HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 320, December 31, 1917' � sitc5,7�"4"�'S"p�'�,r„x-�Y�*''.''I+y;sna 'c :�'�u hY'•4-.1 ��•'Mo�'74 f7+. �•YX:r t�',T�+'yN r7. •vc �c m .t I .,t '.
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No.3a o
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191L
At.a regular meeting of the Board of Commieel one rs held in the Commissioners
Chamber of the City Ball, Paducah, Ky.,.on Deo.. 24, 1917, upon cell of the roll the
following answered their names= Burns, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4..'
On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of the regular meeting held on Dec. 17,
and of the called meeting of Dec. E1. 1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll
by 4 yeas.
Oemetery Dead t
On motion of Member Gardner, the City Clerk was authorised to execute deed to
Mrs. Grace
Mrs, Grace Smith for lot #1 Block #3. Hannan St.. in Oak Grove Cemetery. ry, she having
paid to the Com -r of Finance the sum of $40.00 therefor. .as per attached reoeipt.
upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
A Maryland Casual•R;.
On motion o1 Mayor Burns, the Maryland Casualty Oo. was releaaed from the bond of
t ty released on
bond of Jac. K.
Jac. K. Hendrick, City Solicitor, as of Dec. 9. 1917, he having executed other app rovoJ*
.';• Ij
surety on that date- .upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. i
Member Graves entered the meeting.
On motion of Member Washington, the pay roll for the Street Dept. for .the week I
ending Dec. 21. 1917. amounting to.4167.06, not covered by ordinance. as per attached]
statement of Com -r of Works. was allowed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of the above, the,pay roll for the Street Dept. for Dec. 22.6 24th,
amounting to 066.36; not covered by ordinance, was allowed upon call of the roll by '
Wis. Karnes
On motion of the above. that the City pap to Wm. Karnes .6 Bone.. $41.00, or half ofi..
Dona. bal.
allowed an
the attached bill for extras on the contagion ward, same being balance of total
construction of'
amount due by the City for their proportion -of total oxponsa of building said ward,
in full of all claims against the City of Paducah- carried upon call of the roll by
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes
Yeae. Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.
G CaJ'
d i
December 31, 1917.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commlosionere held in the Council 0humber of
the City Hall. Puduoah, Kentucky, on Dec. 31, 1917,.upon oall of the roll the following
: -
their numohs Burne, Gardner and Graves- 3.On
motion of kuyor Burne, that. on account of this being the luat .of the your and r.
the reports, pay roll, oto. not having been completed; and on ucoount of the ruah 1a
the office of the Com-r.of ?inanoe due to the collection of taxes 'for the last half �•'% '
of the year, .that this meeting be adjourned until Wednesday, January Ed, 1916- carried
upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
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