HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 37, March 29, 1915�.'+te2 J. �r...�.r�•,tr.,x ..t„ r c}r.�cl,- r rt '�5;� 1 W{F' ��r tl' .V'� ^'z lt�S r�.!-¢.f �;<'�','i!C ''fr r 'r• :e - R -.. f;� -+. �.�.+•a.—.u��l..:L 4.1•:S�w.y-•r•A..,�'.�-�•-.�..•..a:iL�--�....)yS.'L. </: "'��'�:'.'.C.—. _ �..._ . ��II,, � ' Commissioner's Proceedings, • ` 1 • •• n-cti lY 1 I r No.J7_ ity of Paducah Ltaroh. 29th ' 19f_ I t 7 ' I . j I at.a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners,. hold in the •Ooura it !: ' Chamber, in the'Gity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on March 29, 1916; upon call of I. the. roll the following answered their namset, Burne, Haselip, Merton; Wallace and Washington - 6. r On motion the minutes of the previousmeetings were adopted as rend, upon. y P'call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Kazelip, Marton, Wallaoe'nrid i Ij Washington - 6. • i :a`ej . On motion of Mayor Hazelip, the Maryland Oaeualty Oompuny of Baltimore, 0 Md., was relieved of liability on account of a certain bond executed by that company 555 under date of March 13, 1912,'in the sum of 600.00, conditioned that Pleas Wylie. '•, will faithfully carry out a certain contract entered into by and between Pleas. Wylie and the City of Paduoah, with reference to the disposition and removal of dead animals and other refuse, contract being dated March 13, 1912, and made to expire L'laroh 13,' 1916,. a new contract having been entered into by said Wylie and the City of Pdduaah, _-•; f; dated February 18, 1916, for the purpose of oarrying on the came work, curried upon " . call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Llarton, Wallace and ' Washington -. 6. , .k On motion by'Liember'Marton, that the note Y14,768.00 and.interest., w73:79, ,. p S be allowed and paid to the City Iintional Hank, curried upon call of the roll by .the following 'vote: Yeas, Burne. Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6, , t� r'���ii• On motion'.by the above., the Commissioner of Finance and.Llayor were author- ized to borrow j49,406.56 - being amount borrowed from the Continental-Oommerolal `� !I Hgtionnl Bank of Chicago, 00,000.00, less disooµnt 0694.44 -curried upon call o! (t ! the roll by the following vote.. Yeas, Burns,.Huzolip, Marton, Wallace and Washington i On motion by the above, lire: Glenn was refunded 06.40 for over-aesesement upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,. Burne, Huzellp, Lturton, Wallace ' and Washington- - 6. _ .. • OF On motion by the above, a'petition from the Union barbers of Paducah in .� � (off � - ; regard to instruoting'eaoh empldyee of the city to have his work done at a union !' ~ [i barber shop, was received and filed upon call of .the roll by the following: vote; y.. r 9 Burne. Hazelip. Liurton, Gallaoe and Vashington - b. On motion by Member Burns, that Com. of Finance advise that claim of J. B. "Blinkafd Is barred' by limitations, and that it would not be legal to refund taxes, i ' 4 carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Haselip. Norton.I Wallace and Washington - 6. , r 1G^% On motion by L'ember Washington, thepayroll for the unemployed amounting rr to 476.10, charged to the contingent' fund,. 'for the week ending March 27th, and the payroll of the street dept. ending liaroh 27th, amounting to 4141.86 - the above not 0-1 y covered by otdinanoe.but paid by cash order.- same wue ordered received and filed upon call of the roll by the following, vote. Yeas, Burne., Haselip, Lorton, Wallace and Washington - 6. }# On motion- by Llayor Haselip, that the chargee for the unempl0yod when ; I ,,,;;'•' • working in the street and alleys are under and in the department of Public Works, be a� charged to the Dept. of Public Works, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: tone, Burne, Hazelip, Marton and Wallace : 4. Uay: .Waahinpton - l/ I t 7 ' I . j I ••':�Yri•, f'�t 2 'C .re„ >` r' -y, l3 ,_•. .e ri' t -'T -.,: r. ��. PAt • e�y .s -{t y v s -„fit”{ v^-,w'� k• rirt�,-� µ.. i` .:\: .A.... s , t "o !L �.Y 'r In .n=ik S ). i k � .