HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 306, October 22, 1917' .-.;+' rirn: r.JjRh�v�fi?•r �'+S•+•y P'. �i•'ey.`6�N u,�ty.•y.+< v°t� .r'S-. .:t+•vro�r. r r. Xoc, r .. � �
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= No.aeb t.
Commissioner's. Proceadings, City of Paduoah- n.t.h.r no J9�s
it a regales meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners hold 1n the Council OhemDss
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of the City Hall, Paducah, $y. on Oatober.22. 1917, upon call of the roll the follow.
t Ing answered their namesr Burns, Gardner, graves, Marton and Washington- 6,
On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting hold on Oct.
16th, 1817 were adopted as read upon cell of.tho roll by 6 yeas.
:On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the Street Department for
the week ending Oct. 20th, 1817, &mounting to 4210.60, not covered by ordinance as
POT attached statsment,.be allowed. carried upon call of the roll by 6y.so.
Cent•,i.v;lY va
On motion of Member Marton, the certificate #1 for 82000.00 duo q.,M#.Yarnsa i
i ana ootract for the ocnetrnotion of the Contagious lard, was received and filed upon.osII
of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Member Marton, a communlcstion from the Com'r of Finance and Auditor,
�i requesting that the Mayor and Com'r of Finance be authorized to borrow Seven Thousand
Dollars to meet Payments for the estimates of the Corn's of Werke for the City's portion
of Lha. Ditulithlo street on Jefferson and Broadway, sad for, other current expenei
!u''Allowances- the City to execute its note for said. amount, and same to be paid fromthej �r<<
ii tax oolleotione of the current year. was seoelved and filed upon Call of the roll by 6 yoga,-'..
On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Oom'r ofpinanoo be authorized
j to Dorrow.87,000. and to execute the City's note therefor, said amount to be -paid from
!,.ths tax oolleotione from the current years receipts, and to be. borrowed from the City.
Nat'l Hook, as per oommunloation from the Com'r of Finance and City Auditor; carried .I
!upon 0811 of the roll by 6.yeas.
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on motion of Mayor Burne; that ■. M. Karnes 6 Sona be paid Two Thousand Dollars
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!•oa account of construction Of Contagious Ward Hospital. as per the oertificate of 0.
Lassiter, Supt.- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese.
On motion of Member Washington . the communication of Sept. eoeh, addressed
rthe Mayor and Commissioners, signed by the Jaye &'Means Committee of the McCracken
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;County Chapter of The American Red Gross, asking a donation for the purolu►ae of yarn to�
be used 14 knitting articles for the soldiers- wee race eidd p.
roll by 6 yoae.
On motion of -Mayor burns, that the request for transfer of saloon license of
jBoadurent i MoOarrigal to 8th and Washington Streets, De granted- it appeasing that
loo;lase have been posted and filed according to law; and that the petitions for and
against it be received and filed. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion of Member Graves, that the OOmmanl0ation of 0. H. Cone, Adv. Rep Toson.f.•'%::.:
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'��arn L.A.Ytative of the Southern Labor Congress, relative to a pope advertiesment
S�rla said Southern'
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Labor Congroso, be received and filed, and that the Mayor be instructed to write said
'parties that the financial condition of the City at the present time will not permit + '
;the Board of Comr'e appropriating any money for such purposes at this time. carried upon
call of the Roll by 6 yeas.
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.nA$ On motion of. Member Marton, that -&a the Sinking Find le now drawing four per cent.,'
belag the ew* rate ss the Liberty Bonds, that the Olty of Paducah Twenty-
five thousand (826,000.) dollars worth of'these bonds,- by doing this the Oity will be
:• '..
the Government end at the sums time receiving the eems amount of interest.. ;.
this purchase to be made provided It to approved by the City Solioltor, carried upon
call of the roll by 6 yeas.
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j��d ►«" On motion of Mayor Burns, that the request of the Paducah Cigar 00. for exemption .•y
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from tax n� i
, � : De received and filed, end referred to the City Solicitor for his
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Opinion ae to the legality thereof-. oarried upon oali Ot . 1111 X yoae,
On motion the Board adjourned i�b11 4ll�wing
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upon call of the eV vote= Yea$
Burn Gardner rales. Marton and Washington, , l {