HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 371, July 3, 19184 , y, •.. .n f ci ,^x-r v •t� gr+
- • ��'� a.� - r•u.!11i..��.1L:u.. u^b'�+._.r'r �ti.3-.�.:s�i/ 1^�..__w.n u. Y. �r�. r.ur �^s YJi�'' u�•y��a�
Corn mi" City of Paducah July 3d 191
At a speoial meeting of the Board of Commissioners heldin the Oomrs Chamber of
the City Hall, Paducah, Sy. on July 3. 1918, upon gall of the roll the folloadng answered.
their names: Burns.-Gardner, Haselip, Tally an& Wooldridge- 5.
on motion of Mayor. Burns, that the. sale of the franohiee heretofore granted the
eels toFarmers
& Merahante Transportation Co. to operate a ferry between Peflnoah and the Illinois
•;T. S..Viokers
shore and Brno kporti and Livingston point, made by said'Fermere b Merchants Transportation
Oo.,of St. Louis, Mo. to T. 8. Vickers of Hamletteburg, I11. on June E1, 1918, as per !
notioe herewith preeented.signed by Farmers & Merchants Transportation Co. by Wm.
Ruyreoht,-Presto. be and the. same is oonourred"in, the said purohaeer having this day' ..
deposited with the Oom'r of Publio.Finanoe oer.tified'oheok for $600 to be hold until
bond with approved surety in.a like amount Is executed, and that.the petition of T. 8.1
Viokere and the potiae.of sale of the Farmers & Merohante,Traneportation Co. be received
and filed- oarried upon call of the roll by 8 yeas:.
ilhelm Sem-•'
leiter polios
On motion of the above . that polioe powers heretofore granted Wi1heLD Samieites
power revoloed:
. an& the same are hereby canoelled- earried upon cell of the roll by.6.yeae.
On motion of Member Tully, that the applioati0ne ae read, 64. for retell ooffee�
Ooffee House
house.l'16ense and two for quart liquor lloonse, be aoeepted separately and oolleotively,
end that their.bonde be approved and iooepted, and lioense granted as a whole; eai.
parties, firmaor oorporations .applying for owh lioense, together with their respeotive.
addreeeee'and eeourity tendered, being as follows;
R e t a i l 0 o f f-8 9 H o u.a e L I o e n e e
Name mese are
1 Osoar Dimmiok 1729 S. 4 National Surety Co.
2 Osoar Dimmiok 1617'$.4 n n w
3 - L. L. Nelson 407.$. 3
4 Robinson'& Fant Hotel Sinnott
6 0. T. Graham 135 S. 9 ^ "
6 Be Sohmidt's Son 1100 S. 11,
7. J. H. Elrod 110 Ss E n n N
8 The*. Peters 1039 Ky. Ave
9 .Palmer Rotel Co. 5 a Broadway,
. I
... ',. 036:Madison
10 He-Ca." si ,•••:„ Mediae
ll'R Oolissi 1034 S. 10
R.' Calieei 212: ley. Ave:.
'13.D. F;. Temple 116'S. 4
:T• •i'
Fidelity &Deposit Cb.-of Mde
14 W. lf..}-fitohell 908Boyd
16 J. B. Schulte 701 S. 7
16 J. O. Sellers 106 S.'3
17'J. Be Rothrook, Jr. 121 S. E " 19" ^
f; 18 L. Be Ragas 116 S. 4 n n n w
19 Sam C. Smith 101 S. 2 n n « w
20 Ben 6t. Allen 1 & Broadway national Surety Co. �-
21 Diol;erson & Soott 200 ley. Ave.
22 Frank Pinkard117.5.3 Marpbland Ceeualty 00.
23 A. T. Bohannon 111 S. 3 n w
24 Rohkopf Dist. Co. 103-106 Se 8
26 Ocoar Donkor 43E N. iH
26.Bondurant & itedmon 300 9. 9 Chi. Bonding & Inpuranoe Oo.'.
