HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 351, April 17, 1918I Y Alt No, s ri i • .. ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April 16 1918 ,u ± On motion of Member Tully, AN ORDINANCE 9L3NZVG SUBSBOTION 3 OF SECTION 6 OF AN Amendment to ORDINANCE WTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUR THE APPOINWNT OR RETENTION, BY THE Retention i i; BOARD OF 001111ISSION&B OF THS 017Y.OF PADUOAH, OF CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS, A0311TS AND 1 Ord. ' BL0?LOYESS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. XENTUC$Y,AND FIXING aHffiR SALARIES, PUBBRS AND I j :1 ' DUTIES," PAS33D BY THB BOARD OF OOMIIISSIONERS JANUARY, 29, 1918, wae.given its passage S:'r I upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. i Appropristion1"'.. On motion of Mayor Burne, the oonsideration of the appropriation ordinanoe was 1 iu- ordinnnoe., 6 postponed to a oalled meeting to be held on Wednesday at four ololook P. M., uponcall, of the roll by 6 yeas. I Franchise. On motion"of the 'above. that the proposed ordinanae to amend the'franohise of the amendrant. as proposed,.' Paduouh Trootion Co., introduosd on April 1, 1916, be withdrawn.ae of no effoat- oarriad withdrawn. upon oall of the roll by'6 yeas. f On motion of the above,. Ali ORDINACH TO AMEND $SOT IONS 8 AND, 23 OF All OI'iDINAi1CB • } BNTITLi:O, "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING a0ii THS StlLE. OF A FRAUCHISH A14D PHIVILim YUit Tho, Ordlnanoe = amending i. PUSPOSS OF SR007I14G, OPSRAT•ING AND MAINTAINING 6N SIZOTRIO STALL -;&T itAILi6Y UYiiit GaiSAIH TRACTION 00... FRANOHIS& a 8T1"T3 IN THS CITY OF PADUCAH'. )faNTUChY, APPItoV9D HY JAIuiS Y. SMITH, MAYOR, ON THE i introduoed; i 10th DAY OF MiutCH, 1911, was. introduced and laid over ,one week before passage, upon . .oall of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burne, Hazelip. Tully and Wooldridge- 4.'.. Nay: Gardner- 1. A On 'motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the re11'by'the following vote: Yene, Burne, Gardner, Hazelip, Tully and. Wooldridge- 6. ' A do i a :, �---C1W QW&i A. 9 April 17, 1918.' At a oalled meeting of the Board of Commisotoners. hold In the Comre' Chamber of i . the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky: ,on April 17, 1918, at four ololook P. M., upon 'null .o f the I °;fir ` i • •_ ij •;,`:. ! , � • roll the following anowored their namee: 'Burne, Gardner, Hazoilp. Tully and Wooldridge- 6. ¢ ..., t ; On motion of Mayor Burns. that the salary of the City Stenographer be inoreaeed city Steno. J16 per month, bepinning with April, and that such inoroaae for the remainder of the ' salary inoreaeed: a:. j.; your ,be.ohursrod to the Department of Rorke, to the n000ant.of engineering- carried upon , ;l cull of the rollby the following voter Yeae, Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. - F 'Nay, Hazelip and'.ully-'2.'. :t -4. „ O.F. Phillips,'. on motion of Member Oardnor. a oommunioution from G. F.'Phillipe, relative to leiter in.re.