HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 338, February 25, 1918.,r, i+� � .xrtLc�wa.w•.�w i v3�xr-ib� � .Zy,L •'�•'m`-`'y.'.?�tY 'J •x :••,i�.-X., ',s`�r"1 �,+.T, 1 - �, +`ri � L ^n' A• � 'i�7•.r`f�. tt'•7�a ; .. '�'@C'T�•r�rl.♦ r.;...,,.�,,.r.,�,.,•+:``S+T1 ti'h.++^KS`t9'en�•a.rr�i+n r f @ N6_23j� Cornmissioner's.Proceedings, Ci of Paducah February 19» 1'91 " I' At a speoial meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere held in the Oomri' Clasher of u the Cit Ball Paduoeh a Y . , 1�.. on February 19,.1918, upon sail of the roll tme following ?' I; Answered their nameet .Burne, Gardner, Baselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6.. A000natp ,! On motion of Member Tully, payment of s000unte for the.firet half of Pebm ary Allowed. amounting to $3641.24, was approved upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the followirg votei E Yese,.Burne, Gardner, Boselip, Tully and WooldridPe- 6. tldepie� - a 1 I February P,6. 191n, At.a regular meeting of the Board of Oommieaionere held in the Oomnioelora re >•^ Chamber o.f the Cit Ball Paduoah K ry , , p 1 ' • !. t � Y , , y., on 8obruo Pb 1918 u on soil of the roll .• s the following answered their names, Burne, Gardner, Tully:und Wooldridge- 4. y'.,. On motion of!ember Gardner, the minutes of the meetitg held on Fobruary 18, 1918, and on.'Yebruary 19, 1918 mere, adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 4'A age On motion of Member WooldridPe, that the salary of the two polios aaptalns be ' salaries of . inorsused 410.00 eaoh par month, and the patrolmen be•g 4 men in'Polioe'6 Ivan s raise of 36.00 eadh ' Pine Depts. per month; u1so that the men in the Fire Lopt, be eauh given u rules Of X6.00 per inoreaeed; month; with the eroeption of the Chief, auto meohania and,operatoro, and'that the City •. I�Solicitor be inetruuted to bring in on ordinanoe.omending the retention ordlnanoe a000rdingly- ourried upon oull of the roll by the following vote, Yeue. Bums, A. 1 Gardner and 600ldrldge- 3. Hay, dully- 1.. ,_ IIlaayor Burne was exoueed from the meeting. . °1 Cemetery deed N Un motion of !!ember Sully, that deed be granted to A. Q. Wade and U. Bines 3; to A. 0. Wade NN ' &.0. Bines. to Lot 76'in B1o6k Two,on walk off of Hiller,street' anq betreen Ford do Bannon eta,,. } II' Oak Grove Cemetory, treasurer's reoeipt for J30.00 in payment thereof being hereto attaohod, anrried.upon aoll of the roll by the following vote: Yone, Gardner, Tully r and Wooldridge .3. 1. is Cemetery Deed. On motion of the above. that deed be granted to Joe. Surratt & Mrs. Gore "1 to Jae. Surrdtt & Ure. Cora Brigman to Lot 48 Blook Tao, on the *elk ,north,of Baker SL,,Dets,een Ford b Brannan St.,', Brigman. ' Oak Grove Oemetery. they having paid therefor the a= of 330.00 *us per treasurer's � P 1 ,.. p'reoelpt herewith- onrried upon oall of the roll by 3 yeue= Gardner, Tully & Wooldridge! On motion of the above. the payment of pay roll for the Street Dept.., for the • Week ,i ending February 26, 1918, amounting to "159.06 was uppr v d upon oull of the. roll by 3 gees- Gardner, Tully & Wooldridge. `'.:, •' On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following vote: 1;Yeue; Gardner, Sully and sooldridge- 3. �i?P1ZOV�D / A ZA t • 1 is �••5