HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 284, July 9, 19171 1 _ �'�: 1. i rh {-'+:1t+� t•..0 l7",k»n 't !Y yr"'jtl�AW^ ••til+ •- �'S. Y F rn ' W 4• v � � � � - .:. •r--+��. ., '� -1���� .� •^-•.:+i..L+-i++-'-'f-,ua�'. ��t aL.J:...e•.,:a��a+.P.L' i+l-'•----7 1- .�. , :�..�r1rr�.i.+>;trrr...•s%I:LTr�s•�!',_�,^,T-i`T.«CiYiz;.:'F«."_�cTi�i•^ie•�p�•�if.�aR+T'?:^'� t' f ' Na�� Commissioner's Proceedings,: City. of Paducah_ _ July 9th' 19/ At a regular meeting of the Board -of 0ommiseioners held is the Council Chamber ' ;of the Oily Hall. Paducah. Hy., an July 9th, .1917, upon call of the roll the following .answered their name: Gardner,.Gravee, Marton and iaahington. 4. On -motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted' as read upon call of the roll by 4 yens. !• ,re Member Grave, offered the following motion: That all employee, of the City De i"+ "�� required to pay, or otherwiee. make satisfactory adjustment of their just debts owing - by them to the various merchants for the necessaries of life for•themeelves end femi- g ' ilea, and in the event of their failure to do so within a reasonabletime that such l4. employee be automatically discharged from the service of the city- adopted on call'ot`I.'• 1 .{ the roll b y 4 yeas. Member Gardner offered the following motion: That the proteeting petition Y. / ;against the improvement of.Madlaon street between 17th and 290 feet West of 19th street;' be received and filed- adopted on *all of the roll by 4 yeas. �. Member Marton offered the following motion: That the communication from Mr. Henry Cornillaud.authorising Mr. J. C. Orr to have hie name removed from the petition.. for sidewalks on Madison street from 17th street to 20th street be received and filed, :,,for Or_ and the City Clerk be authorised to remove Mr. Henry Cornillaud'e name from the 'on M petition if same appears- also the name of M. F. Bryant- adopted call of the roll m by4 yeas., Member Cashington offered the fallowing motions That the 6ity.3olloitor be , instructed to bring in a resolution for the construction of concrete sidewalk, granite .. 1. /T aurbe and gutterei.on the north aide of Madison street from Fountain, Ave.. to. a point ' :� .; a / y ,Y► about 280 feet. Beet of 19th street, and on the,South aide of Madison street to the west line of 19th street- adopted on oall of the roll D ythe following vote: 'Yens. Gardner, Marton and Washington. 3. Nay, Graves. 1., �• '�"`t "" �' Member Gardner offered the following „�- r:g motion: That the board of.Commiesionera%. i 01V"g'?" , nour in the transfer of the south half of lot E8 in block 44 in Oak Grove cemetery - :1. [o ,,,.fir✓from We. Carrie Epperson to W. S. Fondaw, as per her deed hereto attaohed, and that.. 1 .the clerk be instruoted to make -the proper.entries on the deed book- adopted on call of the roll by B yeas.. 't Member Gardner offered the following motion: Where". the opening of Jackson �•',_ `: ij street le a' 'public n000ealt for the convenience of the Q� Pa Y people, and whereas, It has. 3 0 been opened from the Blandville road down to about 24th street. and wherdae', by .open• :`.<t :i,, :lug from 24th street down to and near. the • present tenninue of Guthrie Ave. will -mete � • .. _ �J��'iir"`--� ,,,this an o n street and whereas the main �. Pe .. .'. property owners have tentatively agreed to. .. 4+ lthe opening of -Said street it the city will 'gravel seine- I move that•th6 oomm1aslonere I' .' 34, lot the wholo take rip this matter at ones with the property owners whose land is to be " :1 dedicated and get said street opened -' adopt ed. on', cal l:of the roll by'4 yens. } '1 ' Member Gardner offered the following' motion: Whereas ,.: . the Property owners on _ f ��• Broadway and Kentucky Ave. from 15th atree.t o"twardly to the Traotion barn are desirous 'of opening an alley for public purpoase, and whereas, eaid alley In greatly to' / . •(y. !be desired, it is therefore moved Dy'Member Gardner thot the oommienlonere.as a whole v ;take up this matter at once and have oaid alley opened and dedloated for public use, 4t a IV jadopt ad on call of the roll by 4 yeas. N. i; Member Washington offered a resolution relative to'the laying of water pipes from the mains to the property lines of property owners on Jefferson street from_llth gto 17th street, and instructing the Com'r of Works to notify the Paducah Water Co. to ., ?have these pipes renewed at.onoe,'and if not commenced within three.dnyd,;that the 4 Com'r .of Works be. hereby authorised to proceed. to have said' work 'done; and `6hpsgs someLIS 4"i! :�..