HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 324, January 5, 1918' eyo•nx n•+, .i .T �. n s � :•:ter r4 r t 0 •Yy T(. 7 rye.! •7 .y.ttl M y -S�.w�:::.�.J�=�iti.:.�.- ...aje-•+—,L'✓•. •t:v-J.'.._Y..:,J.a...:us+.:. 1 f 'Comrnissioner's-Proceedings; City of.Padth*h' ' January 6th /g/B At a called meeting of the Board of Ooomleaionere held in the Oommielionere. I ' OheaDer of the City Hall, Paduosh, Kyr.. on January 6th,'1018, upon oall of the roll, the following answered their nameel Burne,' Gardner, Gravee, Marton A Washington. ' " On motion of Member Marton. that the report of oolleotione by the Com'r of I. Pinnace from Jan. let to the 6th, inoluelve, be reoelvad and filed- oorried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ire Purobase INDUS On. mo tion of Mayor Burne, a Resolution providing i MOTORCYCla from B for the purohaee of an i B. T. Bourquin. Indian Motor Cyole from So To Bourquin at a prioe of 8200, and inatruoting the Oomr I( of Plnanoe to issue voucher to Mr. Bourquin for said amount, Was adopted upon oall I . 'I " of the .roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Marton, that the amount of 84,704.28 be allowed from j the opeolaT Street Fund; and the amount of 8466.78 be allowed from the general fund.' I� in payment of salaries and olalms,.as per the attached report of Com'r of Pinanoa I ". `t and City Auditor. oasried upon, oall of the roll by 6 yeae.. ! Report of ' On motion.of"the above, the report of. the City Assessor was.reoeived and City AsNoeos. Ij filed upon oall of the roll by 6 yeae, 1 Inanaanoe Poliolalon motion of the above. -that the insuranoe polioiee. on p�perty of the city, 1 eta. referred to ' Dept. of YUblio : and matterspertaining thereto, and the oustody and oontrol.of^owe by p'laosd In Aifsise. .'•''the department of Publio Affairs. and that the Mayor be•'instruoted to keep said `. polioiae in -full force an. d.effeot, some tra-be.•kapt--on-file in. the vault on the thiel floor of the City. Hall- oorried upon doll of the roll by 6 yeas'. II Mayos i Comas f . On motion of the above, that the'Mayor and. Gom!r of Finance be, sithorized- to of Pinanoe . U . anthwrised to ` make no to with the Gity Depository for the amount of J40,728.66, to oovar overdraft make note with r of 1917- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. city Depository. On motion -of Gemb er Washington, that .the.pay roll for the Street Dept. for the '•'' "+ week ending Jan, 4", .1910. not'oovered by ordinsnoe, amounting to 496.76, as per the attsohad *Statement, be allowed. ourried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. . ?i. Otis HoYaana j On motion of Mayor•Burns, that Mr. Otte MoManue be granted polios authority, ,'. granted polios powers. �+he.having been appointed Merchants' patrolman; upon exeoution of required*bond,..lt.• j' being understood that the City is not, responsible for his salsry, which is B mattes between him and the merohants. oorried upon oall'of the roll by 6 yese4/ " I�. ,.,°'1....•. Communloation On motion of the above; the oommunioation from 0. B; Oroaaland with respect of C.BoCrosal M4 to the compiling and publioation of oity ordinanoee,. and Submitting a proposition respeot to oom-•' piling City to do this work at a prioe of $600, was referred to the inoominp Board of Oommle. r Osdiaanoee.. G cj 1 sioners at their meeting on next Monday -'upon oall of the roll by.6 yeas; Repast of ?Ao.D. On"motion of the above, the report of Jno. D. Smith, epeoial Auditor, of Smith. 8peoiali the Docks and saoorde of t 1 d' Auditor. " M C ty of Padugah for the year ending. Deo. 31., 1917, ,. together with hie additional r000mmendation, were received and filedupononll'of I the roll by 6' yeas. Annual Report f Oh motion of,Membar Marton, that the Mayor be authorized to have at least itor to'be two hundred oopiee of the annual report of the Speoial auditor printed in pamphlet. . priatde. form- carried upon Sall of the roll b 6 n Y yeas. . :On motion the Board udjourned Upon pall of the roll by. the following WtoIt. ' Vase. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton b Washington- 6. AdoplodA_��1�1 rs.7=TI _. MA i"11a. f 77 7_1 "