HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 34, March 22, 1915, ✓ yy�,\, i�r'y-• .�„ t...l., KG's' t-• Ir r h.uyLL-�k1 �r i �• 1^ ry 11 � t:� r� i' t '"' 3. �-; .","°t fyel� � �.y�a. 1 : �rR'�r� -� .. - Y .._•.1'..-J+1 �i. �•1_U� .......5.�t-'f �li'.... _ ��i5fic �:..r;yl ..:;r:. 3i ca.£i' `\i ;:4.-. ..n.�.-f„� � ���i �.v .r.-,.�=': t��i=i��iy r __ .. q}Tl..: .t_.+_.-...-. ..�...u. ��..�. ...•.-. _..-....._.._..a...a....-..._.-u s.._�r_......__......«L.... _�._.......� .•.TS>... �.. t']��L�� �.I..... � ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Larch 22nd . 191_L. At a regular.moeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Counoil Chamber, in the City Hall, City of Paducah. Ky. on Ltaroh 2E, 1916, upon call ..of the.roll the following answered their names: Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wallace } and Washington - 6. �• On motion by Member Burns, .the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road 'upon Gall. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip,I Marton, Wullaoe and Washington - 6. ` On motion by the above the transfer of the saloon lleense of 934 S. fifth street to 933 S. Third Street was grunted to Dan Galvin, upon Gall of the roll by the following veto: Yoao, Burne, Hazelip, liurton, Iiullaoe and Washing ton - 6. On motion by the above, the appointment of Rosooe Rood of offioial ( ” newspaper for the year beginning April 1, 1916 and ending April 1, 1916, same was' ` q referred to the City Solioitor upon Gall of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, ,'Burne, Ha+slip, Lfart'on, Wallooe and Washington - 6. ( On motion of the above "WHER&;S, THE GEI1Z11UL ASSELIBLY OF THE COL0 t0N- LL WEALTH OF BENTUOKY, BY 4i�Gf/ All ACT OF SAID GEIIERAL ASSELIBLY PASSED DURING THE SESSION OF ' ,a 1914, REPEALED All. ACT OF THE GENE4L /ASSEI,*tBLY OF. THE STATES OF KENTUCKY EIITITLED "AH C AOT RELATIIIG T0, 17EIGHTS, 1IEASURE9 AND BdLAI'ICES, 1diD THE APPOII'InmiT OF Au IIISPECTOR ! fi OF* WEIGHTS AND 1.MASURES FOR, COUNTIES.," ,APPROVED BY, THE GOYER11OR LURCH 23, 1910, AND I APPLIRING iiS CHAPTER 90 OF THE ACTS OF THE GENERAL A5;SEEBLY OF TI;E STi.TE OF Kr,1TUCKY � FOR 1910" was given its pas"ago',upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, l:arton, Wallaoe and Wu"hinvton - 6. On motion by the above, that the Board go into the oleotion of on'"_ Inepeotor of 'Weights mid llea"ures, ourried upon Gull of the roll by the following I vote: .Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Vull000 and Slashington - 6. i On motion, Member Burne plaoed the nomination of Mr. Tom Orr for the i Position of Inepeotor of Weights and Measures - Liember Murton nominating Roy Hurt,,' upon poll of the vote Lir. Orr reooivcd the following votes Burne.- Wallaoe-and 1' Washington - 3; Llr'. Hurt rooeiving Lr.Lorton's'vote the Mayor not voting..' On motion by Member Llarton, the. report from the Board .of Supervisors for the year 1916 was roaoived and filed upon.oall.of the 'roll by the following .. vote: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wallaoe and_Washinpton - 6. On motion by Member Wallaoo; the Paduooh Printing Co.. fte awarded the oontraot of printing of tax bill", amounting to $64.60, oarried upon. oall..of the ' roll by'the'following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Yarton, Wallaae and Washington i On motion by Member Washington, the. weekly payroll for the unemployed , amounting to $69.00, and the Street Department'for the nook ending "rah 20th,, paid r�by Dash order not aovorod'by ordinrnoo, was reoeived and filed ,upon ''bull of the roll by the ,following vote: Yeue, Burne,, Haeelip,'Llurton,,Wallaoe and Washington -.6. '• CJ On motion ,by Ilember Washington; that any Commissioner passing: or. i. sj y d refusing to vote on any proposition presented, withoutbeing exduSdd from voting' .