HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 297, September 10, 1917i { - 6p.PMt'S• r. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September nth 191L 1= r On motion of Member Washington, Owing to the Increased nest of living, that. �.0ommenoing Iwith September let, 1917, the dey men in both the Street and Sewer Departments �. i p be given an increase In wages o1::10% and that the Sewer Inspector be Increased from -�1��•�- f(�►AWA�'',,�—.a•.w_ A $86.00 to $90.00 per month- oarried'upoa call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. On motion, of Member Marton, that the coffee house license of 0. H. Williams � ���.,..•�''�,, %i'�✓r'" at EOO Kentucky we. be transferred to J. S. Holan;.at the same location, as per the. per. jj • �,; request of Mr. Williams hereto attached, carried upon,call of the roll by,4 yeaa. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of,the roll by the following votes cr.. ' Yeae, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington -.4: r, Ad ptcd v �• 14 I�1/���r�;, cur u.rr;" { ° Seutember-7th. 1917.' r At a.oaiied meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the.Counoil Chamber of the City Hall Padaosh Kyo on September 7th 1917 noncall of the. roll .the following answered their ndmsst Burns, Gardner..Gravee. Marton and.Washington- 6. i S.. . On motion of Member Gardner, the rules .were temporarily suspended as to service of copies of resolutions and ordinances three days before meetings, upon call of the. { "' p . , • ' ( rbll. by 6 yeas:'`. On motion of Mayor Burns, a Resolution authorising and inetraoting the Mayor to.�.,,j'" A,,_ sign contract with the C. 0. 0. Fire Hose Go. of 170 Summer'St., Boston, Maes: for the �.e� 'leasing of two thousand.feet of `fire hose at a rental of one hundred dollars per,monthi " l _' �•. acc�^ with the option to the.0lty of purchasing game at one dollar per lineal toot at nay j . , time after January 1, 1918, was given its passage upon call of the roll by S yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall'of the roll by the following votes '+ " r;;'• !"Jose, Burne, : Gardner. Graves, M i rton and Washington- 6. s, • � � Adapt•. /v_191�. j'ir':-i 2-t.C�rLL1 �it•' lLly l::.ri. 93PTi'1'.[Ba:i 10th. 1917. Ea ;. At,a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the 0ounoil Oharrher.of, ix g the City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on September 10th, 1917, 'upon call of the roll the following answored their names:. Burns, .Garda r, Graves,.larton and.Woshington- 6: 'lr i. On motion of Member Graven, the minutoe.of:the meetings held on September 0d; 4th and.7tb, 1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll, by 61yess, { ,' On motion of itombor.lfinrton,: that the report of the City. Auditor,for.the month'of i. a August 1911 be received .filed, and published. in tho'offloial newepaper-'carried upon oall, of tho • roll Dy„ 's On motion of Idomber,Washington, that tho•pay rollfor'the Street Department for the �%'• i week enai'ng Sept ember. 8th, amounting to X248.80; not. covered by or.dinanoe,; as per the. I> attached statement, be allowed -.carried upon oall,of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Uayoi Burne, thatt }ie opinion of the City. Solicitor touching the j exemption of certain concerns doing business: in the oity of Paducah', be.reoeived and filed, and referred to the Board of Supervieors- carried upon.call of the roll by -5 yeas: r ��� IIK..•.e,•ry:«.ww.«J.i.,..r.n t�i.,l.-..... .��:V��4L4' .tea �. :y��.�iaaz*«+a�. ' '.V�IMiY.iN:J. J: .F:.Ain • •. 4iG. 'aV. •. ? 'y:M..,l�r-.•..e:4.i.1:i•:t LliJ1'.(y'(.,N�'. ;..,y J .,... _ -- .. ' A qtr y.,I 14[•r 77 �.-+__.-_.� t.. f _�..�:.;.:..�.J-.�.r".:.•,.�..i+l'c+........y..a..'l..r`,. G:s.-..,._....+....-.� � ..! ��..6...:.._..L � .., • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September loth 191700 a.' t On motion of "y.or Burne, that the petition of the Washington Street B'sy tiet,- t )� Ohuroh for privilege to use Washington street from Biederman's Alley west to the 111E lnterseotion of Eighth street, for four days and nights beginning on Say,. 17th,•1917, �,.. ����'• ' bo granted, subjeot to the regulation of the Commissioner of Safety and Oom'r of ' y ?: r Works- oarried-upon oall of the roll by the following vote: -Yoae, Burns. Oardner, \./ Graves. Marton and Washington- B. On motion the Board adjourned, upon oall of the roll by the following votot f Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington- 6. I t, ' � �P`P`R•�z7:H.1:G 1 MAYU SEPTEMBER; 17. 1917. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionere held in the Oounoil Oheabor T (A of the City Hall..Paduoah..Ky., on Sept. 17, 1911, upon oall of the roll the followicgl answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. I li On motion of Member Marton, the minutee of p regular meeting held on Sept. 10th :i.. were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Safety have the mud washed off ,'•',. i� the wharf front with the fire hose, and that the Oom'r of Works have the weeds and grass out and trash removed from said front- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. R} On motion of Member Marton, that the amount of $8,887.68,,for salaries; eta. c..' for the first half of September, be allowed and cheeks issued for same, as pov the attaohed statement of Oom'r of Finanoe,and City Auditor- oarried upon oall of the roll a by 6 yeas. I` On motion of the above, that the communications with reepeot to the ase6ssmont �. a. ,.�...:. of A. Switzer on. property at 17th and Clark street be reoeived and filed, and that he be refunded on the amount assessed for improvements -whioh was $1,200.00 $1.86 on the hundred dollars, $22.20= oarried upon mall of the roll by 6 yeas. x On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll of the Street Dept. fortie week ending Sept. 14, 1917, smounting to $266.66, not oovered by ordinapoe, be j jI allowed, as per the attaohed statement- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ' r" • t1 On motion of Member Graves, that the reoommeadation of the Oom'r of Public Works, that the bid of Coo. W. Kattarjohn be aooepted, with referenoe to the improve- Mont. of Madison St. from 17th to 19th, on both -sides thereof, and from 19`ih street, 94 :? •� the Uorth side of Madison street extending 280 feat 'Nest, be oonourred In, and the `� oontraot to Improve same be let to.Geo. W. Katter ha at hie Did of 12716;00, eime F 1' being the lowest and best bid offered- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 Wase. t - /3,4-� On motion off Mayor Burne, that the paving work on Jefferson Street betwoen :. f i •;, /I' 11th• and 16th -be reoeived and aooepted, there having been no oomplainte filed against + ' P' '•.' � same, as per the recommendation of the Oom'r of Werke- oarried upon mall of the roll , . , •;,„ *' ,by 6 yeas. On motion of the above. the rules were suspended me to sending out oop.les of . �6 ,t reeolntioae and ordinances at this meeting' upon mall of the roll by B yeas.. On motion of Member Washington, AL ORDIHANOS ASSESSING THE ABUTTIIIG.PROZATY ' A ON BOTH SIDES OF JEFFE3301i STREET FROM T12 W4ST PROPERTY LIGE OF 11th '-� ST"F7 WJEIT I' ' RE -f IEUTaHB JEFPc.RSON STR:ET.FROIt THE HOc3TH TO THE WEST PROPERTY LIUZ O8 16th .Ua"T,' IN w� THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, THE SUN OF $4.68 PER FRONT FOOT FOi THE HSOONSTRUOUCU ,