-�.� " • 7:-� NoL� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 29th i91 6 oontinued. On motion by Member Gallooe,.the.rules were suspended upon sending out ( ; popies upon.a resolution as follows: "WHEREAS, Roeooe, Rood, Oity•ALtorney of Paducah, Kentucky, has designated the dere-Demoorat,a'newspaper published in Paducah. Xentuoky by the Democrat Publishing Co:, as the official newspaper of the,City until ., A April lot,. -1916 " carried upon call of the roll the following vote: Yeas, Burne,I Go t Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 5. . p On motion by the above, the above resolution was given its passage upon .` . call of the roll..by the following vote: Yens, Burns, Hazelip, Barton, Wallace and Washington - 6.. ! On motion by the. above, a deed was granted to Bre. Harper for 'Lot 21. Block 44, in Oak Grove Cemete u on call of the roll.by I'y... P y the following votes / O Yeae, Burne, Ha.zelip; Marton,. Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Bamber Burne, the notion of the. Mayor in appointing Hon: I W. A. Calhoun as member of Park Commissioners was ratified and approved upon call o4 ' the -roll by the following, vote:. Yens', Burne; Hazelip, 3iarton,.Wallace and, Wash ing- ton -6. On. motion by the above, that each item when charged in the Apportionment �{y....,,. u Ordinance, be ta]:en up and voted on separately, carried upon call of .the. roll by the following vote: Yeas; Burne, Hazelip, Barton, Wallace and i'/ashington - 6.. N. On motion.,by the above that the tax tato be fizod at 91.70.per hundred ' I dollars for the year 1916, carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burne, Liarton and Washington = 8. Aaye: Hazelip and Wallace - 2,. On motion by the 'above, that apet onement for the..n ortionment'o d P, P PP r inanoe be made until ten o'clock Laroh 30th, carried upon call of the roll by the following,' 5 i R: vote: •-Yeas, Burne, iiozolip, Marton, Wallace and Lashinaton - 5. - On . On motion the'Board..adjourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas;. Burne, Hazelip, Lorton, Wallace and Washington - 6. t .. ADJOURNED MEETING OF M a R C H 30th, 1916. At an'ad�ourned meeting of the Board of Commi.ssionors, held in the Counoilj - i Cha•,ber In the City Hall, in the City of Paducah. Ky., on Burch 30, 1915, upon osll,j of the roll the following answered their 'names: Yeas, Burne;. Hazelip, Liarton, f Y,'ullnae and, Washington -.8. i • tom(/ On motion by 1. Iembor,Wallaoe, that the fire plugs flurniahed,the City by:thei I Paduoah inter Co. be.plaood at ;;25.00 per plug; carried .upon call of tbo roll by the follor,ing vote: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip; Wallace and Washington - 4. Jay: Lorton - 1. On motion, by Bomber Burne, that the above be re - oonsidered.unLil oitiaene i . can be heard in retard to came, carried upon ball of the. roll by the folloviing Iar veto: Yens, Burne, Hazelip, S:ulluoe and ay: iiarton wLf V On motion .by the nbovo,'that the original motion, in regard to. fire plugs,; i' stand, carried upon cull of the roll by the fo'llowing.voto: Yeae: Borrie, Hnsolip, C J Wallaoe and_Waehinaton 4.. Amyl Marton 1.. On motion by the above., that each oommiesioner De,aonetiLuted-a Committee of one to invoetigato.the Waterworks problem, and thut'Mr..'Gaehing•ton bo appointod i secretary to receive the reports and oompleto.'etatisties, carried upon call of the roll by'th'e.following vote:' Yeae,.Burne, Hazelip, Barton, Wallace.and.Lashinrton - 6. Sr• •' -, F t_•: .W..::k. µ,.'t.:JF.,, f:,Ldvat», :r .. i:,r... ,.tea{.,. y,.: :�,.., s..-. uw+._-.;.a1.:-e. rR..�_..,.;�.:,:..--ra:.:v�.t::�•. r.•'�{at(. '�". . ..