°. by.the.0ommiesionere as a'whole. shall be'r000rded as voting against the proposition', I, f oarried upon Gall of the,roll by the following. vote.: Yeas.' Burns, Marton and Waeh- ington; 3 - Hays, Hazelip and Wallace - 2. On by Liagor motion Hazelip, n oommunioation-from the Civic Dept. oY the Woman's Club in'regurd to Kolbe park, wue reoeived and filed upon call of the'' roll by the following rotes Yene, !Surae, Hasollp, Llnrton, Walluop and Washington f f l _ O-. L,,.,K '...aYWSLa.+.:.i.-i •: fw1i:L.M'.:\.' .: [C.l: uid.tb :: mow. '...,_'i.;br ,i..iw•a..._..aa. �:i .. ',.c:.u�" .I. .w..............u.'L..ci,. �_-_..... ._, ..,. .... ... 1 Commissioner's Proceedings, I No, of Paducah Yaroh- 22 continued On motion by Member Burns. that 0100.00 be set aside in the Apportionment Ordinance for the Vast Ky. Industrial Colloge..auma carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yess. Burns, Marton and Washington 3. *aye, Hosellp and V ' allaae.- P. On motion by Member Bums. the Board adjourned to meet at 10:00 o'clock a.m. 11oroh-23. 1910. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yo Burns., -Murton and Washington - 3. Rays, Hazelip and Vallaae - 2. A=0:PTJM1) .&P:P VSD Monroe etrooto .; that the City Solicitor be Instructed to draw an ordint.,noo for �same, curried upon oull of the roll by the following vote; Yous. Huselip, Varton, W61l000 and Washington 4. Bay: Burns 1. A. . r Ji MA YLAR. C ty MARCH 23. 1915. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold In the Council Chamber. In the City Hall. City of Paducah, Kentucky, on Maroh 23, 1916. upon call of the roll the following answered *heir names: Burns, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and Washington 5. On motion by Member Burns. that 01.000.00.be eat aside for the Board of Trade rfor the year 191b,oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yana'. Burns, Ps 400, Hazollp. Marton, Vullane and Washington - 5. L On motion by Member Marton. that action be deferred on the Apportionment :.Ordinance. carried upon call of the roll by tho.folloving vote: Yeas, Burns. Morton $'Wallaoa and Washington 4. Vaye: Mayor Hazelip - 1. On.motion by Member Washington, Lr Vallsoo was appointed as a Committee of one to talk with Mr. Burnett relative to reduation'of hydrant.rentale and report baok to the Commlesionere, carried upon call of the roll by the.following vote: Yous-' Burns t :Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington ...6. On motion by. Mayor Hazelip, that the Commissioner of Public Works be instructed to a . eoure engineering data for the construction. of the first section of Third'Diet. Sewer. using Paducah material and Puduoah lubor. then advertise for bids without any it restrictions no to labor or material, and submit bothpropositions - Bala bide jhowever, being mate oub.eat to rejection, and that said contractors be required to !submit bids using Paducah labor exaluelvo of foramen, and Paducah material as for as !Practicable, carried upon call of the roll by the following votes. Yous, Burns, 'Haiellp, Morton, Walluoe and Washington, 6. On motion by limber Washington, the City Solicitor Wasinstruatefito orin I an I ?Rig a j. wing the Ohio River Sand and Gravel Go. to • ordinance allowing onst: i 4iw '.600*u� mg us ej 4�1 -4 per.attaohed blue print. curried upon.oull. ofthe roll by the following vote: Yeas, ;Burns, Hazelip. Marton,. Wallcoo and Washington - 6. On motion by Mayor haselip, that all brick sidewalks In the business a I atr-4ot. 'be replaced with concrete siaowulls and gutters ouid district embruaing tne following torritory, from First street to.Sevonth Btreat between Washington and X Monroe etrooto .; that the City Solicitor be Instructed to draw an ordint.,noo for �same, curried upon oull of the roll by the following vote; Yous. Huselip, Varton, W61l000 and Washington 4. Bay: Burns 1. A. . r