HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 315, December 3, 1917T",
as Ingt,on,. was
given Its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yese Gardner, Orave a
and n Msrton-m 3. Bay, Burns & Washington- 2.
Cemetery deed
On motion of Member Gardner,. that. the City Clark be authorized to execute dead
r. Wallace 0.
Smith. towealaoe . 0. Smith for. lot.12 In Block #26, Oak Grove Cemetery, roosipt of Com'r.of Yinanoe q
for W.00 being attached hereto- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
Gutters In On motion. of the above. that the Com1r of Works open up the gutters in the alley
alley bet.
between Jones and Norton, 6th and 4th streets, so that the water can drain out to the
4th So 5th St. atreete. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of the above. that the Olty accept the proposition of Jas. M. Lang.
City A County Judge MoOrsaken County Court. as . per hie letter of Nov. 19th. in the purahase.of a certain'.
Purchase land
Atkins Ave. strip Of land 60f't-. wide just Inside the city li
Cairo Road. mite. connecting Atkins etrest.wjth the
of taking,dere.-of the drainage at that poi
Cairo road, for the purpose
nt., and that the
doet of the Olty's half of said land be paid out of. the real estate fund;.
providei thai
there are no reservations made In the dead withveferesso a to gradl n which
be done by the property owner and the County,
As to
ty, and provided' further that the title
conveyed by I said deed Shall be In the 01*7 of Paducah- carried upon.call of
the roll by
6 yeas.
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah December. 3d 191
At a regular roosting of tho'Board of Commissioners hold in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall. Paducah, Hy.; on Dec. 3d. 1917. upon .call of the roll the following
answered their names Burns, Gardner, Graves.* Marton and Washington- 5
On motion of Member Marton. the minutes of the*. meeting hold on Nov. 26. 1917
were adopted es read upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the oommunlostion of the Eureka Coal & Coke Co.;
Coke Oa.
making complaint as to method of Mr.; T B.: Orr in weighing a. load of coal, be received
and flied and referred to,the Commissioners as a whole. and that Mr.* Orr be. called
before the Board for his version of the controversy;. carried upon call of the roll, by 5.yeai.'
Ballard & Co.
On motion of Member Gardner. that the written proposition of F. V. Ballard & Co.
proposition on
estimate for.
dated,Bov.17, 191% In regard to making an estimate of the ooet.of construction and
operation ofthe
a Water Works for Paduoaho' be - roosived and filedoa rried upon call of
roll by 0 yess.
Member 'Gardner made the folio wing motion: That the proposition of F. 1. Ballard
Co.; of Cleveland, 0.. for an estimate as to the cost of a now Water Works for the 01ty
of Paducah and for the operation of same as per their letter of.Bov.17*, 1917. at a fee
of 4760, be aooepts4l; said report to give their opinion ae.to the proper souroe of waier.
supply.for the city, whether It Should. be from deep wells or. -river, and shall include
F. 1. Ballard,
the size of pipe and necessary machinery for such water works; the tins and expenes of
sending 6 man to Paducah toprepare the-neoiaeary-deta to be borne by F. W. Ballard & Co.
sum of 4760 to be paid out of the contingent fund, and report to be made by December
Member Washington of ie red the following amendment: That Commissioner Gardner's"
motion to employ engineer F. Wi Ballard. to make an invistigati . oil of . .-the cost 0 f oon-
atruoti ng a water plant be amended so as to read- That said Ballard Is to make the
necessary Survey & astimate.and furnish a oomplate-got of detail plans showing the, location
to give
also of the different pipes, also detail plane of the Pumping Station So machinery and
detail plans of a filtration plant. If same is found n000saaary- and detail cost of the
laying of pipes on each street- same carried upo n call of the roll by the following..*
votes Yeas,.Gardner� Graves, Marton and WaShington-4. tiny,l..
The original motion of Member Gardner as amended b I'mU. W U
as Ingt,on,. was
given Its passage upon call of the roll by the following votes Yese Gardner, Orave a
and n Msrton-m 3. Bay, Burns & Washington- 2.
Cemetery deed
On motion of Member Gardner,. that. the City Clark be authorized to execute dead
r. Wallace 0.
Smith. towealaoe . 0. Smith for. lot.12 In Block #26, Oak Grove Cemetery, roosipt of Com'r.of Yinanoe q
for W.00 being attached hereto- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
Gutters In On motion. of the above. that the Com1r of Works open up the gutters in the alley
alley bet.
between Jones and Norton, 6th and 4th streets, so that the water can drain out to the
4th So 5th St. atreete. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of the above. that the Olty accept the proposition of Jas. M. Lang.
City A County Judge MoOrsaken County Court. as . per hie letter of Nov. 19th. in the purahase.of a certain'.
