HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 367, June 17, 1918I./...r: �. r�t?^•f.- ::..� .: ., •} Y -. -. Y. ':qer ✓ t - si tt.R _'-.i'Z' ".' K !• ,. i -�."- ._.a^*+ti. iM+T": i r' t i , 117711 + r . R•. � . � J.;} . •syfi k:.��;;r r.n. . .. id -'d •:i h : '�•I :I If,•� T•YF"` :..meq-. No.l%`, Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah June loth 191AL Allowance on motion of Mayor 'Burns, that one half of the allowance heretofore made. to the Mothers Club d, Settlement Settlement House to -wits $26 r month be given to..the Mothers' Club and that the . per 8 i. House House. k �Y Com'r of Finance be'in,truoted to withhold and not pay over any allowance to the Settie- , .,ment House unless it agrees to keep young•ohildren during the day in working hours wbils ' !: the mothers ars working- carried upon call of -the roll by the following votes .Yeas, i Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of Member Haselip, that the petition herewith preednted,'together with • Cemetery deed btre.Henrietta 4 affidavits, be received and filed, and that the City grant.a quit-olaim deed to Lot #65in Meek Gish. i Blook.¢4 to Mrs. Henrietta Meek Gish and that the proper transfer be scads on the records, ' provided, however, that no bodies now buried on said lot shall be removed or disturbed carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ' Home -Guards On motion of Member.Gardner, that a committee be appointed 1. to confer. with' the' armory. a G Home. Guards in regard to a building for an armory-.oarried upon call of the roll Dy 6..yeas. Complaint is; p On motion of Mayor. Burne, the four petitions making complaint against the Milli . Milk Ineptr. P I. .' Inspector were received and filed, and Wednesday June 12th, at 400 P. M. was the time'' .F set for the consideration of the complaints- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Ordinances' On motion, of Member Wooldridge, thnt Mr, Coe Crossland be required to bring in . compiled$ i. the compiled ordinanoes.and Court.of Appeal notes within.ten days from this, date- carried (i upon call of the -roll by.6.yeas. Oil- motion the Board ad ourned� n on oall of the roll b the foliowi j P y ng.votes .. „ l Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. . Ade ( 1— /7191 _ gi'P- '�.D .. .. :.._ . . i Beforo the minute, off 6/10/1918 , rapproved proved Member Haselip made a motion which, oarried �oo reconsider vote*,.' on motion to divide 60 appropriation to Setiiement Rouen bot. Settlement House and Mothers Club, and said motion dividing said allowance was left open. June 17th. 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs Chamber of the City Hell, Paduoah,.F(y. on June 17, 1918, upon call of the roll the following answered their names Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. ' A Pproprie- ... P. appropriation . . On motion of Member Haseli that the vote on the division ofthe a � , ti t for the Settlement House with the Mothers Club, and requiring the Settlement House to Settlement .w Mothers Olube, 'take care of.babiee; bo reconsidered-.oarried upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, Tully,andrrlool4r1age,'4. Nay, Boras- 1. "•' Y"`' '{' On motion of the above, the mismtes of the meeting of Jnns 10, 1918 were �.. `• 'ti'','� . �approved, subject to.the.motion of.Member Haselip to reooneider the vote on the motion . Mayor Burns with respeat to dividing the appropriation of 4"60 previously made to the Settlement House, between the Settlement House and the Mother, Club, which motiod:..'', " is left opon for reconsideration- upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas. Sewer Dept. On motion of Member Gardner, that the wage, of the laborers in the Sewer i laborers. Department bo increased from $2.47 to $3•per day- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. 