HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 336, February 18, 1918' . i nti.....f-.r. t t • ...�.f.-•�-'w.+ S �rJ'a:.'.�i3f�J+J._'-._L+LL. ..y- _,L'� ._ �T - + _
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sCommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. 1919_ cont' d
Baleen license of, On motion of Member Wooldridge, the saloon Iloans$ of Ohas. Iverlet at BOO U. +
Chas. Iverlet
transferred to Ave. wall transferred to 0. L. Dickerson, at the eamv locatlbA, In accordance with
C.' L. Dickerson.
request of Chase Iverlet hereto attached- upon call of the roll by 4 yoga. '
t Y On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote:' '
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.
Adopted/ S
YKB3UABY 16. 1918.
at. 4L called meeting of the Board of Gommlasioners held in the Commissioners
1 1 Chamber of the City Lull, Paduouh, Ky., on Abruary 16, 1918, upon call, o f th e
�d roll the following answered their names: Burns. Gardner, Hoselip and Tully- 4.
Olt borrow ( On motion, of Member Tully, the Mayor and Oom'r of Finance were authorised
.. a 0000 ~ to borrow from the 01ty Uat'1 Bank the sum of X36.000.00, pled i
g ng•the city taxes
for• same, and to execute note for the amount, due. July 5.. 1916, upon call of. the :
roll by 4 yeae..
Allowance for on motion of the above, that payment of 460.00 for Red Orono 1917 seals,
etoGross .eeala and of the amount. of 441,764.00 on note end interest due, making a total of !'
$41804.00, be approved- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeue.
r On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll, by the.following Total S
Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Harelip and Tully- 4.
/ N FEBRUARY 18th. 1918.
+ u At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaeionere held in the Comre'
u� Chamber of the Oity Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 16, 1918, upon oull of the
roll 'the following answered their names; Burne, Hoselip, Tully and Wooldri4re. 4'.
kember Gardner entered the meeting.
On motion of Member harelip. the minutes of the meetings .heId.on lob rcery'14
�) 1918.und on February 16. 1918, were adopted all read upon call of the roll by the
following vote: Yeue, Burns, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully and Wooldridge. 6.•
" Riverside On motion of llomber harelip; that the City aolioitor be instructed to bring
In a resolution inoreueing the rent of rooms at the Rivoreide Hospital, and the: rate
14 -of chargee for I. 0. Railroad oases- carried upon call of the roll by the'followiij
vote; Yoas.'Burns, Haselip, Tully and GooldridRe- 4. Pay., Gardner. 1.
Rise Trainor's On motion of the above, the reaignation of L'ise Trainor, all head nurascf Y°:t
accepted. Riverside Hospital, was 000epted upon pall of the roll by 6 yoga..
1, On motion.of the above that the insurance ^°
Insurance on � . policies on public property, which -.•
olty property. were transferred by the old board to the Dept, of Affairs, be transferred to the w;
#; Dept. of Public Property, and that the Com'r of Public Property be Riven the
charge and manapament of the some- loot upon 0011 of the roll by the following
vote; Yeas. 'Harelip and Tully. E. Pay, Burns', Gardner, Wooldridge. 3.
', Vis.:.._._ _..__.— '_-_ _' ..... � ...,.......... _... ___`. •___.�• .. _...... _..._ ._. ....��..... _ > � _ J.f s _..) .
I,en••a�f.: ^.NS` _ r'7�,.twt.T_^'•^'�•r-` •. — '�,... .,.�+..,r .' ,
No_ �.
Commissioner's Proceedings,, .City of Paducah February 18th 191_8
On motion of Member Tully, that the, payment of the pay roll of the Street Dept i~^
for the week ending February 16, 1919, amounting to +146.70- carried upon call of the �'•
:roll by -5 yoae.
Nat'l Surety.' On motion of the above, the National Surety Go. was released. from the saloon r. ?....
Go. released,
on bond of bond of Chao. Iverlett,as of February 13, 1.916, upon call of the roll by 6.yeas. ... _ .
Chne. Iver- �'.
lett.... On motion of Member Wooldridge', that the request of F.. S. Johnston for a
.; F. B. Johneton4 transfer of his retail ooffee house license at 1034 Murrel Bv. to R. Oalieei be I ,
lioenes granted- oarried.dpon call of the roll by 5 yens. J
transferred. r
On motion of Mayor Burne, thaL.one hand red dollars be donated to the National
Donation to •1 i
"'. Nat'', Rivers; Rivers b Harbors Oongrese .for the canalisation of the Ohio river- oarried upon call I.
Harbors '
Oongrese:.' ! of..the roll by 6 yeas: I ...
Sale of On motion of the above, that the City Solloito'r be requested to bring in. an
t second hand
clothing. ordinance regulating the sale of second hand clothing, and providing that before some �>
u shall be offered for sale that it shall be thoroughly cleansed and eternised under the '
direction o.f the Board of Health- carried upon call of the roll by 6:76818. ! '
Jaduoah I On motion of the above, that the invitation of. the manager of.the Paducah �
Traction do. ? i hic
Invitation. Traction Co':, to inspect its properties, be aooepted'by the.Board- carried upon.call of
!.the roll by -5 yeas.
Mothers' Club'. On motion..of the above, the oommunioation of the Mothers' Club, also the request
`. Settlement ) of the :Settlement House for a donation,we're referred .to the Board to be considered In ! .... `•;
b� House.
making up.the budget- upon call of the roll. by 6 yeas. f
Oliver 46nes.4' on' motion of the above, the roe ignatIon of Oliver Jones, motorcycle officer, etc.
accepted q.thIa day tendered, was received, filed, anaaae ed'u on oell of the roll
y wd iti r by b yeas.
.Board of On motion of the above, the, following persons were appointod and -elected:
y;,•,, � members of the Board of Health of the City of Paducah', to fill the vacancies now
existing. to -wit:
f. Fred Spook to fill the place fonnerly.held by J. y. weashpwo Jr...
R Dr. M. M. Cooley n 'w n n w • Dr. w. B.- Parson/.
Dr. H. P. Linn, t'o'euooeed himself. IFF
'upon, call of the roll by 5 yeue. L. 1 .:..:..
' Donation to ' On motion of the ubovo. that a.farther donation of:j160.00 be made to the West f
Leet Xy. ' 7
1. Industrial. Kentuoly Industrial College as a final, appropriation for the year 1916- carried upon !'
iJ; .Colloge• t
pall of the roll by the following voter Yeas; Burne., Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. Hoy.
4 Haselip ind'Yully,. E. I
CommoniOat ion Cn motion of the. above. that the communication of Prof. D. H. Anderson and Fred!
D. H. Ander-
eon b Fred Beyer be received and filed, without nohnowledging any obligation or order of either
Bey* r.
whatsoever, as the City has heretofore expressly declined to recognise the order of I
:Anderson .to� `!
pay Beyer b300.00 out of any appropriation- carried upon call o'f the roll
by 6 yeas.
City Solioitor On motion.o.f-Member Haselip, that the City Solicitor be instructed to furnish
to furnish �•'
opinion on' sa written opinion upon the authority of.the City to donite.to inetitutione, charitable..,.,
y nto 'and otherwiee, and iopeol ally as to our authority'
to.donate to each inetitutione act i.
°i Aonate.-' within the city limit9-.oarYied upon call of:the roll D9 b yens..
d f on -motion. Lhe Board adjourned on call of the roll D 6 � P Y yaae.
Ado ted
VS: 'f �� �,�1- .),.1 i• P : '1 't c.6i. �}.L, '•i r �: i 5 �'
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