HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 363, May 21, 1918�"' i� .,�i w,.','�; _."':r-a-t't�t..r.��r.�et�.+:awrtr+.Cts�n? 3.c'+m,?xSTlti'�i•Ttr','i2Cc'+A5*s,;:344+51`••a"RS'd: ,`S?.'.'�""'1
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah May z]et 191®
3 At a called meeting of the Board of Comrs held in the Corers' Chamber of the City
Hall, Paducah, Sy. on May 21, 1918, upon call of the roll the following nuswered the is J.
asme81 Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- S. I
(... r The motion of Member Gardner, that.the resolution passed by the Board of Comrs on'
Reconsider k.
Street Oar S.'May 13, 1916, in regard to the ordinance increasing the street oar fares, be reoonsSered
Resolution .. - '
k ,by this Board, was again offered, and carried upon,oall of the roll by 6 yeas. �."..•`,
Member Gardner again offered the Resolution introdnoed by him at the meeting of(
street oar May 20th. amending Section 6 of a Resolution passed by the Board of Comrs on May 13.' .
franchise p
1918 in regard to the ordinanoe increasing the street oar fares; and same was given its '
. passage upon.oall of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Mayor Burne, that the appointment of Dr. H. P. Sights as a member of,
Bights.:;:, t, .,
the Board of Park Commissioners, to fill the vacancy existing by the expiration of the
;1. term of W. A. Calhoun, be ratified- :carried upon call of the roll.by 6 yeas.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the followl votes Yeae!
Burne, Gardner, Haseli6p, Tully, and Wooldridge- S.
f A,VQ �Q11 AD,"" .7 .
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., ifay 22. 1918.
At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Co mmieeionere
;'•' ,,: ,.'Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Sy., at 10 A. H. May 22, 1918, upon call of the roll
', ;'ti•..' s:, -the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Haselip. Tully, and Wooldridge- 6:.
,. On motion of Mayor Burns, the rules requiring 3 days service of copies of
� ,,ordinances and resolutions were tem . ' !-L� : ,•: ,, ;'.:•''.,•. ;, � porarily suspended upon call of.the roll by 6 yeas:
Ord. intro- On motion of Member Gardner. -an ordinanoe granting the Nashville, Chattanooga d1
duoed granting
N. 0. granting
L. St. Louie Ry
the right to construct a spur track on south Ninth street was introduoedi
Ry spur. track .,
right on S. 9" and laid over one week for passage upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
St.:.. .
On motion of the above. a Resoluteon providing for the omstruotion of Storm
Storm Water 33
Sewers 8 & 6x"Water Sewers from 6th and Jones St. to Tennessee street, thence to the River, and
Jones to Tenn.,t
",to River.'.. q :.providing that'the boat thereof be paid from the. Special Sewer Pund, was given its
.paeeoge upon Dell of the roll by the following Coto: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, and
Wooldridgo- 3. Nay, Haselip and Tully- 2..
B. W: Satter On motion of Mayor Burne,'a letter from P. W. Satterjohn in re.. driveway over j
John driveway.f.;.
.. a his property near Union Station between Brown St. & 13th St., was received and filed
.j. upon call of the roll by. 6' yeas.
i'Oommittoe to. On motion of Member Haselip, the Mayor, Oom'r of Public Works, and the City,
confer with
B.W.Satterjohn:.• Solicitor we appointed aCommittee to take up the natter of dedioation of a street
j:near Union Station -with W. F. Satterjohn, upon oell.of.the roll by B yeas.
. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the rollby the following vote:
�., Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip. Tnliy, and Wooldridge- 6.
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