�r1rr�.i.+>;trrr...•s%I:LTr�s•�!',_�,^,T-i`T.«CiYiz;.:'F«."_�cTi�i•^ie•�p�•�if.�aR+T'?:^'� t' :�..�r1rr�.i.+>;trrr...•s%I:LTr�s•�!',_�,^,T-i`T.«CiYiz;.:'F«."_�cTi�i•^ie•�p�•�if.�aR+T'?:^'� ,f•.1','; . W' •:� e-•;.�i� _.> . i�•�,;.•,�,•.•R ,_yf,•�"'T�'Tj,'.it.T"}'.r"' R. };,F^.—� fr .1.. p,•,'$'`•;,'�ISI�:', �: '�X�`+CN ^FF# ?�.i' i. �r i .��%.� ,➢ �j,,r,,,t.;•.. F., . •St .., ' I Corrimissiorier's Proceedings, City of Paducah ]n,y' 9th 1916 h,. to said Paducah Water Company or the private property owners, as the Conrte may determine,', adopted on.oall of the roll by 4 yeas. }1 Member Washington made the following motion: That. the pay roll.for the street department for the—weekending July 6. 1917, amounting to $166.40, not covered by ordinanoe. be allowed, as per attaohed-report of Com'r of Works- carried upon call of the roll by 4.1a0e0 • : Member Washington read a Resolution authorising the Mitchell Me chino Electric Co. . a�,�(;��►-�"'�'r to establish. a "White Way'_ on the north side of,Broadway from 1pt to 4th street, on -the h.'south side of Broadway from 'End street to 4th: street, and on the seat aide of 4th street ' from.Broadway to Jefferson street, end to maintain and-kes same in proper , � P D Per oonditioa rod. reserving the right in the city to have said company remove said poets and fixtures fromsr t�..,. Isaid streets if it should become neoeaeary= same was adopted on call of.the roll by 4 yeas.,:..•' Member Marton offered the following motion:. That the oommanioatioa from R. W. : MoKinney end M. J. Yopp, asking that a light be placed in. the a11ey.Detween.lat and 2nd : t: and Washington and Olark streets be received and - filed. and that the Com'r of Property : . •' � be authorised to have .the Pad. Light b Power Oo..to ,instaih light is this al ley..eams to �;:,_^ ' be paid '.for by the city and charged to the Light Plant- adopted, on cell, of the roll by.; t a 4 yeas. I , . Member Gardner offered the following motion: That the ammuniaation,of Mr. W:.G,i iy 4-_"*Rhodee in regard to an appropriation -for a ! eBpublic bath hones at the Guthrie pit, De. •' ,t� , w• %Q referred to the Park Board with ower to. aot . ado ted on call of the roll b 4 '.� P . P y ye se. Member Weahingtoa offered the following motion:. Thet,in the event: the Com'.r of• � t' •. Public Works has to lay water pipes.on Jefferson street between 11th egad 17th street, as F Per resolution peased.today, that the expense of same be charged to Oosts.and Snits,.or.' to the.00ntingent fund adopted on call. of the roll by 4 yeas. Member Marton offered the following motion: That -the communication from the' Federal reserve Bank of St. Louie, Mo. advising the May9r,ot the City'of Paducah that r rthey hold four notes dated Jan. 17 1917 for 426 000.00 snob due and . , payable on the k' 17th.of July 1917, be received and filed, and that the amount of $100,000.00 be allowed to take up these four notes of 426,000.00 each, and that'the Com'r of Finanoe.be authorised r> < ,to draw check for same- adopted on call of the roll by 4.yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes 1' Yeas, Gardner; Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. I; "'• { • *, enao iia .�•C, � •� '. jn � � .I F .i _..�L'4 ��..{/_'J�� A •. iy/�. L 1/(/�1 � �'^"�a �=:� ' — �.ti414:� r '•,���'Lr�(''fffW'•f .�l1LarQalir . .. L, — W' d�I�. July 11" 1917, At a, special meeting of the Hoerd.of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. Ky.' y `' `• held in the Council ChnmDer.of the, City Hall. on July 11, 1917, upon call of the roll the y following answered their names: Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 4. �f:.. On motion of Member Marton, the rales were tempo rarily.ouepended as to sending. oat rt,•. '- copies of ordinances and resolution three days prior to meetings. upon call of the roll. ` by 4 yeas. ' Member Gardner offered the . following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION SIXTEEN OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED'"AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND REGULATING THS.MARiC_T HOUSE OF THE We.•aKa CITY. OF PADUCAH, IMITUOKY, PRESCRIBING THE RULES FOR THS CONDUCT THEREOF AND THE PENALTIES ' d �THEREUNIER, AND FIXING THE PRICES TO BS OHARGBD F08 THE RENT OF BENOH88 eND STALLS THERBIN", .:.� PASSED BY THE :BOARD OF 001G1I88IONERS DEOSMBER ls, 1916- cad same was.adopted on'call o!�' i i ' ... �� •�+.>�.•:Ub t ' r—.!:ti:+ylrt4.(.'::.i'.3 :•�.F. Li:.: J:4 ...•.Ttib� ` • ry'•, .:� . /. _ w... ac�.!.:..t•rv,UAw',. .i '�ir�%�•'�i• ` • . r� (/♦ r' ! � II