° '•Weights 6' Weights .b: Measures offiao, was received and filed upon.oall.of the roll by'6 yeae. Mesa. Inspr. .. Uh motion of Mayor Burns;. the. rules as to.fiarnishing oopiee of ordinances to - membere of the Board throe days before meeting, were temporarily cuspendod upon oall f' of the roll by 6 yens. On motion of Member Tully, AN ORDIN6NCS.FIXING THS 6PPORI.ju4ISWNT O.F :HS PUBLIC �Appor t ionm en t :i Ordinanos'-': FUNDS OF TH3.CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1910, wee given its passage upon.ogll of the 1918. ... — roll by the following vote: Yana, Burne, Hnzelip,'Tully.'lb,Wooldrid o- 4.' Nu , LT Y Gurdner 1. ,• Member Gardner offered the ,fol3otiiinE amendment to thea orti nnes:t pp o Ordinwioe, ' Proposed beford said ordinehoe its givah its pesgoge: That the following words be etrloken Flom , f. amerdment to ... apportionment .saki appOttiOnment Ordinanae under 'heading 'ordinanoe.• of Depnrtcrn% of Pub1ff0 FinatiOe '12oTo be applied On DAfiolte%4-4171.000&OO." and the following words under heading of Depal;went of Publid Works be ipeerteda.."Hew Boilers and Improvement of Light Plant... -;:p17.0.00.00," i ;i. said amendment. roosiving no s000rd, was tabled. E Ir 3'Ve , f 1 r 7737.7jRUT-r-07=27. 23'��33'�1�51!'.'�ta`Sdti.•�.�T�t.• iSr _ _ ' Miuuw�r.•iwr.,.:ieeire+: rr!`?":"• ��`.:`•;.:1:�"i.:s �.a :;'' .iit'"'�c�' j',',3. ii .t _ � �+F+��"Qah law -..�w, �)"i'r %,'?��'r TM-i7'->i �V"'�. ear Ct. ,.k,� eti9" � - ` Y� � y,.�•+, �. '12- Commissioner's ••-;?J,'J,c•{,:.h•,A+.h..,y..;�s.a.,:',•�^�tr?!� r ' s Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah .:aril 17th 191 8 "I Member Hazelip offered the. following motion:. That. the oont'root tonderod by Nagel-lloKinney Co.. Hage!-1foKizney Co. be rejeetod and. returned to Bald Company baoeuea sane dues not . embraoe the ugreement between the City end the reprooantatione of said Gompuny, and '.i that the City Solioitor be instructed to druw a oontraot in a000rdanoe with said... agreement- same oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adiou mad upon oall of.the roll by the following vote: 7 ' t Yeus, Burne, Gardner, Hanalip, Tully & Woold ridoe- 6, . •' •i , ,, .�.��- Ate' l , April 18. 1918. .►t u oulled meeting of the Board of Oommlaoionere', hold in the Gomrsl.0humber ' t: . of the Clty iia ll, pudtr7ul:, Ky., on April 18, 1910, ut. four o'olook P. ii. upon oall I. L':. P a )t of the roll the. following answered their names: Burne. Gardner, hazelip, Tully and f 2 ,looldridpa. 6. I i ,` i I!. on motion of Lember Ourdner, that the City, of puduo' o'notruot a Storm Water C• Storm Water " Sewer. I Seaer. beginning 100`ft. south of ionae.etroot on Eighth atreot:, thanoe running north N, to a street to be soleotod by the Board of Commiasloners. Aheroo east to the Uhlo A A River;,tind that the City Solioitor be inetruoted to draw u resolution -providing �r jS therefor, in oonformity with the deoieion of the Board of Commissioners- parried. ' upon onll of. the roll by'tha following vote: Yoae, Burne, Ourdner da Wooldridve,.3..`l IN - Nay, Bnzelip and Tully. E. on motion the Board adjourned upon.uall of the roll .by the following vote: Yeae, Burns. Gardner. }luzelip, Tully and Wooldridge: 6. _� -1 APRIL ls. 191e. l y At Galled meeting of the Board of Oommisalonera held in the CommiaaionerN 1 Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.. on April 19. 1918, upon call of the roll.the t. �• following answered their namea: Buns, Oardner Haseli Tully b Wooldridge-5. 4 on motion of Member Tully. the semi-monthly pay roll for April. amounting G' to $46208.69, was allowed. and ordered paid, and the Report of Cam'r of lineae, received and filed. upon aall of the roll by 6 yeas. On notion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the followi� G•vote: Yens, Burns, Gardner. 'Haselip..Tully and Wooldridge- 6. Ale o 191 , ,