1 �.. On motion of Member Tully, that the payment of Street Dept. pay roll for the I . . `•'' • week ending June i6, 1918, amounting to $211.66,.be;approved- carried upon call of the 4 rollby ye. 8 a, ' Trimble St. On motion of the above, that the petition of oitisene for the graveling of 11 s 12th Trimble btreat between llth and 12th etreete, be received and filed, and the matter.� . referred to -the Oom'r of Works for attention- carried uponcall of the roll by 6 yeas. r r+Y� fi t, v lit.,y s t y 5? 1 . i�ii+Hi/�r,W\�. N•il:rTitil:Y+:A�r��il.I��'f' ]Il4f�.AY--..a 'nUil ti. JALf 'i.Vl. I : rw Si `W.N..:+^�iI Y,A.W..'...Y.1 ' i••rki ILti wR:l/ �.'fj�. ra-�. 1, • � , ' S .�F^%fi;4�R.�.,S�.r- YW'!�•.y Y"'"4 '�'�7'*%�- i`^MiL'i4.. w-•r;'.tc4 '>-r ✓r-.•., t, err Commissioner's Proceedings, Cif Paducah :une it 191' s On motion of Member Wooldridge, that no more licensee be Sesued to women to run ;,,.. Rooming or II ng . boarding and rooming houses Who formerly oonduotad bawdy housee, and that those who i houses.. Dow have suoh licenses and are giving the.polioa department trouble, have said lioeneia' revoked, and that no rooming house license be issued until the application,thorefore has been.itivestigated by the Department -of Safety- carried upon call of the roll by . the following votes Yaas, Burne, Gardner, Haseiip, Tully; and Wooldridge, 6. :�. Hire Department employeeqq On motion of the above, that the Piro Department amployeee be given a rateeof granted $6 raise. each per month, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring is an amendment d to the Retention Ordinance in a000rdanoe herewith- oarried upon oall of the roll by ( }'' the folloering votes Yeas, Burne, Gardner; and Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haselip and �y Tally- 2. I.O.O.B. bead. •; ' II On motion of Member Oardner that the I. 0. Oe B. band be allowed EO � ,� 0 for ser- r : vices in giving conoerts for advertising the City, same to be paid out of the advertising.' ' ,, .. I. fund- carried upon callof the roll by the following voter Yeas; Burne, Gardner' Haselip, and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Tully- 1.' - On motion the Board adjourned upon oall' of the roll by,the following'votet .. Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge, 6. f 191: Inns E0. 1918. ` .F ti At a *&lied meeting of the Board of Oss-4 eicnerd held in the Come Chamber of ;. the City Hall, Paducah, r1q on dune E0, 19180 upon can of the sell the following amwered their names Barns; Gardner, Haselip,, and 'Tully- 4. (I On motion of.Member Tully, that the report of Oom1r of Blaanos of accounts ' ' 3 be received and filsa, and said accounts allowed and ordered paid- oarrled upon can of the roll by 4 yeas. t�I On motion the Board adjourned upon tall of the roll by the following votes r Yeas, Bum, Gardner, Haselip, and Tully; 4. - - l.e�lcd �' i• �i! 191 ' dune E4. 1918. Atarr egnles meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionose hold is the Comra'Ohambor of the Cit Paducah Y Mal, , Ky. on hme E4, 1818,.upoa call of the roll the followdng answeredl their nameas Busse, Gardner,'Haselip, Tully,.and Wooldridge- `'' :• I On motion of Member Gardner, the minute@ of the meotinge.of Jstne 17th and EOtb yr, I'1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yese., j On motion of Member Tally, the payment of Street Dept, pay roll for the week and - Ing Jane E2, 1916, Amounting to $231.76, was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yens. .' On motion of Member Wooldridge, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS,l, E 3 4 AND 61 Retention Ord. Ataendment (fire Dept:t i� i OF SECTIONS OB AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, -AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMEtfP OH RETENTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. OB:CERTAIN CITY OBBIOSRS, r f AGENTS, AM EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, I=TUOSY, ABD SIZING THEIR SALARIES, ,4 POWERS AND DUTIES." PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JANUARY E9, 1918, was given � its paeeage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas; Burns, Gardner and r 4 Wooldridge- S. stay, Haseiip and Tally- E. 4 ,F 1 ,