HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 288, July 30, 1917\ � Yw++•K•' }(. _ :�Vt 4 f� Q1Tb tf. �(> '. � �� ��i --�l lZ'•{;tl M -yk C �.r y f�1�, �. ` ;{ u �,. �4 . ii -..moi..._• - �Ls!- _. !=31..._.}�—�.-..._.w.._:..�a�..nitl.e..'_,,.ca..,c_5.�... ,ate, A ... ''�. ' Commissioner's Proceedings City of Paducah 191 THEREOF. ARE HOT MOB CONSTRUCTED OF CONCRETE OR STONE AND GRANITE CURBING FOR THE 008T; I.OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBING AND ALL SEWERS, MANHOLES, INTAKES. CATCH BASINS AND DRIVEWAYS IN SAID. CONSTRUCTION; EIOEPT+ THAT PORTION PAID BY.THE CITY OF PADUCAH. AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN TEN (10) EQUAL I.N9TALLtD;NT9. ONE EVERY YEAR FOR A PERIOD OP TEN YEARS- said "• �. ordinance was given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burne, Marton and Washington- S. Nay, Gardner and Graves- 8. .. i Member Washington read AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBS AND OUT:'ER9.AND ALL NEOESSARY NANSOLE9, INTAK83 AND SEWERS ON BOTH SIDES or. NADI80N STREET FROM THE WEST CURB LINE Of 17th STREET, OR t % / { /% ? n FOUNTAIN AVENUE, TO WEST CURB LINE OF 19th STREET, 16111)16111)ON MADISON 9TRSET, ON THE I y, >9 NORTH SIDE THEREOF,.VROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF lith OTREET TO A POINT EXTENDING ESO ;. '. FEET WEST, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. AND PROVIDING THAT SAID WORK SHALL .BE DONS ON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN.- said ordinance was given its passage on call of the I. roll by 6 yeas. On motion the legal opinion of the City Solicitor in regard to the incinerating. plant of the city of Paducah was reoeived and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Member Marton offered the following motiont That the Mayor be authorised to advertise for competitive bide for the erection of an incinerator plant, same to be ' erected on site to be selected by the Mayor and Oommissioners. this plant when so ' erected to be leased or rented by the Olty of Paducah, with the privilege or option of� v a purchasing same at any time within one, two, three, four or five years, and the City T . .. reserving the right to aooept,cr reject any and all bide- adopted,on call of the roll".' ,)? f by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following total Yeas Burns, Gardner, Graves,. Marton and Washington- 6. f July 30th, 1917 t At a regular meeting of the.Board of Commissioners held in the Council.Chnmber 5 of tha City Hall, Paduouh, Ky. on July 30, 1917, upon. call of the roll the following' ' answered their names;.. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Llarton and Washington. 6. On motion the minutes of the previous meeting of July 23, 1917 wore adopted as ", t read upon call of the roll by G yeue. :.. On motion o; Uember Gardner, that the City Clerk be authorised to exeoute deed'' to N. Dixon for lot 75.1n block 1, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's reoelpt for 040.00 1' being horetc attaolied, carried upon call of the roll by 6 your. On motion of the above. the City Clerk was authorizod to exeoute decd to Mrs. L / Henryrief for lot 66 in Block y, ' p $40.0 :} 'f y p�2; Oak Girove Oamotor treasurer .e reoei t for / _ in payment thereof being hereto attached, upon call of the roll by 6 yeue. On motion of the above, that the City Clerk be authorized .to execute dead :to •'r'`' l !. James Woe for lot 68 in Moak one, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for $30.00 rbeing hereto attached, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. On motion of Llember Washington, that the pay roll for -the Street Dept. for. the �1week ending July 80th, amounting to 0178.16, not ooverod by ordinance, be allowed - 01 r. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. }f N V Uf_ = 114, 0 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July 30th Mayor Burns offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor bring In an ordinance oovering all territory from Washington to konrok streets and Piret to Twelftb atrept, prohibiting the tacking of cards or advertising matter on poles of any do- oaription, carried upon call of the ran by 5 yeas. On motion of the above, the report of Jno. D. Smithas to his audit of the b coke! and records of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, was received and filed o upon call of the roll by.6 yeas.. .On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Burns. Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- B.. Ado led - T ChV Cbwb MATO]?- V� AuKuet let, 1917. ..... . Ata meeting called by Member Marton'and Ilember Gardner, In the absence of the llayor, hold In the Council Chamber of the City Hall, pa 7V., dUOUh, Ky.; On August 1. 10 on call of the roll the following answered theirnamee: Rardner, Groves, Uarton and .Washington- 4. J_ on motion of Member Morton, that the amount of 418,322.26., for accounts and salaries'.. for the month of July, 1917, be allowed from the general fund* and the amount of .$2,808.60 be allowed from the special sever fund, and checks issued therefor. ae.per- E attached statement- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Y On motion of the above, that the gomniunloation attached from the City Auditor,;. Ing j: ad, that the Oity borrow 020,000.00 to meet obligations, be reolfi[ved:and.filed, and that the Mayor. and. COW r of Pin once be authorized to. borrow 420.006. from the Citizens, 71 Saving Bank and execute note therefor, payable in five months out of Dooember city taxes. curried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. 16 On motionof.)Jember Washington. the Com1r of Finance was instnioted to issue warrant k___"�Ito the Southern Bitulithid Co. for 45607.10. being 66e& of work donei'on*their contract P. 44 to reconstruct Broadway from the I. C. 11..R. to'16th street, daring the month. of JU 1 7 %07r �00 1917, as par attaohed.r6port of Oom1r of Works- upon call, of the. roll 11 by .4; yeas. 4 On motion of the above, the Comli of Finance was :Instructed to issue warrant to the Southern 'Bitulithio Co. for $1646.25, being 660 of work done on their oontr . ao I t to E V, reconstruct Broodway.and-Jeffereon streets from 16th to 17th streote,* da �A ring the month of July 1917, as per attaohiDd report Of*Oom1r of Works - upon call of the ro 11 by. 4 yeasil' on motion of the.above, the Oomilr of: Manoelwas Instructed to issue warrant to the Southern Bitialithia Co. for 03733.94,; being 66% of work dorso on their contract Lo reconstruct Jefferson* street from 11th to 16th Bt., during :the month of July 1917i.as per'attaohod report.of Oom1r of Works- upon call of the roll by,4.yeas. -1.�.. :On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the llowlng Motet Yqa8. T rdner, h i Graves, Marton and Washington- 4i Q', r= A W d 4.� a MATO Jar A JV �y q.