HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 321, January 2, 1918.A"4 ;��'.� r I �-�• a - �1. i?•-. LT-k'.' ~��Y�.!► 1. :. �"1•Iw rTS'^el •+'�4 Sl 'A- �i� •Rx <. .i�l•,'•.� J•1"-Y5
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah JanumT Ed:
At an adjourned moeting,of the Board of Commieelonore held in the Commisoloners
Chamber of of the City. Hall. Paducah., Ky. on Janyary 2,1918. upon can of the roll, the
following answered their names. s. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. "
On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Deo.
r 191.7,.ameeting held on Dec. 31, 1917, were adopted as read upon. call, of
the roll by 6 yeae.
On motion of theabovej. that the .Home Garage.be, allowed the sum of Thirty-eight.
Home Garage {
allowed $3880. r. Hundred and Highty•(33880).Dollers,'in tall satisfaction of contract price and, all claims, '
in full for
Pieroe-Arrow j for extras ko on contract for the purchase and installation of a Pieroe-Arrow Motor.
chassis and !
motorlsation : ".ohaeele, installed at No. 6 Fire Station, and motorising the .aerial truck at No. 1 }
of truoke,•eto.T
Station and overhauling the truck at Ho. 4 Station, and painting acme in accordance with
oontraot• and supplement dated July 28, 1917- oerried,upon.oall of .the roll by 6 yoae..,..
''Nat'l Surety Oo. On motion of Mayor Burne, that the. Bational Surety Co. be released from the bond ;
released on bond
of Robt. De Boa.; of Robert: DeBoe, as Merchant Policeman, he having died a few.days..ago- oarried upon dell
of the roll by 6 yeas.
Reoommendaoloa On motion of the above; the oommnnioation from Judge C. B. Crossland, recommending-
of "increase to "
Police Judge s ea increase in the salary of Polioe'Judge, was received. and filed upon call of the roll
salary.. Dy 6 yeas.
Blg Street i.. On motion of the above, the.00mmnnioation from S. A. Fowler, regarding an glen''•` :
Olsaner: ,..Street Cleaner for the City of Paducah, was-received and filed upon dell of the ro.11.Dy.:,.,
yaps. i, A
gg. I:
Heating gi
t On motion of the above, that V. H. Poore and Jae. Poore be given a hearing,at ?
t. H. Poore it .k G
Ju. Poole. two o!olooV. P. M. on January 3, 1918. in acoordanoo with the recommendation of Chief of ?:{
y Police,, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. {5.
On motion of Member Washington, that the pay. roll for the Street Dept. from Deo`.
;.� E6 to Deo. 29, 1917,.not.00vered by ordinance, emounting.t.o.j6E:00, as per attached
statement, be allowed- oarried upon-oall of the roll by 6 yeae. t r
Quart Liquor
?.. On motion of Uember Craves; that the application of B. J. Priester b Go.; at.
License granted, 111 N. .Third,8t., and of H. Well m:8on at 111-113 H. Second'street, for quart liquor .
B.J.Priester a ..:::.
Co. and license at said respective loostione;.be received. and filed, and .that license-to. sell
H. Well & Boa.,) ti
by the quart, spirituoue,,vinous and malt liquors; be granted to said partiee, and that ;
` the bond offered.by each of. said parties be aooepted and approved- oarried upon call of
the roll`by 6 yeas. .
On motion of the above. that the application of, P. S. Johnson for license to
Retail Coffee
House license sell. by retail, spirituous, vinoue,and malt liquors at 10343. Teeth street, be granted, '
e granted F. a.
Johnson. -1 and that the bond offered by him. to-wit; National.Surety Co., be accepted end approved, t`
carried upon call of .the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burne, Gardner, Graves and;'
c }Marton- 4. : Hay, Washington, 1. '
On motion of..the above, that, the applioatlon of F.. S. Burton, for a coffee hones
Retail Coffee .,
House license, license at 134 S. 4th street, be granted, upon,00ndition that he immediately. transfer
granted F. S.
'•" said license to some other person to operate a saloon under aaeme- carried upon cell of .`
the-roll by 6 yeas.
