HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 357, May 6, 1918•,r.. ^�v� M � r,.-. a.t , � � - '��aF:�?7d. ....�1 :�;"K.•9 ..'L+c-M'•'�41+. .y�?�r',�`,'',"`,�,o-�'�+onr q,rN.r.�,'�.+a � �., •�ro *� 'd'.ra4?A pd. � y� . ry ry `1 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah May Bth 1918_ At a regular mostina of the Board of Commissioners held Ya the•Comre' Chamber of i; tt p the City Hall. Paducah. $y. on May 6, 1918, upon call of tho toll the following answered their nameee:BnrnaGardnez Ha soli Tully d Wo e- 6. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the meetings of'April 89 and 30th 1J, s and May let and 4th were adopted as read upon call of the roll by B yeas. Comto.refuse' On motion of Member Haselip. that the Board of Comrs refuse to further grant fres • ,� '+ `.free license license to any show or carnival. during tbe.period of the war- carried upon call o! the " to OARNIVAL8 during .war. roll by 8 yese. Report of �.' ;On motion of Member Gardner, that,the report of.Oom'r of. Works for Lhe month of Corr of Wb April 1918 be received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. °"-{• On motion of Member Haselip'. that Mrs. Ella Green, Davis, of Maple -Wood Sanitnrium,•'' Mrs. Elle Green Davis .� Owensboro, Ky.., be appointed head nurse of Riverside Hospital, effective June let, 1918, appoints&. head nurse !,.pursuant to r000mmemation of Mies Mary E. Foreman, Supt:- carried upon call of the roll ' Rivorsils. by B yeas. t Bide for r On motion of the above, the Com'r.of Works was instructed to advertise for bids Sanitary +for the building of the proposed sewer from Eighth and Norton streets to Jnokson St. to sower f Q the Ohio River- upon call of the roll by 6.yeas.. On motion of Member Tully, the report of sale by Com'r of Finance of .tax bills Sale of tee unpaid for the last half of 1917 was received and filed and the action of tho Com'r of '. o bills last. ,Finance. in maks said sale and loft 1917. � parohaee was ratified,npon call of the loll by 8 yeas. , y ; On motion of the above, the payment of the Stteet.Dept. pay roll for the week A 'yy�onding May 4, 1918, amounting.to $181.36, was approved upon call of the roll by b yeas. 1' On motion of the above. the Report of Oom'r of Finance of Collections and 'Disbursements for the month of.April 1918 was received and filed upon call ol'the..roll by B yeas., . Cemetery toodp : On motion of the above, that .dead be executed to James Loyd Lo the North half of , '•.James Loyd*. `,'iot 36 in block 47 on Weil Ave.. Oak Grove Cemetery -,:he having paid therefor the sum. of. ?460 into the treasury, as evidenced by receipts herewith- carried upon call of the roll '• :. � by 6 yeas. � ., t Cemetery dead On motion,of the above, that deed be eaeouted to Mrs. Maggie Potter to bot 44 in Mrs. Maggio ..ABlook $8 on the North side of Baker street between Pord m Hannan streets, Oak Grove ..Patter. :Cemetery, she having paid therefor the sum of $30 as per attached receipt -'carried upon „ .'call of.the roll by 8. yeas. . r' Bill of O.A.On motion of Mayor Burns, that the Oom'r of Pinanoe be instruotod to pay the bill. Wells for .of 0. A. Wells for badges for Police Dept. as 0.8'd by Oom'r.of Safety- carried upon call r• Police badges. of the roll by the Yollowing vote: :Yeas. Burne, Gardner; Haselip & Wooldri6ge,.4. Bay, Tully. 1. Saloon license.ion oember Wooldridge, On mot! Me, that the saloon license of R. Oalieei at 1100 , R. Oalisoi R. 10th street be.transferrared to 936 Madison at transferredreet, as per. hie request herewith, ." . providing be dose not sell by drinks or in lase than gallon iota, and none to be drank on L the promisee- oarried upon call of the roll. by B yeas. ` r •Ohio Alver.. On motion of Member Tully, that the Mayor wire sonotors-regarUog..Improvement.of . the. Ohioriver, as requested by John L. Vanes, Pres, Ohio Valley Improvement Aes'n- oarried c ;upon call of the roll by 8 yeas: s On motion of tbyor Burns, AN ORDINANCE AMMIBG AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDI- f Corns am®IIsi ng':NANOk� 9 PROVIDING.POR TAPPOINTMENT OP AN OFFICER TO BE INOWN A8 INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS, Weights b f Measures ord. MEASURES AND BALANOES; AND DOG CATCHER, IN Tk38 OITY OP PADUCAH. KT-. AND DEBINIOG HI8 DUTIAS AND SALARY; PASSED BY TIM. BOARD OF 00MMI88IONERB.NOVEMBER 86, 1916, was adopted upon 0811 of the roll by Dysas: � u h F '2. l' r s4N�'aW�yr 7 J fy�. •y r'k,Jt �pyy: ?J -. -,.. r`•'�ry+4'3 ifH r]i, A• t b i �.