HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 3, January 5, 1915' ,"iT^i"-�w,—�'�,:6�LG.^`,:.I��'X:r.'i`�'-ir�T&Mr'.�� v w.e; '�T:e r f ) '" >�� Y tr• c + wd6
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah jArninry;,�
6 a Gall meeting of the Board of,Commieeioaere, hold in the O1ty Hn11. in the
ICity of Faduoah, Ky.,January 5th 1915, upon null 02 the roll the, follov;in answered °.1'. '
rte their' names;-Mayor liuzolip, Prne. Murton, i:ullaao and l➢cohinpton. (5)g
.1 r The Luyor read a oorn}nloation prepairod,in ropard the Four Com.mieelonorev:ho
tae oleimed by the suid Mayor,.not being Legally quallified, euro was resolved &'file.:. is
i_ On motion by member Burne., the Commissioners took a rooese for -16.minutes to l•'
f �oonsidor the prononition mcdo in regard to thoir.poeitions ca Loegly qualified
Commisoionore, obrried.
��» ry+++.�+•.��ai on motion'by the above. that the Four Elootod Comminelopere have the City Sella
!'.itor Jae CumFboll Jr prepair the foots In. regard. to situation of the Commissionere a
!and present same to the .Attorney General of the State of Lontuoky. sumo oarriod, upon "1
ocll of thr roll by the follor:ing,vote;- Yons Butna. Larton, S.allaso; Washington [4). Y1
: iMuyor not voting. }y
f On motion the Board adjourned;upon oall.of the roll by the following vote;Yeae
a Mayor. Burne, Lorton.'Uallno9 andCashington. (5)
Jr. r)
tE a Osll meeting
` i ofl.Pnduoah. � of the Board of Commissioners. held in Lhe City Hall in the Olt .• 't2
7 Ky. Junuary 6th 1915 npan still of the roll the following smeared to.thel
namee;-Layor. Burne. Marton, to�lsee and 5nehington. 16fOn motion by member Marton the following ass ;-Chas L Robertson, Aleo FSrklond.
ivalliam Karnee, Sr.. oleoted to the board of supoovioore'for the year 19lbtlpon
;sell of the roll the fellor,Yng votes, yeas. Myryor, Burns , 11prton. Culluoe andGa.hinrton (5).
l On motion by.m.-mbar Wushington that the oommlesionor of public works,
!publio prorerty. publio eafety,Gompoeet the purohasing board. The above aadati
(/ �ankried and member Wallaoe was Ueoted ahuirman upon .oall of the roll by the
�follo-,'.ing vote: your. Burne. Msrton..Wcllaoe and Wnohiagton (4).
��rr tt D On motion by member Buxne the City Solioitor was instruo:4:d to i
:an amended prdinznoe regulating the tot-Al Gaffes house ordint.noe of thepoity
:ot Puduouh.. The same oarried at the onll of the roll by the follo%-Ang votoet
;yeas. Mayor, Burne, Marton, Wn11see and Washington (v).�r;
motion by the above the commies isnot o f ubl to property
p pro rt was Snstruoted ' t�„
to Rot bide for the enolonure of the market hopme: a no curried upon Gull of ;.e )'
,the roll by the follorinr votes: yoae. Mayor, Burne. Marton, C'nllaoe, and
{ _ Washington (5). .
jOn mots: nby member Marton City 9olioitor James Campbell. Jr., wne
r Ihstruotod to read a oam:,unioatisn prepared for the attorney
Rener�l of the
state in regard to the validity of the officers of commissioners. The sumo "1s1:N t
,oarried at the Gall of the roll by the following vote: one Burne Marton''
Wnllnoe +.nd Wne!:ington (4); nay, M.-yor (1).
�� r 1
p On motion the board adjourned upon Gull of theroll-by.ttio following
IVOtes, Meyer, Burns. Marton, Wcllaoe and Wechingtoa (5). .I'
/� n ✓� / ii u
I1 y Cltli� ilGYWc - ,'x,,14