HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 378, August 12, 1918� r4,r?�+f7�4� �>F'�tYs�'ei s �'�, ored..eS Y�, •p•v.. �r• >kti✓x;a hF �... r it a '�, 4 . r , �z.,;.�' ..
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Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah' Aw not Is 191 e
exemptions of j,purposes, was received and filed, and the matter of oollooting Lases from concerns
mfg. concerns- ;
Taxes for. 3chool!f heretofore exampted.from taxes was referred to the Back tax collector, and said con -
purposes Ij
corns ordered replaced on the assessment book for school taxes only, upon oall of
the roll by 6 yeas..
Application of G On motion of Mayor Burns, the application of J. Was Troutman for position aa
J.Wes Troutman
h assessor was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ;
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by. the following voted l ::.
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and WooldriPep-
6th. 1918.'
At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Comrs' ChsmDei
of the City Hall, Pgdaoah, Jjy.j on August 6, 1918, upon call of the roll the' follow-
''• ''
Gfig answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldiidge,'B.''
F Borrow money.
On motion of Member.Tully, a resolution authorising and directing tbe•'Mayor and.
Oom'r of Finance to borrow for the use and benefit of the City of'Paduoah'the sum of
$76,000 at W per annum interest from Byer A Co. of Hew York City, executing note
of the City of Paducah payable Jan. 6, 1919 therefor, and pledging the oolleotions of
6 taxes for the last half of the year of 1916 as security for payment of said note.,
was given its passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Donation to
On motion of Mayor Burne, that $120 be donated to the Had Cross thru.Company "B"
x ted Cross.
as heretofore agreed -this amount being a refund for license for carnival held by
�� said Company "B"; carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae.
15 J. W. Stokes'
(� On motion of Member Tully, the Com'r of Finanoe was instructed to deduct 2% from
I'� the full amount of bill of J. W. Stokes and settle with him for building the
c bills
NN incinerator- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote:
Yaae, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge. 6.
,(,�, r. 19 191. ,
A0. ed SPP
�,. August 12th. 19186
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomrs' Chamber ofI
N the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on August 12, 1918, upon cell of the roll the following
answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge,4'.
Aest. Street On motion of Member Gardner, that the assistant street inspector's salary be y'
Ynaptr. salary
t increased. increased .five dollars per month beginning August 1, 1918, making said salary $60 per
month, carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
City Engineer On motion of the above, that the salary of the City engineer be.inoreaeed $50 y>:,
} salary increased. per mouth for the months of August and. September, 1918, this being n000searyan order
1 n
to retain the services of said engineer- oarriad upon call of the• roll by 4.yeas. {
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah August 12th
On motion of Member Gardner, that the expense of running the sewer main from
manhole on bank of river on Tennessee street to low water mark, for material and
labor, be charged and paid out of the special sewer fund, carried upon call of the
roll by:tha following vote: Yeas, Barns, Gardner, and Wooldridge, 3. Ray, Tally, 1.'
Tenn, St. Sewer
On motion of the above, that the -expense of assistants to the city engineer
assistants to.
now being employod on the sewer on Tennessee street and south Eighth street for the
city engineers
months of August and September 1918 be charged to the special sewer fund as a part o
the expense of building said sewer- carried upon call of the roll by the following ('
vote% Yeas, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge, 3. Ray, Tully, 1.
On motion of Member Tully, payment of street dApartment pay roll for the week
ending August 10, 19189 amounting to $2x.16, was approved upon call of the roll by
4 yeas.
Cemetery deed.
On motion of the above, that deed be executed to Mrs. Mattie 0. & Mrs: 0. R. Allen
Mrs. 0. R. Alletti.
to Lot #77 in Block #S, on the east side' of Miller street bet. Bord'& Hannan streete,I
Oak Grove Cemetery; the.enm of forty dollars .having been paid therefor into.the treasury
..as evidenced by receipt herewith- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas'.
Closi of
On motion of Member Wooldridge that the Board.of Commissioners oonoar in the
aborbusinDay. on
` Labor Day..
request of the Labor Da Committee in regard to oloei September.
4 Y, , ga. ng places of bu�ine��.'on 9e
U from nine o'clock A..M. to noon- carried upon call of the;roll by 4 yess..
Meeting time
On. motion of the above, the.meeting'time.of the Board of Commissioners was
cha ed .
ng Monday 4:00 P. M: of eve
from1t30 P. M. on Mon ry,Monday, upon call of the roll
:by 4 yeas.
On.motion the Board.adjourned upon call of the. roll by the following-votet
Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ..
- 191 ., �.O
A leo A
August 19, 1918.
�. At a regular meeting of the Bosr. d'of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber
the City hall, Paducah,. Ky.on August 19;' 1918; upon call of the roll the following
anewored their name ai Gardnor, Haaelip,.Tully, and•Wooldridge- 4. '
On motion of Member.Haaelip; the minutes of the'meetings,of August 6th, 6th,. and'''
12th, 1918 were adopted .as read upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Member Tally, the payment of street departmmnt pay roll for theweek
ending August 17, 1918, amounting to $200.37, was approved upon call of the.roll by 4.yeae,
On motion of the above; .the report of Oom'r of Finance for. first-half of August.
was received and filed;.and.said a000nnte; amounting to $6297.78; were allowed and ordered
paid upon call of the roll by 4 yeae.
On.motion of the above, the oommunioati.on from J. P. Boulware regarding streets
complaint of
street areae-
crossing at 4th & Monroe streets, was referred to the Com'r.of Public Works upon call of .'•
ry the roll by 4 yeae.'
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the oommanicati.on from Judge :Hichole'in regard to
s -Refund of fine
p the oaoe.of Oom'th ve Harry Rogere and Capt. Billy Smith was received and filed, and $8 was
` to Billy smith.
qp ordorod.rofundod to said Smith, said amount•having been paid into court in a fine and the
oaea,against Smith having been later dismiseed, in.s000rdanos with recommendation of polioe
Judge Nichols- upon call of the roll. by 4 yeas.
On motion -of the above, :the Oom'r of Safety was instructed and authorised. to par-
tiro & tube for chase one new tire and a new.tube for :fire.trnok.#8, from the Goodyear Tire &Rubber Co.
fire truck #6.
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