HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 377, August 5, 1918iy •�� .: _ ,; riot. ln7�c^�R:;4'{f1'4'd 'rvf.++iS"�.y :.�, ��"f Jt•►4' � 4��.w,. a:.e-
Commissioner's Proceedings,
of Paducah. August 6th 191
At a regular meeting of the .Board of Oommissionere held in the Comre' Chamberl.
of the City Hall, Paducah, on August 8, 1918, upon call of the roll the following
answered heir nameet. Burne,.Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 4.
- -
On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 89th
. 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll -by 4 yeas.
Tenn. Bb. .'
on'motion 'of the above, that oertain s000unte, including engineer's estimate:
: Bower- aocte....
of $3496.71 due J. B. Gardner, Contractor, aggregating $3827.490. for construction of
Tenneeeee street sewer, be allowed and chargedto the Special Bawer Fand- carried 1
upon Dell of She roll by the following rotes Yeae., Burne, Ger0aer, and Wooldridge,
5673 Haaolip, 1..
Deed ratified-
On motion of Member Haselip,"that the Heed from We. Effie -Roser to Mrs.
'. MrB.Effie. Roeer.
to Uri.
Margaret Yandervelde, transferring the north half of lot 89 in block 1, in the new
Margaret Vander
addition of Oak Grove Oomotery, be ratified, and that said transfer be made on. the
.'oemetery deed book-, oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
Member Tully entered the meeting.
Deed ratified-
On motion of Member Haselip, that the Board ratify deed from I. Vt. :Holcomb
I.W.Holoomb to
his wife Mrs. Edith L. Holcomb, to hie undivided .• interest in both.the north and i
south .half of bot 96 in block $6; Oak Grove Cemetery; and. that the records be changed
a000rdingly-.oarried upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Burns,.sardner,
Haselip, Tully, .and Wooldridge, b.
On motion of Member Tully, the report of Com'r of Finu►noe o$ accounts for the
month ending Avg. 8th, amounting to $17,310.49, was received and: filed, and said a000unte
�. .'•.allowed
and ordered paid upon call of the roll.by 6 yeae.
"- ,.•:
On motion of the above, the report of Oomvr of Finance of oollsotione b disburse-
Monte for month of July was received and filed and ordered published in the official
:k ..
rmewepaper'upon oall of the roll by 6:yeae.
Cemetery deed, r'
On motion of the above, the eam of forty dollars, having been paid into the
oily treasury, deed was ordered executed to C. W% Cochran for lot #36 in Block 2, .
I .
on the south side of Miller street betweon Ford & Hannan etreete, upon oall.of the -roll
-by 6 yeas.
Cemetery deed,
On motion of 'the above, that deed be executed to Mrs. Ida Whitfield for lot
Mrs. Ids .
$86 in blook.#2 on the North side of Baker street between Ford Hannan stroets she
having paid therefor into ghe city .treasury the eum of Thirty dollars- carried uponi
oall of the roll by.6•yeae., a>
Cemetery deed,;`..
On motion of the above, that deod be executed to S. D. Dalbey for lot $39 in'l
S. D. Dnlbey.
41; tt
'block #2; South Bide of -Miller street bet. Ford &Hannan streete,'he having'paid therefor
into the'oily treasury the eum of Thirty.dollsrs- carried upon call of - the roll by 6�ysae.''
On motion of the .above, that the Mayor &'Oom'r of Finance be authorised to
Borrow money....
borrow for.the use and benefit of the Oity of Paducah-the.eum of $76,000 8};Z per annum*:.-':
interest from Eyer & O.'of New York, executing note of Oity of Paduoah .payable January
5, 1919 and pledging the collections of taxes for. the )set half of 1918 ae seaurity.for
tho paym orb of unid note- carried upon call of the roll_by.8 yeae.
