HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 316, December 10, 1917i
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah i1aamboi 3d
On motlon'of Member Gardner. the communication of Judge Jae.
Communication of M. Lang of
Judge Lang In. re. Nov. 19. 1917.. In regard to the purchase of a strip of land 60 ft. wide' oonnootirg.
purchase of strip:
of land received Atkins Ave. Vitb the Cairo, was received and filed upon call of the roll by 5 Face.
& filed.,
on motion of Member Marton, that, the amount of $12.006.89, for accounts and
dalorles. as per the report of Com1r of Finance and City Auditor, be
allowed and
checks Issued for Game- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yess.
Cardiac r. Graves.
Marton, & Washington, 4. . Mayor Burns having been excused from the
Power of Atty, of;on motion of the above. that the Power of 4tty granted to Yoreman a Lackey by
Ohl. Bonding h.
Ins. Co. to the Chicago Bonding and Insurance Co. of Chicago. 111. be received and 6
J11 d,,6airisd,
Foreman & lackey upon call of the
received , & filed., roll by the following vote; Yeaa. Gardner, Graves. Marton and
Washington- 4.
On motion of the above. that Mr. Jno. D. Smith be employed to audit the books
JU0* D. Smith
employed to audit' 11 accounts of the City for the present year from Jan. lot to Dec. 31. 1917- carried
books 6 &*counts.,, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Graves. Marton and
Washington- 4.
On motion of Member Washlngton, the pay roll for the street department for the
week auding*Nov. 30..1917, amounting to $169.66, not covered by ordinanoo,was allowed'
upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Gardner, Graves, Larton and.
Washington, 4.
Mayor Burns returned to the meeting. {`"vr'�
W. N. Slmtoons On motion of the above, that,V. V. Simmons be a 'Pay for four days timajost
allowed pay. for 110766
lost time on cost. an
on account of a sore hand which beoame Infected while working in the sever departm t'
of core hand.
11 as per hie request hereto attached, and written raoommandation of Co6lr, of Works, cold
time amounting to 49.90- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
Bill rendered by On motion -of Mayor Burns, that the bill rendered by the County Court Clark as
County Court Olk.,
for election to election expenses charged the City, be referred to the City Solicitor for an OPIA10
expenses. as to Its legality- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ;J
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote:
1688. Bums, Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington. 5.
, r
DSOEUBER 10th, 1917. V
At 6 regular mating of the Board of Comml esionere hold in the Council Chamb4r
of the City Ball. Paducah. 4., on Dec. 10. 1917, upon call of the roll the following
anewasad their U&MOSt Burns, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6
loyment -of on motion of Member Gardner, that the action taken by the. Commissioners on
Bea lard, & Co.
re.onaldered. 1, Dec. 3. 191 in regard to the employment of F. W. Ballard & Co. be raoonei4arrad,and III
thet a motion made by 0om1r Gardner and the amendment offered by Member Washington
be and the came are hereby reconsidered, carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of the regular meeting of December
1919, su jeot to the reconsideration of the motion of Com1r Gardner and amendment
of Com1r Washington In.regard to the employment of F. W. Bullard & Co.., were adopted
as road upon call of the roll by 5 yeae.
The vote beirtr. taken on the amendment offered by Member Washington. on Deoemb
P. V. Bel lard 3, 1917 to the motion of Com1r Gardner. Kith reapeot to employing P. W. Ballard
proposition to
re art on WATER
system., � Co. to make a reportae to cost of a Water Works system for the City of Paducah, same
lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yea.. Washington- 1. Bay. Burns
Gardner. Graves,Marton- 4.
'[ T - ^,a ` ?r! Ci: '�.:�,'T'rr,5� rN1.:'s'�'vp' rPr { •. Yfc
,y,. .-r^'•t, c:4'"'•T'r}, '1". .,Z . ,'!!".�,."^" .R�_ .V.• . Z }c•r1 1„ c,,7 J� J S r �� Tv.:J •' '
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah naoslBaA 10 1917 .00ntinnea:...,
t. •
'On motion of Member Gardner, the motion made b him on Dec.3d 1917 in regard
�:.. Motion of
. y • g
Member Gard-, to the employment of F. W. Ballard a Co., with the consent of his second to the motion
nor in. re.
mploynt was withdrawn, upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas.
