HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 332, January 29, 19181
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r No.o2
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jaan.a cern
IL • regular meeting o;.the Bo•rd.ot Oommieeloaere held in the Commissioners
.. Chamber of the City Hall-, Paducah. Ky., on Jan. 88, 1918, npoA,0a11 of. the 'roll the
following answered their names, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully b iooldridge•.b.• ti
}UWTLESB '- {!, On motion of Mayor Burns, the meeting adjourned until Jan. 29, 1918 at lid I '
�. DAY.
P.. M. this being *heatless* day. upon Gall of the roll by 6 yeas. .
January 89. 1918:
�•t.;. .. „� ♦t an adjourned meeting of the Board of Oommleaionere held in the Oomr1a
i Chamber of the Aity Hall, Paducah, Ky. on Jan. 29, 1918. upon call of the roll the r:
(. following answered their names: Burns. Gardner. Hssellp, Tully & Wooldridgs. 6.'
On motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of the previous meetings held oA
.� January tft. EE. E6 and 28th sere adopted an read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
3 Oat t Houses On motion of Member Tully, the action of the Oom'r of Finance in purchasing
' Mart Hones ; I .
' mad. Market House bond #E9 0 91} and interest. was approved upon cell of ths.roll by b yeas.
On motion of the above, payment of the Street Department ' p Gey roll for the
fti week ending Jan. 26. 1918, amounting to $469.90, was approved upon cell of the roll by
L6 yeas. ?
Wm. Petty i;. On motion of Mayor Burne. the Oom'r of Finance was instructed to notify fm.
execute new
saloon license Petty to execute pew bond on his retail coffee house license, the Hational Surety. Co. i { bond. " b its ..
i y agent AnDer Smith, having signed hie bond thrn error. upon cell of the roll. by
6 yoga..
- Communlostion On motion of Member Tully. a oommunication from 0. M. Riker, Mgr. of Su:wk•
from Eureka ii r_ "••
j Coal & Oak* Oo. Coal & Coke Go., in regard to -coal weighed by Mr. Tom Orr, Weights & Meas. Ineptr.,.
t was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. I.
On motion of the above, the bill of Gus 0. Singleton, County Court Clerk,.
Bill for t .h
ELEOTIOiN ae to election ex enses he alaima due D the City, was referred to the Cit 8olioitor
<. EbPEUSE9.' P y y I., 'g.
for written opinion upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
' On.motiou of the above the Dill of American Layrancs Fire Engine Ooo of date
can LaFranoe
Fire Engine Oo.;; Dec. 8.1917. amounting to $108.18, was referred to the Olty Solicitor for adjustment,
i upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Tzi
j' N.J.Porrest On motion of Mayor Burne, that the bondsman on bond of Q. J. Forrest, apeoisl
bond released. I;
patrolman. be released, be no longer being in the service of the Palmer Hotel Co.,
�t carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
J. T. Webb ! On motion of the above, the communication of the Palmer Hotel Co. requesting
granted police f
powers. I. that police powers be granted J. T. Yebb; watchman at the Palmer Hotel. was received
and filed, and said J. T. Webb was granted police authority upon exeoutt'on of usual .
bond, the City not to be liable for any salary- upon call of'the roll by 6 yeas.
�! On motion of the above, the communication of Mary'E. Halbach,-Admrx. was
Wm. Halbach L•
saloon license reoeived & filed. and lloonee.lesued to William Halbach at 4th & Jefferson St. trans. t
s' transferred.
v ferred to Henry Halbach & J. T. Farr, at the same location, upon Gall: of the roll by
1 6 yeas.'
-On motion of Member Haseli that the
Proposed amend P. proposed retention ordinance be gmenQe4}
i Rent to so that the License and weights b Measures Inspector be olaeeed'ea a atrolmaa
Retention i P , .cad
�( ino laded and covered by the ordinance as each, and that the whole number of patrolman,
JJ '
Including said Inepeotos be twenty-six- came loot upon cell of the roll by the
a •
following votes Yoga. Haselip and Tully. E. Hay, Burne, Gardner b iooldrldge;
8. - .. ,.•• .q
- - -- �r-... .•..:, i�.. K ;+...: h u n Sir x �}Y ';,'i•: w;� t..ti•:a:,T Sr"T x .2.,,;i7. _-�.;,c ♦t,.
F 1
4 N0
..�1z ? ! + S
Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah January E9 .191 :}t
Retention on motion of Member Haselip, that Seo. 1 of Subsection 4 of the retentlon.ordi
Ordinance ) `c
Amendment:: ( nanoe,be amended by striking therefrom all of that part of said subeeotion:beginning
with the words "In.the event any additional sanitary. officers are appointed". eta -down
i to Subsection 6- same lost upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Haselip_ '
j h !ally- 8. Hay, Burne', .Gardner & Wooldridge, 3.
on motion of the above' that Seo. 3 of Subsection.9 Clerk to the Comr of Safety.
Retention m y.
Ordiaaaae be strickenfrom. the Retention ordinance, so that same when amended will read without
' any provision for such officer- same lost upon call of. the roll. by the. following voter
h Yeae, Haselip R Tully- E. Hay, Burne, Gardner 3 Wooldridge, 3..
'Retention On motion of the above, that Section l of the .Retention ordinance be emenfed by
Ordinance'. g'striki therefrom the words "as of March 1 1918"- same lost upon call of the roll .
emenameat.�.a '� P by
the following vote:', Yeae. Haselip i Tully, E. Bey, Brame, Lardner m Wooldridge. A. S'
r y DUTIES, was adopted upon call of the roll by, the following votes: Yeas. Burns. Gardner' rf
6 and Wooldridge- 3. bay, 'Hssslip and Tully- E.
' s1
paid Drown". On motion of the .above, the resignation of David Browning as Aset.. 01ty Golioitor.
re .
Ing s gna-;
tion. totake effect March 1. 1918. was accepted, andile written resignation received and
ttilefl, npaa Dell of 4Rs roll by.6 yeas..
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the tell by the
following voter {
1 ' Yeas; Burns. Gardner. Hasellp. Tully and Wooldridge- 6.
' yrR Adopted__..•"�-��i�11�- :�:. ,\•''_ ..
6 1
February 4th. 1918.
At. the regular meeting of, the Board.of:Commieeionere held in the Oomr'e Chamber '
of the Oit Hall Paducah, I
y , 1(y:. on February .4..1918, upon call of the roll the following,
answered their'namees Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tilly age-,
On motion of Member. Tully,.the report of Oom'r of Finance for January 1918 was i.
reosived and filed, and the accounts
ond:ealaries, amounting to 413,880.77, Allowed, i
andL ordered paid; upon oall of the roll by 6.yese.
a6®�� On motion of Mayor Burns, the Com'.r of Finance was authorised to issue check in
allowed for the amount of $60.00 to Mrs. Gus Edwards, Chairman of the,Civics-Depti of'Women'e.Club
z ' RIAS aitALB.; for RED.OROSS Christmas esals'purohaeed In.Deoenber- upon call of the ,roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Member Tully, this being "Heatless Day" the Board adjourned to meet .`.., k.
again on February 5,1911); at1:30 P. M.,'upon poll of the roll by the following rotes,
1 .
` Yeae. Burns, Gardner. Haselip., Tully. and Wooldridge• 6. 1
} x. •i
l .
• t.
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