E7 Be H. Poll .737 R. 8 n w « n
h 28:Heibloh & Farr 130 1!.'4
29 Steinhauer.& White 116 N. 4
30 We. Be. Ham & Sone 936.N. 1Li�
31 Geo. Lynn 1000 N.
.32 Holland & Manning 107 S: 4
k. 33 A. G. Strauss 116 S3 Ave.
!' 34 Soott Ferguson. 701 Trimble
36.E. Mason 833 Caldwell
36 J. T. Quarles Opposite Union Depot
37 Ben Bo eavel l Co. 129 S. E
w w «
3e Jaok Riddle 119 Bvray w
39 S. A. Womble 107 H: 4 ^ _• o,
40 Elliott & Long 109 H. 4.
41 G. A. Chandler..126 S. 3 n n w n
42 Wm. Petty 826 Washington
43 Dan Galvin 933 'S: 3
44 0. E. Miller. 1167 No lE
46 Jno. Ward 132 Ky. Ave:
46 Henry Gause 704 Adams
47 James Word 13 &Harrison
�. 48 G. Be Willow 127 S.'8 r w' n. « -
49 J. He ClondenoII w «.. w
113-116 Be-9.. $
60 Geo. Donker 901 Washington
�. .:61 Took Lowe 6EE.Adams
tltl 62 Sloan Bros. 13 & Monroe
tl 63 A. Marooffsky ' l34 S..g
ri ..
64 Lagomareino & Oamisa 119 Ei. 4 w . w
.&i. LtIL;ran'.:F1-Y�:`...Hiti.42aiI3:6tF3'i •+.�vLiLia}• .r :1n:r. N...:;L'�Q:il '• .va�lti•tsiry... .. M.V.,..'a.aalr:-.f+'.
7 i tiry3un r .c •` - � c.,.y -w-t .•N'.;/ �. ( "�r �ti h „y s'r' ' :fit , S• r r r � 4 _ h tz.., ".�- ..
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.. .. .. .. aS<7-�f►,!r�c1`%•-•�K�+h'.r„ti::^;•�w.=••.-: r:"r Ytti{:ice;,•—`!P'�y, t I.
N0_9 Z�
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ft3,y 3a
unrt Lig u a r Lioena •
Hems Address surety
H. Weil 'i sone 113 H. S Herman Pr•idman h Jesse Wail
P. J. Prieeter dt Co. 111 H. 8
Member Gardner moved, by way of amendment to the motion'of Member Rally, that
John Elrod, 110 s. 2A 8t.
H. Calissi, 1034 S. 10
Theodore Patera, 1039 $y. Ave.
U refused.lioense-- said amendment was tabled for want of a a000nd.
On call of the roll the motion as offered by Member Tully oarried by the following
vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully'and Wooldridge, 6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon'oall of the roll -by the following vote: Yeas,
Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge -.5o
Ad A
„. July 6. 1918,
Ata apeofal meeting of the Board of Oommiseioners held in the Oomrs Chamber of
the City Hall, Padnoeb, Ky. on July 6, 1918, upon pall of the roll the following
-'answered their names: Burne. Gardner, Haselip, Tull and Wooldridge-.
Appropriation to
settlement I+
k On motion of Member Haselip, that the appropriation to the settlement House be
j House and
and the name is hereby divided equally between said settlement House and the Paducah
r Mothers Club.
�' Mothers' Club --086 eaoh per month from June let to Deo; 310t, 1916-- oarried up otf.:
as of the roll by 6 yea$.
Milk Depot -
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the Mayor be instruoted to sign oontra6t with
' ':Biederman Grooery Go. regulating milk depots in the City of Paduoah- own to at upon
oall of the roll by the fallondng vote: Yeae, Burns and Wooldridge, $. Hay,
4 Gardner, Haselip and Tully. .3.
{. Harahan By.
On motion of Member Wooldridge. that the Com'r of Works'ba inetruoted to have
? '
the oondition of sewer and Street on Harahan Bv. looked after and mske'whatev.er'
"• '
I� ohnrges the City Engineer reoommende to relieve the situation existing- carried upon
0811 of the roll by 6 Yeae.
On motion the 'Board adjourned upon oall of the roll.by.the following votes
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.