HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 296, September 4, 1917.s`.iJR.. �X i1Y 4!!i.J yhi Y�U'!f. •vi(l. r, 4 J+:! JM. LT'K" l J' t � 1..4i._e}�, .. •
f' No.a
Commissioner's Preeeedinso rih,.,Ppe.l......L
5 At a regular meeting of the Board Of.Oommiesionere held in the Council Ahnabes
:� ,of the CityHall, Paduoah,•Ky-,.on September 3, 1917, upon call of the roll the _
following answered their names: Gardner, Craves, Marton and Washington- 4.
On motion bt Member Marton, that this being a eggl holiday,. the BoarQ adjourn'
!} ? to meet again for the tre4eaotio4 of Ito business on September 4, 1917, at two o!olook
! I P, M.- carried upon Dell of the roll, by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner. Ornvee;.,
p Marton and Washington- 4:
... __ �6_n
J P 3ewtomber 4th. 191177,. s
a t
i. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commieelonere'held in tho.Counoll Ohamb erj
d f
;k fry o the City Hall,. Paducah. Ky., on September 4th, 1917, upon call. -of the roll thea:
I? following answered .their names: Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4,
On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the prevlous meetinge were adopted
" i as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Member Gardner, the.0lty Clerk was authorized to ezeoute deed to
Mrs. Clara B. Stafford for lot ;�$7 in Block ¢1, Stewart and Baker streets, Oak Grove
�. Cemieter she having y. g paid the Oom'r of Winans the sum of $30.00 therefor as per
-a attached receipt. upon call of tho.roll by 4.yeae.
On motion of the above, the Board ratified the transfer of Lot fie 3 in Block
Y "K", Oak Grove Cemetery from H. L. Bley to Miee Lillian O..Pislt (now Mrs. Sam Poremea)";'::`'i, r
} :[. as per the written request of Mr. Sley, and the Clark was authorized to make 'the -
proper record of same in the Cemetery Deed Hook, upon call of the roll by 4.yeae.
a On motion of Member Washington, the payroll for the street department for the I '
t week ending Sept. 1, 1917, not covered by ordinance, amounting to $266.S.O, ae
per. w-
1 z(
i.?• I attached statement of Oom'r of Works, was allowed upon'.oall of the roll. by 4 yeas.
Y y
- i On motion of the above, a oommuntoation from the Oom'r of Works, advising tho +'
'h Board of the respective bide received by him for the building of the Contagious
? Hospital, woo received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Member Graves, that the recommendation of the Oom'r of Public Works
to aooept the bid of Wm. Karnee of $5316.00, as the lowest and beet bid for.the
(� q building of a contagious ward at the Riverside. Hospital. be concurred in and the
. Mayor be hereby authorized and instructed to enter into contract with said Karnes for
the construction of same in accordance with the plane and specifications prepared by
arohiteote Lassiter and Jamieson, and submitted with the advertieement for bids -
,.carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. i
On motion of Member Washington, that the Oom'r of Finance be instructed to feauel
cal. warrant to Southern Bitulithlo Co. for $1474.33, being 65% of work done by said company
' d_� during the month of August 1917 on contract for reconstruction of Broadway and Jeffer"
tra.�; '
streets from 16th to 17th, so per the attached report of the Oom'r. of Works, carried ( ,,
Upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. '
t ';''•' '
...,t• On motion of the above, that the Oom'r of Finance be instructed to issue warrant +
to the Southern Bitulithlc 0o. for $11.284.72, being 66% of work done b said companyi'
' Y
•'�" + during the mouth of August 1917 on contract for reconstruction of Jeffereon etreet
from 11th to 16th street, as per the attached report of the Oom'r of Public Works `
r oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. i:•
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No.� /
` t
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September 4th
On motion of Member Washington, Owing to the increased cost of living, that.
�• September Sewer
.00mmonoing with let 1917 the day men in both the Street and Departments
be given an increase in wages of.10% and that the Sewer Inspector be increased from
A" 986.00 to $90.00 per month- carried upon call of the roll by the following votes " 7.
Yeas, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. e t
On motion of Member Marton, that the coffee house license of 0. B. Williams "
f FV
�, at 200 Kentucky Ave. be transferred to J. S. Bolan, at the same location, ax per the,
o^� request of Mr. Williams hereto attached, carried upon. call of the roll by.4 yeas. {
v} On motion the Board adjourned upon call ot,the roil by the following votes
Tess. Gardner, Graves, 'Marton and Washington-:4•fit .
Ad pled
t• -1'1i
September -7th. 1917. 1 !'
`n•' dt.a.oalled meeting of the Board of Oommiesioners hold in tbe.Council Chamber of
`, F ,the Oity Hall, Paducah, Ky. on September 7th, 1917, upon call of the. roll .the following
answered their namest Burne, Gardner,.Gravee, Marton and.Washington- 6.
On motion of Member Gardner, the rules.were temporarily suspended as to service
,; .:•, a of copies of resolutions and ordinances three days before meetings, upon call of the1"
tiT;. • .: I .rbll. by 6 yeses �t
„� On motion of Mayor Burns, a Resolution authorising and inetruoting the Mayor to �.,?"Y''
... ,`;
sign contract with the 0. 0. 0. Fire Hoes Go. of 170 Summer 8t., Boston, Naes:'for the
leasing of two thousand.fest of fire hose. at a rental of one hundred dollars per.monthj
with the option to ths.Oity of purohasing dame at on dollar per lineal foot at any
time after January 1, 1918, was given its passage upon call of the roll by 5 yeas•
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall'ot the roll by the following voter ( ,
i .'.
' •' Yone, Burn a. Gardner, Oravee, Miurton and•Waebingtoa- 5., .x
Adapt.'. /p••191�-1. N-P:PFZC�rLLi
ULy . �7 .... .... A• :Ui't'O R
, 7'} i 9:iPTi"IBS;t 10th. 1917. tt,4
At. a rogulor meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoil Gbwber.of
the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 10th, 1917, upon ball of;the roll the
follopin answered their namoet. Burns Gardner Graves Marton and.Washington- 6. 4i,
On motion of Member Gravea, the minutoe,of the meetings hold on September ft. 4th ! ...
P and. 7th, 1917were adopted as read upon cell of the roll by 6'yeae, I
On motion of btombor. tdarton.. that the, report of. the Oity. Auditor. for .the month -.Of i. '+7
A August 1911 be reooi:ved and :filed, and published in the official newepaper` rried. ,
,f.4 uponcall,of the roll Dy, 6 yens.
$. On motion of Liomber 4iaehington, that the•.pay roll for the Street Department for the
1 week ending September 8th, amounting t0je248.80, not covered by ordinance, ae per the, ,.
attached statement, be allowed-.oarried upon oall.of the roll by 6.yeaa.
On motion of Mayor- Burne, that .the opinion of the City. Solicitor touching. the
,exemption of certain concerns doing business: in.thecity of Paducah; be.reoeived and 1 ;
!Sled, and referred to the .Board sof Supervisors- carried upon .Dell of, the. roll by'6 yens.
v".;•f!.. �YI4 :. d'. ! 1 .i�� _ (� - .{ .fifsl
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'tiN.t1lri. J, ' 'A:a:J•:aw_ X1.1. �cr.:w.ay.:'la-,- «.kti.T.+... t, i'yl'6 CCN♦ .. 4 7 - .