F. 8. Burton 0n motion of kayor Burns. that the license this day granted to P. 8: Burton' be ,
f ...
coffee house tr.aneferred.to R. Calieai. as per attached order of transfer signed by F. S.
license trans--:
forred Oalieslto R. ` provided'that said saloon is not to be run with Mr. Burton in same as an employee in
any connection carried upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas.,
J..3. Rolan on motion of the above. that the application of J: S. Bolan for retail ooffee {
appplloation for
ooNo house house 11oenes at 200 Ky. Ave., be denied. and that .the license fee tendered, with his
license refue
eA.application, be returned to him-:oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City 'of Paducah Januar, ea -191 -IL
On motion of Member Graves, that all other ooffee house or saloon
f ' lioenses, being fifty-one in number, be granted to the,respeotive parties applying
{ therefor, at the reepeotive locations named in their applioatione, and that tie,
1 Metall e0ffe0 ; bonds of said appliounto be approved and uooepted; said parties, fire or corpora-
il0easee tions to whom lioense is hereby granted are as follows;
1 9 1 a name Looation Surety
f Rehkopf Diet. Go. 103-106 S. Ed National Surety Oompany.., -
Robinson & Pant Sinnott Hotol R. ■ n `
S. .. 6'omble 107 U. 4th a a a
Lagomaralno'& Comise 119 H. 4th
If Chas. T. Graham 136 S. 9th
C. E. Hiller 1167 H. 12th a w
1 Soott Ferguson 701 Trimble a • a >•
pp J; J. 11oAughan 1134 Jones ■ a a _' °`'„
I; Pete Bolger 1617 S. 4th a • n { ''
y ly G. B: Willow 127 S. Ed
Alfred Strauss 116 Ky. ava. a n a
Henry Cause 704 Adams
t Pi A—T. Bohannon 111 S. 3d
(; .. L. B. Ragan 115 S. 4th
Juok Riddle 119 Broadway
" E. Mason 833 Caldwell
fl' D. F. Temple
• k•, k 116 3..4th
0. Dimmio 1729 S. 4th R a a W
Sloan .Bros. 13 & Monroe a a q
Palmer Hotel Co. 6 & Broadway
J. C. Sellers 106.3. 3d a a R T
.I G. A. Chandler 125 S. Seoond
!{' Theo. Peters 1039 Ky. Ave a R a
John Elrod. 110 S. S000nd
I, Frank Pinkard, 117 S. 3d
J. B., Sohulto 70.1 S. 7th
Osour DenY.er 432 H. 12th
i B. A. Turner 1000 U. 10th a R q r•'..` .
r W. E. Ham &Sone 936 H. 10th a a a
I' H. 'Sohmidt'e Son. 1100 S. lith a q q. .•I ..k «-M'` ,
{ John Ward 132 Ky ave. R . a•. r.
F J. C. Griffina. .`
A. Marooffsk 126 S. Seoond
i Y 134 S. Socond .' a a'. a
1 Ben U. Allen 100 11. First
S. H. Pell 737 H. 8th' a n w
Ben Boswell Co. 127 S. 2d a IN a '
Sam C. Smith
101 S. 2d a a a
6. M. Petty 825 Washington
b' Gamee�Ward
nker 1301 Harrison ■ p R �c
I' 901 Woehington a R q .. x•
J. H. Clandennon 113 S. Seoond • a a
Dan Galvin933 S. 3d R
Jae. T. Quarles East side I. 0. depot " a • I-'
Tuck Lone 622 Adams a a a
J. B. Rothrook. Jr.— 121 S. Ed a R a {•
. R. E. L. Moehell 109 11. 4th
William Heibaoh 130 U. 4th • a
L. L. 11elson 407 S. 3d
j 4 Steinhauer & White. 115 L. 4th ■ a '' a
I 'Ipp`-W. V. Mitohell 908 Boyd
k. Holland & 1'mnlnB 107 S. 4th
` said motion oprried upon'oall of the roll by 6 yeas. t
LDpolntment of iu' On motion of Mayor Burne, that the appointment of Chas. 0. Groom as' -a
Q Q. groom
ratified. member of the Polios Department be ratified- parried upon oall of the roll by 6 yess.�'t
b Mayor Burns was e:oused from the meeting.
t On motion of ltembor Marton, that the amount -of �114,96E.29. foreco' to
s h
E.and salaries, &o.. as per'the .report of Com'r of Pinanoe and 0ity Auditor, be allowed,
1 ` and oheoks issued for same- oarried upon oull of the roll by the following.votft..•"
Yeae. Gardner."Graves, Ltarton and Gashington. 4. Al
On motion of the above, the report of Gom'r'of Finance and City Auditor
q of Colleotione and Disbureemsnto for the month. of Deoember 1917, was reaelved and �L' '•^`
. filed upon oall of the: roll by 4.yeae.' i.^•�-4
} r Mayor Burne returned to the meeting.
On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following votes
Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves', Marton and Washington- 5.
AGc. _,� _19LL