HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 348, April 8, 1918A �, r ,,.• �i'fi LN`�(' �r r,+i t4ff `�,+ .-w��: .i' ;x. vim. iM. is -+r-. ,xx`- ,qp - .. ., '. ,- _ �. No.j Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci 'ofPaducah_ April Bth 191 a d At:a regular meeting of the Hoard of Qommiealoners held 1n the Comre' OhnraDer'. �.' of the City Hall. Puduoah, Ky..•on April 6. 1918.�upon dull of.the-roll the following!,,. I I answered their names: Burne' Gardner. Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge -.6.' is •:;. •,' On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the meetings of April_ let and i '• - 4th, were adopted upon oall-of the' roll by 6 yene. Books of pad. �`; On motion of Mayor Burne, ,that Prof. Jno. D.. Smith be appointed to audit the Traotion Co. . to be audited a books of the Traotion Co. and to furnish the pity a statement as to operatirg ex - by Jno. D. S Smith. I, .panees. earnings, and any and all information pertinent to the proposed inoreaee f' asked by the Company, and that the Traotion Go. -be requested to bear one-half the expense of said audit- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Wooldridge, that on adoount of the oontroverey as to Pares oharged whether or not the Board of Comrs has a right to otnnge the rate of fares oriRlnnlly. I li . ._.. by Pad. Traotion 0o. fixed in the franahise to the* Railway Company, that the question be referred to the " Natter referred i to. City Sol. p City, Solioitor for a written opinion, before any further aotion -is taken in regard to for opinion. I. the proposed amendment to said franahise ordinonoo- oarriedupon null of the roll ,? by 6 yene. Fi �! On motion of Llayor Burne, that the consideration of passage of the proposed Amendment to II i Traotion Co.. ordinanoe amending the franohise of the Pad. Traotion Co. be postponed one week, until! " franchise postponed.. the auditor's report and the opinion of the City Solioitor ahan be reoeived. i oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas. �• On motion of Namber Tully, the payment of the Street Dept. payroll for the week ending April 6, 1910, amounting to 0167.35, was approved. upon oull of the A,. roll by 6 yeas. Cemetery deed i( On motion of the above, that oemetery .deed be exeouted to W. T. Read for lot '�i. to T. Read I ¢88 in Blook #2, on Baker St.,• botween Ford & Hannan ate., Oak Grove Cemetery, to I- f having paid therefor. the Bum of 440, as per uttaohed reoeipt- oarried upon pall of ' ' the roll by 6 yene. 1 Cemetery deed On motion of the above, that oemetery deed be exeouted to H. A. Nl+eoler,;nre # to B. a. Ij i Wheeler. „ ,A• T. Thompson to Lot X468 in Blook `#2 on the south aide of Miller street, between.. ? , ,Ford, & Hannan Ste., Oak Grove Care tory, they having paid into the treueury the gum i of 460 as per attached reooipt. -oarried upon aull'o'f the roll Dy''6 yoae. { Carnival ■k On motion of the above; that the request of a. H. Foreman, Sooty. of Otago auspioes of ;.Tribe of Had Lien, that the City extend the Red Nen free lioense for the week of ? " RSD.' April 16th, to hold a oarnlval on Tenth 8t. bet. Bdw . & e D 41' �Y a ., a granted. I . ,t j� oarried upon oull of .the roll by 6 yoga. Cemetery deed.'�I On motion of the above. that deed be exeouted to gra., Lora Sdwardo to Lot %38 Lire. Nora Edwarde. �j in Blook #2 on the south Bide of Hiller street bet. Ford „ P &Hannan, Oak Grove Cemetery,.. , t•.: H she having paid therefor the sum of j30, as per reoeipt herewith filed. ourried upon, oall of the roll by 6 yens. Qemetary deed •A. H. Outlaw.On motion of the above that deed be exeouted to i,. H. Outlaw. to'Lot E9 I , !: Blook )1, on the south aide of Baker street bet. Ford & Hannan Ste., Oak Grove Come- , I' Lary, he having paid therefor the Bum of 440 ae.per reoeipt herewith filed. oarried !''upon oall o f the roll by 6 yeas. Street Dept. On