Purchase land
Atkins Ave. strip Of land 60f't-. wide just Inside the city li
Cairo Road. mite. connecting Atkins etrest.wjth the
of taking,dere.-of the drainage at that poi
Cairo road, for the purpose
nt., and that the
doet of the Olty's half of said land be paid out of. the real estate fund;.
providei thai
there are no reservations made In the dead withveferesso a to gradl n which
be done by the property owner and the County,
As to
ty, and provided' further that the title
conveyed by I said deed Shall be In the 01*7 of Paducah- carried upon.call of
the roll by
6 yeas.
r :4."RaA � m r• r'�t°C.. .y a �. � � i4T% r � •T - tr.+t .f � z• - j jwq.?v
Commissioner's Proceedings, City' of Paducah December Sd 19JZGontinuee '
Cometmniaatlon of On motion'of Member Gardner. the communication of Judge Jae. M. Lang of.
Judge Lang in.re.'. Nov. 19. 1917, in regard to the purchase of a strip of lend 60 ft. wide connectisg.;`
purchase of strip Atkins Ave. with the Cairo was received and 'filed y 6 ��. upon call of the roll D m
of land received
j 6 filed.. on motion of Member Marton. that, the amount of 618.006.69, for accounts and'`! '•.' ;_
1 1
ial�risa. ae per the report Com'r of Fluence and City Auditor, De allowed and
!: checks Issued for same- carried upon call of the roll by the following Yeas,
Gardner. Graves, Marton.& Washington, 4. Mayor Burne having been excused from the
.r ;1 -
Power of Atty. of; On motion of the above. that the Power of Atty granted to roreman dm Lackey by
Ohl. Bonding 8 ihs.Qhlo
Ina. Co. to ago Bonding and Insurance Co. of Chicago, Ill. be reoelved.and-filed*arried-`„
Foreman a Looby ! upon call of the roll by the following vote;
received b filed.t Yeas, Gardner, Graves. Martonand •,.'
! Washington- 4.
On motion of the above, that Mr. Jac. D. Smith be employed to.audit the books
Jno. D. Smith sad account® of the 01 for the
employed to and11; i9 present year from Jan. let to Dec.De31. 1917. carried
books 6 accounts.,. upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Gardner, Graves, Marton and
J: Washington- 4.
4. On motion of Member Washington. the I.^
r rag pay roll .for the street department for the
week ending Nov. 30, 1917, amounting to 6169.66, not covered by ordinan*e,was allowed',l
upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Graven, larton and, rti`J
Washington, 4. ' '.F
Mayor Burns returned to the matting. ;
W. N. •lmmons qt On motion of the above. that. W. N. SSnmons be allowed pay for
allowed pay for I .four days timt,lOtt
lost time on acct, on e000unt of a sore hand phloh.beoame infected while working in the. sewer department
of sore hand. I
as per his request hereto attached, and written reoommendation of Com'r,of'Wo_rke, sold
time Amounting to 39.90- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .'
Bill rendered by On motion•of Mayor Burne, that the Dill rendered by the County Court Clerk as
County Court Qlk.j to election expeneee charged the City, be referred to the City Soll*ltor for an opinion'',`:;,_'
for election'.
expenses. 1: As to Its legality carried upon call of the roll by -6 yeas.
r On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voles ..•.:Ir:-
Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington, 6. 1 "' ''•`,
r w,
DECHUBSR 10th. 1917. r' • <;
a .
4 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commi esionere 'held in the Council Chembe
of the City Nall. Paducah, Ky., on Dec. 10 1917 upon *all of the roll the following
Answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington. 6.
soy on motion of Member Gardner, that the action taken by the Commissioners on
r iiBal�i:se°f � ,
. & Co.,
. rtooneidsred. 4 Dec. 3, 1917 in regard to the employment of P. W. Ballard & Co, be reconeidered,end -
? Il that the motion made by Com'r Gardner and the amendment offered by Member Washington
be and the same are hereby reconsidered, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. t
On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of the regular meeting of December 3,'
i _ I
1917, subject to the reconsideration of the motion of Com'r Gardner and 'amendment
of Com'r Washington in.regard to the employment of P. W. Ballard & Co., were adopted
I. as read upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas.
N The vote beirW. taken on the amendment offered by Member Washington.on December
1. W. Ballard !e
proposition to a 3. 1917 to the motion of Com'r Gardner, with reepeot to employing P. W. Ballard 6
report on WATER Co. to make a report.se to cost of a Water Works eyetem for the City of Paducah, eamef-
WORKS system.
lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: ye
a,.Waehington- 1. Hay, Burns,
r Gardner, Graves. Marton- 4. 1'<