HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 279, June 30, 1917;,e[vyi1�rim?Y..:.�'^:•4`47_V'TM�l�[�vciSi,�'�\:L ti:.te?*'li)'>:in..?`Y'w:.w�ri: 'r( .v.L'lKJ-r "f _'n4" -... `..,_r,': !_t'•v"'fi.,1..-.�r?'b:':x .- .fi ". »•a::7:J � -d _N i'v.-T ^_'_ .^i j�"�.. .w y—._........_. ...-......... .. ..._...-... ..... ........ ___ - _ .. _ _ MON s' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 28th 191? oontinued Y.^: `s'•��� n Qe On motion of Member Graves: :That the question of revoking all permits of dairy- ¢ vYi/v • i men who have raised the prioe of milk and other dairy produots, or who bay and resell milk 'and,other dairy'produots frompersons other than oetablished.dairieo, be referred " to the Board of Commissioners ns a oommlttee of the, whole to take euoh.eotioa ae may be deemed advisable and expediont- berried upon oall of the roll by b yeas. JIMember Morton :offered the following motions Thet,the petition asking for.aon- erste eidewalke,'aurbo and guttoro.on Madison St..from 17th to 20th street, or 280 ft. below 19th street, be received.and filed,.and that the. City Solicitor be.inetruoted lo.. 7. bring In Resolution and ordinanoe.for the oonstruotion of some- eeiid work to be done!. k,a I p. . under the tenyear ' n ' t yment plan,- same• aarrie4 aspen call of, the roll by 6 yeas. �I Mayor Burns, offered the following. motion: That.,ihe saloon ordinanoe.be amended! so* au to require a lioants for ealoon_lioenese to sign }' 4 PP g agreement to not set' np, , , '4s�':."• t, operate or.permit to be operated in their respedtivo premieee slot mnohines or other. ter! .gambling divides- adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas., e, T tBurn Gnrdner..Msrton and Washington, 4Na ." Giavea' 1. a8 . . Y. On. motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the'following votes F.; Yeas', Burne, Gardner, Gravee,.Marton and Washington-.6.MAYOR s JULIE 30th, 1917. TpSi;' At a.speoial,meoting of the Board.of Gommieeionere held in the Counoil Chamber.of q, "'the City Hall, Psduoah, fly., on June 30, 1917, said moeting baying been dolled together, in the Mayor's aboenoo from the city, by Member Marton. Mayor Pro tem, and Member' !.Washington, upon pall of the roll-the following nnewered their names: Gardner. Graves,'- ',; Marton and Cauhington- 4. On motion of Mayor Pro .tem Marton, the rules were temporarily suspended as to send- _ {t !h Ing out oopiee of ordinanoes, oto. three prior days to meet ` P fags, upon dell of the rolls by 4 yean.,' r On motion of Member Washington., AN ORDLIANCE AMENDING SECTION SIY (G) OF 6N ORDIIIANOB ENTITLEDs "AN ORDINANCE,DEFINING, LIGENSIhG, TAXING AND REGULATING COFFEE HOUSES OR y SALOONS "D' PRESORIBINC PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING' TUN PROVISIONS HEREOY AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR,.PARTS'OP OHDIHANGE3 IH CONFLICT HERE;.ITH", PASSED BY TH>s BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS ON JANUARY. 22, 1915, AND RECORDED ON.JANUaliY 23. 1916- was given its passage Y:•;; upon oall of the roll-by the following votes Yeas. Gardner. Marton and Washington- 3. 1' ' • , _ 'esti';• Nay, Graves- 1. 3 Q ; y On motion of the above,.that, the City Solioitor be inetruoted to bring is an ordinanoe at the next meeting eliminating all illegal Blot msohinee or gambling'devioeel. M1 from all businees'housos in the City of Poduoah or any other-plaose in the oity where V they-are used for gambling; some aarried upon call of the roll by the following votes, Jocke, 0ardner, Marton and Washington- 3. Nay, Graves, 1. On motion,the Board. adjourned upon oall of'the.roll by the following votes Yeas, j `•�' !.)•'... :Gardner, Gravos, Marton and Washington- 4i' :.. "D ��� ^ Y ,, Ad � oa T t9t.7. 'h c W%f I Y num i , V"itcr#4AA i '+►W+Y.•Tu 15y ,..r•tr..Sl:Jahi: s..,. ...a �:[' ..l.:c. • ...