Ballard a Co.
withdrawn. On motion of the above, the Com'r of Works wee instructed to .repair a broken ?"
Repair sewer pipe at the corner of 19th a Adams.etreet,.complaint having been made of the
*' broken sewer:
i? PIPO 180.6 dangeroue.00ndition oaueed'thereby, upon call of the ro11 by 6 yeas. I �•,•1'.
OH motion of Member. Marton, the report of the Com'r of Finance and City Auditor= .
it 4 1
r ' of.Colleotioneand Disbursements for November was received and filed upon Dell of the
' roll by 6 yeas.. r,:w
On motion of the above, that the report of collections for oonstruct n'.
f : P lou of concrete
Oolleotions f sidewalks, oto. on Madison street from 17th to 19th, under contract with pec. W.
'i for oonstruo-
' Sion sidewalks
etc. Madison Katterjohn, be received and filed; and that the amount of cash collected. J1,199.99, be . ;?
8t. 11 19 S allowed and check issued therefor from. the special atroet Hind, and that bonds be printed •;
to the amount of 41,242.61 and City Auditor authorised to turn over the three unoolleoted
tax bills, amounting to 4319.76; to the contractor- carried upon call of the roll'by
;+y t 6 yeas..
Pormisslon On motion of Member Washington, that the Cumberland Telephone a Telegraph Co. be
ranted Oumbere
` land Tel. a granted permission to transfer the anchor they now have on Ky. Ave. bet. 3d and 4th to:.;
Mores�an 0. Ave. bet.. 4th and 6th, and to renew a pole on Ky.. Ave. bet. 4th and 6th, as per their A a.
ohor and renew.
pole. request and sketch herewith filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
t On motion of the above;the pay roll for the Street Dept. for week ending Dec."
k 7, 1917, amounting 'to 4194.90, not covered by ordinanoe,was allowed, as ti.
f; } per attached
y statement, upon call of the roll by B yese.
Bornholm Bros..j On motion of Mayor Burns, the communication of Meeere. Bornholm Bros. in. re. ,
donation of
Goal. donation of coal was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas:
r On -motion of the above. a R&SOLUTION congratulating Masers. I. V. Bornholm and
-'Resolution Bernard Bernheim upon their high sense of patriotism, thanking them most cordially in
of Thanks to
.`.", Bornholm Bros. behalf of the oitisenship of this city for .the generosity manifested in donating twelve
for Goal.
hundred bushels of Goal to the indigent poor of Paducah, and wishing them many years of
continued prosperity and happiness, was adopted upon oal,l'of the roll by.5 yeas..' �.
°Maryyland 'Gas- On motion of the above, that the Maryland OeeuelSy Co. be released from the bond
°s ualty Co..
released on of Henry 8i4gery as of Nov. EH, 1917, ,being the date of the expiration thereof.. he
.Nervy einry ".
bond., gshaving executed bond on that date.in another company- carried upon Gall of the roll by '
6 yeas.
On motion of the above, that the epeoial powers of attorney of the Maes: Bonding a '
Special Power
of Atty. of ,Ins. Co: to,A. R. Steele', of date Nov. 14, 1917, in the execution of bond on behalf of
�tnle. B&nalaR
ae. o. Lb ,lames Leroy Wooldridge as Com'r of the Oity. of Paducah. and on behalf of Willdam.Armour
A. R. Steel*..
p Gardner as Com'r of the City of Paducah, -also the general Power of Atty of. Gold Maes.
Bonding a" Ina. Co. to,A.'R.. Steele, of Nov. 19, 1917, and the financial statement of said '
bonding oompany of date' Sept. 30, 1917.. be received and filed, carried upon call .of the'a., '
roll by 6 yeas. i {.