F.Nab'1 surety
On motion of Member Wooldridge,_tho National Surety Oo.was released on 'the.
r:' Co. released on
�. bonds of 0.0..
bonds -of 6x -patrolmen t 0. 0.. Groom; '0. 8. Terry, and H'.' R. Beaele Y. upon cell of 'the
roll .by 6 yes. e.
Terry & H.R.
On motion of Mayor Burne, the oommunioati0n from.Henry Uuee by -hie attorneys,
Henry Osuee
in.rogard to'hie .lioenea to operates coffee house or saloon in the aIty.of.Paducah,
communication. y
' wale reoeived and filed upon call of:the roll by 6 yeae:
�? Opinion of city
On motion. of. the 'above, the opinion of city solicitor Jno. K. Henirlok regarding"
solicitor in. a
... right .of .a municipality bo.. ezet4pt. manufaoturing. establishments from taxation for Bob of
• "1
-*jd�a+Sf�J:'.e w.A:?�+%s%��43;. t.1 .2.•ua `L.:a.p..a:.�..a! .ua. xy: <....�rraw.uve 'tiwv 'r
, 11 • :�. 4-0 r��n�t �?�: � � 't.w• s war. st'y, a r�•v � r•y hri'a:• ti r ,�,,,,{• v � 1 in � r ��
IV r
Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah Ausmat a 19ii, B
exemptions of L
Mfg. oonoerne- purposes, was received and 411ad, and the matter of collecting taxes from concerns ;
Taxes for school; heretofore exampted.lrom taxes was referred to the Back tax oolleotor" and said eon-
purposes ( '
y corns ordered replaced on the assessment book for school taxes only, upon can of
the toll by 6 yeas".. jk
Application of I; On motion of Mayor Bane° the application of J. Was Troutman for position as
J.Wos Troutman
assessor was rooeived and tiled upon call of the roll by 8 yeae.
i; On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by, the folloaing'voted = ,u
i Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge-
August 6th. 1918. ,• ', .'
1!' At a special meeting of the.Board of Commissioners held in the Oomrs'-Ohambei
�. of the City Hall, PQduoah, KT., on August 6, 1918, upon call of the roll the follow- r
i r4g answered their names: Burns Gardner. Haselip. Tully,and Wooldridge B.
Borrow money. On motion of Member.Tully, a resolution authorising and directing the.Mayor and.
!� Com -r of Finance to borrow for the use and benefit of the City of'Paducah"the sum of
u $76,000 at W per annum interest from Byer & Co. of Now York City, executing note'
of the City of Paducah payable Jan. 6, 1919 therefor, and pledging the collections of 'rq
p taxes for the last half of the year of 1918 as security for payment of said note,
was given its passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Donation to .� On motion of Mayor Burns, that $120 be donated to the Red Croce thra,Company. "B°
Red Cross.
y' as heretofore agreed -this amount being a refund for license for carnival Yield by .':i" ;r
I' said Company "B"; carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. . k.`;
J. W. Stokes' N On motion of Member Tully, the Oom-r of Finance was instructed to deduct 8% from ,' •,
q•, Incinerator the fall amount of bill of J. W. Stokes and settle with him for building the
incinerator- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. y"
kOn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter
N k.' Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge, S.
,� ,. Ado ed .�,,., n " 1 9 191.. • ?SPP `
.•� � 414 Cir► D«�1�-
AuRuet 18th,, 19184
y p At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs- Chamber of
k. the City Hall, Paducah, $y. on August 18, 1918, upon call of the roll the following y
1 answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge,4'.
fleet. Street On motion of Member Gardner, that the assistant street inspector's salary be
Ineptr. salary
{{ increased. increased .five dollars per month beginning August 1, 1918, making said salary $BO per
fmonth, oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
City Engineer p On motion of the above, that the salary of the City engineer be ,increased $BO
salary increased."
per month for the months of August and. Saptembor, 1918, this being necessary in order
p to retain the services of said engineer- carried upon oall-of the, roll by 4.yeas.