motion of Member Gardner, that the wages of the street laborers be in - street laborers, j., oreaeed from 20JV.per hour to 28}d per hour- ourriod upon call. of the roll D 6 wages increased y y sae. r On motion of Member Hazelip..that the Mayor be instruoted to onter into,aDn-. • Care of marine F , traat.with the u. S. Government for 2 r d for g patiente,at � per 49 patients. (marina) not Bufferin ,,. Riverside Hoe. ;with oontagiode disease and `360 r.per day for marine patients Buffering with oonta- ,.j ## I` Rioue i the. roll b 6 Buah patients are oared for at Riverside Hospital- oarried upon jjj` call o! the roll by E yeas. 1 '�.1}' 4"•-S,•Y Y+ii+ Y '1 t G ..�ti..Y.�ry'�},Yhx,' �'. 'a '7'"� T t•n��dnYr�}•. r!^RTp' 'It.�.;'nm' .'+M1'C.�e'f-���rf�i,. �,�r"ca +A',c^'r4'e/'rf N 'rtYF �.C�"iy,t . , ' f •. ' ' fie? •w. I , fes'' _.,.._•'._._..,_R ,. -.. _..._� .•._.. _ .,. _.. _._... ,... i , L ti. . ;J ' �v«r•rc'......:._.;rrn.:rT�f'i!t^"'. l•u. ,..r... Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah __ ,pril Sth /91-0—oontinued i. 'Lo to in oak On motion of lfember Hazelip,'the, report of Oom'r of Property in the matter of } Grove Cometery lots in Oak Grove Cemetery belonging to S.. K. Hale, was received and filed. and the r' h. belongin to 8. K. HA aitq alerk instruoted to ezeoute deed to S. K. Hale for Lot JUe in blook.4E0,.whioh the,reaords show he bought on Nov. 13, 18Q0; and the. City 8olioltor instruoted to draw a special warranty deed,to said 3..X. -Hale for lot ¢307.1n Blook #20 said.trans-!. ' ,.and y ..fere shown on the Oity Cemetery record, upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. Clerk to. 4' On motion of.Yember Tully, that the Retention Ordlnanoe be amended to inoreese C Oom'r of Wke."i oalnry in- d' the .salary of C. W. Bell from 090 to $100 per month, effoative April 1, 1910. aarriedr i creased.,' upon oall of the' roll by 6 yeas. y,.•Uhio Valley � On motion of the above that the Ohio Valle Trust Co. be made a'City Depository q desicnnLed age and 410,000 of the speoial .sewer fund now on deposit with the l:eohenlos Trust 9Feoial City d: Depository. Savings Bank be po Val Truet 0o:, a 4N. in laosd with the OhiVll. palable semi- Gannually- E. oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. Bond of J.W. .0 n. mot ion of member Wooldridge, that the Rational Surety Co. be released from - Fowler re- 4::'further ?, leased.., . ;• liability on the bond of J. W. Towler, formerly merohant patrolman- onrsisd i +. . ;..,upon.oull of the roll by 6 yeas; . On motion o.f Hayor Burns.. that the rules regarding serving dopIas.af ordinanase t 3 days prior to meeting, be suspended- oarried.upon,oall of the roll by.6 yeas: e: r On motion of the above, All URDINAN03 AtiWrDING SUi3S33^aIUN '4 OF SECTION 1, AND SU&� Amendment to i . i Retention - ��'- SSC I 1 6 " TO1 OF MOTION 3 OF AN .ORDIj4A110E JNTITLSD "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING Ain vis I �` Ord. �i APPCINWalT oR ni:Th11TIUN, BY THA BbnIiD OF CW3(IiSI0IiP1ifS OF THIi; OI TY OF PADUCAH, OF r j ;' O1LRT,IN CITY OFFICERS, I AOSUTS AND IWPLDy= OF TAB CITY OF PADUGAH. KENTUCKY, AND. .. FIXING ^s HEIR SALARISS, POKERS AND DUTIRS," PASSED BY THE BOARD OF O011IISSIONER$ } t JANUARY E9 1918, was iven its . g passage upon oall of the roll by the following d vote= Yeas, Burne, Gardner dWooldridge- 3. Nay..Hazelip A Tully = E. ,,ty. In. re: Fares;. - On motion of the above the petition a T P signed by 86 employees of the Paduash ohnrged by. .raotion Pad.Traotion.,1. Co., asking..that.the Board grant said Company the right.to'.oharge more for faree- Oo. i } .was reoeived and riled upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. t 4 K 1 , On motion the Hoard ad ourned upon oall of the roll by. the following voter Yeae, p 4.. Burne, Gardner, Havelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. '. Ado t ;` i+ulNls: r 71 E ., `V dr4 ii4 y 1s