` 3`Y. .. � � ' ...a+—.:a--=ar'.:.�+.1 L.:i�..t ' ,...-�-�.•-dirf.u_w,.:<:.: i Se'il• '•�...__�L.�' __ l . .. .• _ .. ..''»�;!N�q,Key�•FI�,A�"'.!^,;'RS*q..+a_civ.Y..r�sr,..�-..::u•�o—�•iN..r*'-•..'1'T.� tI Commissioner's Pry City of Paducah_ May ate ..on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote.t Yeas, Burns, Oardner' Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. • i .. 4t+ a�t`/' .. ,iPP '�uC�V:�l.)" • +Cop sU101t. May lith 1918. 10200 A. M. I I At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomral ' Chamber of the CityHall, Paduoah; Ky., on -May 11, 1918, at ten 0 olook A. M., upon . call of the roll.the following answered their names% Burne Gardner' Haseli Tully and Wooldridge- 6. Arguments in.re. The Board heard arguments of Hoa. Chao. K. Whoeler,for the Paducah Trsotlonl Paducah Traction and Hon..E. IY 00. amendment. CO., • . Bagby, representing the Municipal Ownership League, regarding t1» protests filed against the ordinance amending the Traction Co. franchise. Withdrnwal On motion of Member Hasolip, the withdrawal petitions of those desiring to • C, Petitions j withdraw from the "appeal petition against the increase of fares for the Paducah + Pad. Traction controversy. 1 Traction Co., together with the other records and memoranda presented, were received ri and filed upon call of the roll b 6 y Yeas. I di The matter was taken under consideration and decision of the Board deferred (j until the regular meeting on Monday, May 13., 1918. On motion the Board adjourned upon"vall of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Haselip. Tully and Wooldridge- 6. "I I •� '. � ��`-/-Til L��r May 13th. 1918. ''• At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs.Chamber of I� the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on May 18. 1918; upon call of the'roll the following s. answered their names,. Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of Member Haselip, the minutes of the meeting held on May 8, 1918 and. J ++ 'on May 11th, were adopted as read upon call- of the roll by 6 yeas. I` # On motion of Member Gardner, the petition for a street light at 17th and.Adams' y 8treat..tight street was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yens. 17th and7Adams On motion ?. 9t. of the above, the Oom'r of Works was instructed to place a street light at 17th and Adams street, or Where it is best suited for the purpose intended; upon call of the roll by 6 yens. On motion of Member Hasolip, the north half of lot 17 in block 43'a 0 k Grove jCemetery trans- h Cemetery, was transferred from •Jae. Meigan to Mrs. hhphumia Pelton, and deed -from for from :see k . Meigan & wife F Meignn and his wife Meignn to Mrs. Pntton ratified, as per their request, to Mrs. Euphumis. Upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Patton. k �. On motion of the above, that the wages of laborers et tho,0ak Grove. Demeter be Laborers wages,. y increased- raised from $1.86 to $8 per day, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. Oak Grove Cemetery. On motion of the above, that the City 3oiioitor be instructed to bring in an '. to be am Ord.' 1I amendment to the Cemetery ordinance changing the to be emended � Y . ng g price of opening graves for infante raisiopening Price Of from $3 to $4, adults from r4 to $6, to meet the increased cost of labor- carried �:=N t Upon call of. the roll bg'8 yeas. ; {;%