HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 366, June 10, 1918�� : 'Q -r}in^r c^:� FTti it a3 �` p' y `Y' "�.-y►cia Yt �. '• _1.����•_,� �? ti'`'..r•%�'�ns,r.• a`as+. n. _ 7:1S7T•E,2.-arta+•'�x0}�.r.;.^,.t.'s'.?:b;T'. .: rS.S""�Ts`': •, a. •r;; i., t:_a .r.+,� �� ' '� v,�w.,� } �. ,MCtN+.'-•. cr .�,¢ r7 �P"'^`- +trxr Yr�r!y, car :y�ra q�.. r.r. �:, r �y ' � F�...+.a-�.2a'�__2_ ..++�..T..:t-.lig •" �-...{'O•�i�.,:wr.1?.J..•+.MJ'.tt tom. �-. ` i.u:�'L 4.:a:..� . .. _ .. k/+•w•.� J'!�T!1,,:2" "�T'Y%::.^YAT +""r e,.., rf 'rT.: n+� ��� l I } No.3 L L Commis: oner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 6th o. At a called meeting 9f the Board of Oommieelonere, held in the Comrd Chamber, f of the City Hall, Paducah, By., on June B. 1918, upon oall.of the roll the following: , j answered their names: Burns, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4. :k r on motion of Member Tully, the report of Com'r of Finance of accounts amount- ^ Ing to $12987.86 was reosived and filed, and said accounts ordered paid.. Upon Gall. of the roll by 4 yeas. 'r On motion of the above, the report of Oom'r of .Finance for the month of May . f was received and filed and ordered published, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas,' Brow. { On motion of the above, that the Mayor and Oom'r of Finance be, authorised t0 or money. barrow the e:m of $10,000 from the City NationAl Bank for the use of the Olty of Paducah. executing a note due in 15 days and pledging,thetaxes to,bs collected in '. ? June 1918'as collateral- carried upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the.following vote: s j Yeas; Burns, Raselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4. ... Ad 4-/0 141�L PF2+C7 D ? - �, L l f June 10, 1918.• At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Oomrs.Ohambes . 1 of the City Hall, Paducah, ](y. on June 10' 1918, upon oall'of the roll the follov- 4 Ing answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully, .and Wooldridge- 6'. {' u' On motion of Member Tully, the minutes of the meetings of Juno 3d and 6th, 1918.were adopted as read upon call of the roll by B yeas. ' ? Laborers i On motion of Member Gardner, the laborers in the Street Depertment.wers Street Dept. given ? a telae in wages of B 5. oente per hour, beginning^June 11th, upon call of the (r. roll by 6 yeas. t Repairman and i On motion of the above, that the Repairman at the Oity Light plant be given''':'';. Fireman. City Light Plant. an increase In -wages from $86 to $70 per,month, and the Firemen a rales from $70 t� $78 per month- carried upon Gall of the roll by B yeas. Chain -gang On.motion of the above, that the Chain -gang foreman be given a ruioe.of $e Poreman 6 Aset. per month, and the Aeet. Chain -gang foreman be given a raise to $76 per month- .: 4 carried upon call.of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Burne., Qardnor, Tally, and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Harelip -,1. Ord. in re On motion of Member Haselip,.AH ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT NO LIOEIISE'-OR. PMWIT Circus or Oarni-;i c SHALL BE GRANTED BY THE CITY OF PADUOAH TO ANY OIRCUH O?CARNIVAL OR TENT: SHOWS TO vnl or tent" ' . lhi ,•,.•; S shows. 4 S3HIBIT OR SHOW IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, OR TO PARADE'ON THE STREETS OF PADUOAH•,' DURING THE LAST SEVEN DAYS OF SEPTEL[BER.OR THE FIRST SEVEN DAY8 OF OOTOBER OF'ANY YEAR, was given its pasoage upon call of.the roll by B yeas.. X On motion of Member Tully, the payment of the Street Dept. pay,rhll for the week ending June S. 1916. amounting to $194.34, was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the cit fl traps be ` { � traps• I d8 Y Y Ps again planed in charge of the.Dept. of Affairs, and that the funds neoseeary for the upkeep and J attention to.said traps be paid from the contingent fund for the five months from June to Oct. inclusive; and that the fly trap inspector also perform the dities or dog catcher, at a salary of $2.60 per day- carried upon call of the roil by 8 yeas. fir y� ' - 'Y.'-'.. , ` i •..'-+--_�'�—.� , .. to ....«,. T�,.r.G:!e.�rFrt'�.+s'ntC�.'�JMl'S..�' t , ti . •.!-1�. k.. P%, � � .+} 1. , c!Zir .,_w. �7. fid'{..