HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 292, August 16, 1917.
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Commissioner'a Proceedings,. City of Paducah. augaet 13th
On motion of Mayor Burne, that the report of the Com'r of Works concerning !
• ...
i �L��" Rieke permit for sewar, be received, filed and concurred in—carried upon cell of the!
roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne Gardner. Orav
• es, Marton k Washington- b. �
On motion of the above, the communication signed by Dr. Van J. Davie, Chsirman,.
and others, with respect to the killing. of ttr. U. T. Romaine, was received and filed
Gupon call of the roll by b yeas.
On motion 'of Member Graves, that the oommunloation.of tire. A. R. Meyers, euggesLT
Ing that the Olt Y fSlva to the young men now being dratted for the United States esmy .I
some Suitable entertainment, in recognition of their worth and valor, be rooeived andl
„^ filed, and that a committee of tao,.00neleting of linyos Hume and Member Morton, be
-instructed to not with the Red Cross and other patsiotio,organiaatlone.towarde pro viQ-;
Ing for some suitable entertainment or patriotic service on the eve of their departure,
carried upon null of the roll by b yeas.
On motion of tiayor Burne, that the poser of Attorney of F. B. Smith to sign the
f bonds of Rhodes and Bernhard as members of the Park Board, be received and filed.
carried upon call of the roll b 6
- ' Y Yeas.
On motion of the above, that the roaignation of Dr. R. W. Jackson an Oity
: Physician be received and filed, carried upon call of the roll by b gees'.
-' On motion the 'Board adjourned upon cal
p 1 of the roll by the following vote; "
F Yeas. 'Burns, Gardner, Graves, L'arton and Washington. 6.
Ado ted
F; I; •�� n'l'AYVi4
j AUGUST 16th. 1917. l
At a epe01e1 meeting of the Board of Oommieslonere held In the Oonnoil
Ohamber of the Oit Rall Paducah
Y , , Ky., on August 16, 1917, upon call of.tha roll
the following answered their names= Burns, Graves and Washington— 3. 41
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the s000unte of the several departments; an
fshown in attached statement of Com'r.of 111nanoe and Auditor, of data Aug., '15,. Jj17''
7w •', be allowed, and that checks be drawn in puyam nt thereof, same curried. upon null of..' -
the roll by 3 yens,
On motion
of Member Washington, that Baxter Kuykendall execute bond, at the
C expense of the city, as assistant Chain gang foreman In place of Jno: McGuire, who had
appointed Chain gang Foreman in the place of Tom King, the latter having been i''
r;'. granted a ninety Jaye leave of abBonce, oarried,upon call of the roll by 3 yeae.
On motion of the above, that the City of Poduouh pay'a reward of 0100.00 to j.
i;.. the parties who apprehended the murderers of polio aman. Rom Ina. and said Bum not to
paid out until it .3 is decided who is entitled to this mono y- said amount to be paid out.-
of the contingent fund- carried upon call of the roll by 3. yeae.st
..A On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll b the following i; Y g voter
Yens, Burne, Groves and Washington, 3. I `
k V ci
Ad Pt d