B'mploy man to On motion of Member Gardner, that the Market Master be authorised to employ n meacle`
House. an at. 425.00 per month to ale an the market house,. and that hie. re asst in re
q gard to same be n;
received and filsd- asrried upon call of the- roll by 6 yeas. ;..• %.:
On motion of the above. that the question as to the legal meter rate for water for
Questlega11MBTJM .. M1'11 purposes. including residences. in the city of Paducah,,be referred to the commis. i {:
xate. I ,.
sioaera an a whole, to be.taksn up immediately- eame,oarried upon can of the roll Dy j ^T
.�.) ). S C. '.R..i •!.'t S :� r'i4 1 t Y.•," '� ;h _.�a:' i '�,>r
.. i � .,�MI'V !T t'�.r�•'a � e ar z I �F. ;p h£wa - Itt Nre,�"'-tt'�4 �!.',�^ r �: r"r' 1 ...
Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah December is 19i .v continued
Owners of on motion of Mayor Burne, that the suggestion of the Chief of Polios to require
tor vehialse e s
motor vehiowners of automobiles and motor vehicles to register with Com'r of pt.naroe upon pay. `
• no
to, be registered.,.
ment of one dollar. fee for cost of tags dao, and providing a penalty of,five dollars
i for refusal, be referred to City Solicitor for an opinion, and if it Is legal that .
he be requested to immediately bring in an ordinance to that effect. carried upon Y,!�
, f
(!.Gall of the roll by 6 yeas. '
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the •roll by .the following vote:
• • ��.
�i Yoae, Bwae, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. P
/ _.. • '�`=�`-'-''"- ��.�. cr4 ,�/"•�'....--•—^ T�La l is _ G
II DHC=BRR 17: 1917.
At a regular meeting of the Boar& of Oommiaelonere held in the Oommlaelonare ,
I Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky,. on December 17,.1917, upon call of the roll
.the following answered their name; Bums, Gardner, Craves, Marton & Wsahingtou.• 6.
On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of the meeting held on Doo. 10" 1917•:
were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 youe.
oeesete geed to On motion of Member Gardner, the City Clerk was authorised to execute deed, to
Mrs. Hellesa' Mre. ltaliBea itartin for.Lot #1 Block #78, Oak Grove Cemetery, she having paid to the
'. � ■asLta.
;. Oom'? of Flnanoe,the eum of ;40.00, as per receipt attached, upon null. of the roll
by 6 ye as.
Ott motion of the above, Whereas, on the 14th day of Sept. 1916 n petition,
signed by'more than E04 of the qualified. legal voters of the city of Pnduoah votirg
for Mayor at the last prooeding election, nae filed with the Board of Comr'a of the
City of Paducah, requesting the Board to pave an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance-
�' to Provide for the Oonstruotion, Operation ennne o and lfuint
fATaa 1/0a>a �I; o of'Water Works by the Cit y
OHDIHAHCS i of Paducah, Kentuoky"; and, ::herons, the Board of Comre' refuaed.to pees said ord10
to be h nanoe but on the 14" day of Sept. 1916, the Gommisalonare, on motion, voted to submit '•
f ... Recorded. u }
said osdinonce to the qualified voters of Paducah, Ky. at the. regular election to be
held at the several voting places in Paducah on Hov. E, 1916= and, Whereas, the
question of adopting said ordinance was duly and legally submitted. at said election
i to the voters of Paducah; and, Whereas, a majority of the votes oust for and aguineL.j.^,,:4r;
said ordinance were oast In favor of said ordinance, as shown by the-certificate'of "
the ranular election officers authorized to ounvue the votes, filed with the Board of
Commissioners of the City of Paducah on Hov. 6" 1916. that said ordinance be oopled
lathe ordinance book of the City of Paducah, carried upon Gull of the roll by the
following vote; Yeas, Burne. Gardner. Marton & Vushington- 4. Member Graves not
i voting nue registered Hay, pursuant to resolution.
f! Mayor Burne being called out, was excused from the meeting.
h On motion of Llember Uarton. the amount of 04,946.74 was allowed and checks
h ordered Issued therefor as per attached statement of Com'r of Finance and City
Auditor, upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeue, Gardner, Craves, Marton
and Washington- 4.
III. [