•ti r4 1'h,�,' . Commissioner's Proceedings,. City of Paducah June loth Allowance On motion of Mayor Burne, that one half of the allowance heretofore mads. to the Mothers Club b �_Settloment Settlement House to-wits 86 r month ' per be given to:.the Mothers Olnb, and that the House.' " House Com'r of Finance be'instruoted to withhold and not pay over any allowance to the Settlo- F" ment House unless it agrees to keep young-children during .the day in working hours while the mothers ars working- carried upon call of..the, roll by the following votet .Use, f. '. Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of Member.Haselip, that the petition herewith preednted,'together with i Cemetery deed 'C Mrs.Henrietta affidavits, be received and filed, and that the City grant a quit-olaim deed to Lot #53in: Meek Gish. . '•{ Blook.#4 to Mrs. Henrietta Meek Gish, and that the proper transfer be bads on the records, " r" provided, however; that no bodies now buried on said lot shall be removed or disturbed: oarried"upon call of the roil by 6 yeae. "Home-Guards' On motion of Member.Gardner, that a committee be appointed to oonfer.witi)i:tLe armor Y i _ II. Home Guards in regard to a building for an armory-.carried upon call of the roll by 5.Ykas. " Complaint vs: On motion of Mayor. Barns, the four petition.making complaint against the Milks., Milk Insptr. i:. j.. Inspector were received and filed, and Wednesday June 12th, at 4100 P. Me was the time*" f i set for the ooneideration of the complaints- upon call of. the roll by 6 yeas.. Ordinsnoss "', "� On motion. of Member Wooldridge,that Mr. bas Crossland be required Lo bring inI . sompilea. i. the'compiled ordinances.an& Court of Appeal notes within ten days from this.date- carried ij upon call of the `"roll by. 6, . j jl L 0- motton'the Bcard adjourned'upon oall"of the roll by the following votes.. ". Yeas, Burns,' Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. Before the minutes off 6/10/1915 were approved Member Haselip made a motion Which oarrbied,ttoo reconsider vote . on motion to divide 60 appropriation to Settlement House bot. Settlement House and Mothers"Club, and said motion dividing said allowance was left open• June 17th. 1918. i e. At Board a regular meeting of the of Commissioners held in the Comrs Chamber of the Gity Hall, Paduoah,.Xy. on June 17, 1918, upon call of the roll the following answered their namoes Burne, 6arener, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- Be Appropria- .• On motion of Member Haselip,' that the vote on the division of.the appropriation . '""' • Lion to +' Settlement for the Settlement House.witb the Mothers Club, and requiring the Settlement Hto ., emenouse. House 4 Mothers Olub;•' take oars of.babiee, be reoonsidered-.carried upon'oall of the roll by the following I' •' f-":. Votes Yeae, Gardner, Haselip, Tully,, an4ilooldri4o , 4. say, Borns- 1. "•' Y`'°'' `," On motion of the above, the minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1918 were ;approved, subject to."the,motion"of.Member Haselip to reconsider the vote on the motion ;;j�",',• o� Mayor Burns with respect to dividing the appropriation of 4"60 previously mode to the Settloment House, between the Settlement House and the Mothers Club, which motions is left open for r000naideration- upon call of ths.roll by 6 yeas. Sewer Dept.. On motion of Member Gardner, that the wages of the laborers in the Sewer I laborers. Department be increased from $8.47• to 03"per Pa day- carried upon cell of the roll by+_ 9ri _ 6 yeas. on motion of Member Tully, that the payment of Street Dept. pay roll for the week ending June 16, 1918, amounting to 6211#66.. be approved- carried upon call of the roll by S. yeas. Trimble 8t. On motion of the above, that the petition of citizens for the graveling of 11 a 12th ., ;. , Trimble Ytreet between e 11th end 12th streets, be received;and filed, and the stutter. , referred to the Oom1r"of Works for attention-"carried uponcall of the roll by'5 yeas. f , ', ( ''i. h•Ji, ?it St t�'•a Kl ..�. 1.- I 4 4,f` fr, � 7: .t. �• i! .. '�.il4ii,Y✓ " ti�.Li:.YM`I;i.Y�+�{Sr.' Li:., ly,•1:.1Y1�::.. "nar, fry: -.w . 1. .. tiy.::«Vr .J..w.L..�. �.,, 1'�C ­7777 {. t777Yl T ,• t"J