HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 291, August 13, 1917(,yyj� (•� ir:,,( �y 1a� '.."�...�,y.'•�---.+-+.,-•' Y ' 43 Yl+.'Y�Y''vsi S..�Y • .'!CrF,`�'�l7Alt'!'r"'1".F�f!'y �., ,.� R'Yi'Y fin°t -. !,a ° J<: �iy''r��{Il9 Y:'m•air!'L`�Ote, ti ''�°� ;$'$•r•�''ti.,"jdi �Cy�=, M ''— " .. _ �.,�,.., ..._ _ ..,L,.. ._.. —.. .-.._1� lit _._.._ .L._ � ........... ..r„_._u•.....,....,,� :a_ �L::_ ' ,�yQ. -"• ....,-• , � r .. .. ` .,+,,,fit .. 'Sy NoIL7L Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah :meuat filch 191 :.. At a speatal meeting of the Board'of 0ommissionere•held in the_Oounoil Chamber of } the City Hall, Paduosh; Ky... on August Ilth,-1917; upon oall'of the roll the following 'answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Oravee, Marton and Washington- 6. a i" V Ga� On motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution increasing the salary of the lineman and • Fireman at the Oity Light Plant 06.00 enah per month from this date for the balance-of` 1 the year 1917, was given ,its passage upon oall of the roll by b yeas. �. On motion of Mayor Burns, that the following named persons be given polios powers , �- PiP✓"� `?'��without any salary to be paid by the City of Paduoah to them for any eervioes performed,” ,L7 provided further that each shall execute the usual bond, to-witi Miku Dowell, A. H. Henson, Chas: 0. Rieke, and Robt. DeBoe, and that the lettere from the Traotion Co., 'y• /Sde� Chao. 0. Rieke;.arid J. L. Wanner, of the Retail Merohante Ase'n, be reoeived and filed- r; I adopted on call-of the roll by 6".yeas. �5 f; On motion of the above, that the hereinafter named men be given polioe power. eubjeot i�Y•,r to the-limitation that same are not to. be employed in the,polios department exoept when j suoh employment will not inorease'the .number of men insaid department above the number fixed by the apportionment ordinanoe, to-wit:-.32 men, provided further .that eaoh shell " exeouto the usual bond:" Joe Green, Kelley Franklin, R. L. Book, H. R. Beasley,. Alf. "Thos. �.{ Stephene,"and Jae. Loftin- adopted on pall of.the roll by 6 yeas. l-. On motion "of Member Graves, that-the"Mayor be- Instruoted to answer the oommuntoa-I a rt F tion of Sherrill-Russell Lbr. 0o., with referenoe to the City paying its,lawyere fee of " I .fit, c. a: $200.00,inourred'Dy it in the oondemnation:suit for.atreet aoroaa its property in slr "F Meohaniosburg, and politely deoline the.paying of same by "the City-adopted on pall of M1 p the roll by'5 yeae.. z`'=• On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas., A?'" Burne,' Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington= 6. n Ada "to �•"n ivly" �1 7a.OTIr7 I c�..i MAXt7FG rr. a AUauST 13th.1917..1;, AT a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in,the,Oounoil Chamber of ;. the City Hall-, Paduoah,"Kentuoky, on August.l3,-1917;.upon.oall.of the roll the"following " answered their names': Burne, Gardner,"Marton and Washington- 4. ;i" On motion of"llember Marton, that .the rend! of the minutes of the"re lar meeting ng_ gu g held Auguat 6th and. of the epeoial meeting held on august 11th, be postponed until i" ry Friday Au y gust 17th; 1917, oarried upon dell of the roll by 4 yeae. On.motion of Member Gardner, that the Oity"Clerk be authorized-to'exeoute deed to Julia and Aroh, Miller for lot,#21 Blook 1, Oak drove Cemetery, they having paid therefore "`ter to the Com'r of. Finanoe the.eum of".W.00.aa per attaohed 'reoelpt- oarried"upon call-of the roll by 4 yeas.' On motion of Member"Washington,- that the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the weeku,•-••." " ending August 10th, not oovered by ordinanoe, amounting.to #107.16, as per attaohed statement ot".Oom'r of Works, be allowed- parried upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas. Member Graves entered the meeting.. On motion of Member Washington, that Mr. Tom King be granted a leave of abeenes, without" pay, for three months- and that Jno. MoGuire be put in his plaae as Ohs in Gang ;' .1 W.(,Qw•" Foreman-",parried upon *ell of the roll by the,foilowing voter Yeas,,8nrae, Osrdner, ? sf Graves.Marton and" Washi ton= b. +'>> 11 '", . •U , , �. � ��.�F 1 A Conunissioner'a No. ity of Paducah, .August 13th _19112 - t On motion of Mayos Burns, that the report of the 0om1r of Works ooncerning Risks permit for sever, be reoaiv6d, filed and oonourred in.- oarrlid upon oall of the. he. roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner. Graves. Warton & Washington 5" On motion of the above, the oo mmunloation signed by Dr. Van J. Davie. Ohairma and others, with respeot to the kills ng. Vr. W. T. Romaine, was rooeived and filed upon oall of the roll by 5 yeae. On motion of Member' Graves, that the 06mmunloation. of Mrs. A. R. Meyers, suggest Ing that the City give to the young man now being drafted for the United States &my Al � some suitable entertainment. In recognition of their worth and valor, be rooeived and! filed, and that a committee of two..00nalating of Mayor Burne and Member Morton, be -Inatru.otod to not with the Red Cross and other patriotiq organlzatione.towards prOVi4; Ing for some suitable entertainment or p atriotio earvioe on the eve of their departure, oarried upon oall of the roll by 5 yaae. On motion of Uayor Burns, that the power of Attorney of F. B. Smith to sign. the bon . do of . Rhodes and Bombard as members of the.Park.Board, be rooeivod and filed. oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. oA�;� On motion of the above, that the resignation of Dr. 3. V. Jaokson asI 0 t—y ti Physician be.reoaived and filed, oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yea6.* On motion the Board adjou rned upon oall of the roll.by the following votes 'Yea a. Burns, Gardner. Graves. Marton and Washington. 5. Ado lled70g:i Ti) APP. 3E?V _12. ,eQ AUGUST 16th, 1917. At a OP60161 meeting of the Board*of Commissioners hold In -the Qoussoll A Chamber of th a City Hall. Paduooh, Ky., on Aug up t 16., 1917, upon call of.tha loll the following answered their names, Burns. Graves and Washington -3. d On motion of Mayor Burns, that the s000unto of the several departments as yf 'shown in attaohad statement of Com1r.6f yinu nae and Auditor, of date Aug.. 15, 017'. oW be allowed, and that ohao)03 be drawn In payment thereof, same ourried. upon oull'o the roll by 3 youe on motion of Uember Washington, that Baxter Kuykendall execute bond, at the ex pause of the olty. as Assistant Chain gong foreman in pliLoo Of jaOj 11oGuirs, who jam been appointed Chain gang Foreman in the plaoe of 20m King, the latter having been T. granted a ninety days leave of absenoo, ourried.upon cull of tha'roll by $yes,34 On motion of the above, that the City of Poduouh reward of 0100.00 to the parties who apprehended the murderers of poliosman Romaine, and said Sum not to Iss paid out until It Is dooided oho is entitled to this money- said amount to'be paid out.' i of the oontIngent fund. oarried upon call of the roll by 3. yase.­ On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votes. Yana. Burne, Graves and Washington. 3. AdIpt d