 12th t of Louisville, moi,, upon'oall of the roll by 4 yeao. �; On motion.the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes . Yeae, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge 4. - 2 191PvA1D Aid • plsj d A.r torn j'.. August Both, 1918. At a special westing of the Board of Commissioners, called by Mayor pro tem " Wooldridge and Member Tully, in the abeenoe'of the Mayor from the city, held in the a Oo�s' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, KY. on August 20, 1918, upon call of the roll the follocdng answered their namees Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and 1Yooldridge-,4. Carnivals prohibited On motion of Member Tully, that the Com'r of Pinanoe be instruoted not to issu' i}• .'' during August a license to. any carnival company during the remainder of the month of August or the a d Sept. 1918. A i month of September of this year, 1918- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. , On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes h Yees. Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge-.4. �Haselip, Ado P1 d--�:--+i91 u i y� a'-t��,G7pR 'rtM • August BB 1918 n At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiesiouers held in the Oomrel Ohamber of K i the City Heli, Paducah', Ky. on August .26, 19180 upon odll Of the roll the following r answered their namees--+---+ T Gardner, Tully. and Wooldridge- S. • �i• On motion of Member Tully, two minutes of the meetings of August 19th and B� h, t 1918 were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. Storm water sewer On motion of Member Gardner, that.the question of building e.etorm water sewer tD II `• "" . Harahan Bv. I1 take care of the surface water on Harahan Bv. be referred to the commissioners as a - whole for action . carried upon call of the roll b 3 Iµ� . p y yeas. .Member Haselip entered the 'meeting. f:4 II' On motion of 1•lember Tully, the payment of the Street Dept. pay: roll for the week S !.ending August 24, 1910, amounting to x188.97, was approved Qpon pall of the roll by ' •�• � i the iclloedng votes Yeas, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and ti'Iooldrldge- 4• '.. Refund. to Geo. Lam• . g ynn, II On motion of Bamber Wooldridge that �B5 be refunded to George L said amount having been paid by him, thru mistake, into the police court on a'fine that had bee �'.susponded- carried upon call of the rollby 4 yese. Band for.play- On motion of the above, a communication from Mies Alice Compton, Ohairman.OhilQ ti•'i'` ' ground closing. Dept., regarding a band.for the patriotic oommunity gathering to be held at IiWelfaro • the close o f the la p ygrotind season, be received A filed, and that 1A the event thereto hhanother conceit due, the City by the Odd Fellows'. band, that said Band be requested to give said concert at Kolb Park one evening between Sept. let A 5th, as desired by the ':_,; "e*,"- . V Child Welfare Dept. -upon call of the roll said motion carried b 4 Y , j, L.L.Helson .:. " On motion of the above, that the notice of L. L. Nelson regarding the building 4ha notice.. q , h. _ , � - .-�.7•--• : ! .'VCI�""�",•.•r .-.r� ;:�L'.3�'F'+ ..'As"�TC, ..'•v.'f�5^.".4tRS4•!R.-..•-'7LT.�i�� .