HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 278, June 28, 1917� ✓ "^. _ T hy[T F. "'E'+3" ,4? - +t'ii �v:: .'1 . J r' ' t� •
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of Paducah June 27th 1913_ .,
is A, At a called meeting of the Board of Commiesionere.'held in the Council Chamber of the 1 '
City Hall, Poduoah, Ky., on June 27, 1917, upon call, of the roll the following answered -
1: their
nswered'a:thair nnmes:.Burne, Gardner, Ornvee,.Marton and Washington- 6. tis
on motion of L'embez Graves, the rales were suspended as to sending out copies of j
ordinanaes, eta. at this meeting- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. i
;• , on motion of the above, that the contract to motorize the aerial truck and combination
•`�rtt{ _,L"� hose and chemical wagon be awarded .to the Pierce=Arrow,Co.,thru the llOme Garage, its
4'Paduoah reproeontative,.for the eum.of Thirty-si:.Hundred and Fifty:Dollare in full, and
rY. that the Mayor be instructed to enter Anto a 'contract with..sold Home Garage to.install'i r"
said mo equipment, provided said Home Garage shawl agree to guarantee that:said .aerial ;'c.::.: '• , �
truck and combination hose and chemical wagon when "equipped by it according .to spool-�
r x' floutions furnished by the Ky.'Actuarial Bureau, will be approved and.aooepted by said
Aotuarial.Buroau, and that in the event said Bureau would not accept _or,a approve
P said
installation,'or either of.them, that the City would be under no obligation whstsoevsr:i. r•ip
to @aid Home Gurago,or Ito principal; the.l'loroe=Arrow Go., it being un
dorotood that
the Homo Garage is to useume the burden of equipping and motorising sold tr'uok and wagon. �'•
in suoh a.way or.manner that it.will be approved and accepted 'by said Actuarial Bureau,, r
the motorisation and installation hereinabove referred to ie that a new truck of th@
P * Pieroo-Arrow.make of, two ton oapaoity.'ehall be installed at
J6 Station; and that �.
the Quad truck at A 'Station shall be connected to the aerial truck at J1 Station, and, `
e &the ohaeoie of /6"to De installed at /4 8tntion in place 'of '.the Quad truck now therein- )r Z.,
carried upon ,all of the roll by the, following vote,. Yons, ro.
% Member Woshingtoa offered the following soLion:.: That the Com'r of Finande be.
r inetruotod.to correct the.erroneoue assessment against the King Lill Lbr. Co
j upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas,' 6. $4
On motion the,Board adjourned upon call of the roll .by the following"vote:. )" j
rj Yeaa, Burns_,Gardner,. Graves, Marton.and.Washington- 6..
C 6PPR04=�
Ada c 7r.3 _ (91y /� �'',•( t
n. MAYO) i
i June 28th. 1917. i• ! 'i ltlj .
At:a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber of ,
the City Hall, Paducah.
Ky:, on Jane 20th, 1917,, upon call. of.the roll the "following
k answered their names, Burns. Gardner.. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.
Member Gardner offered the following motion: That the City of Paducah renew the '',• .
�oontraot with the'!' prizere and dealers of tobacco that was entered into in 1916 for the: •
?I'% • "payment of 'terse on tobacco prized or in storage for the year' 1917, . and that the Mayor
endorse the contract as renewed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. $`
Mayor Burns offered the following.motion, That the matter of permit for o sewer to
drain the Rieke farm property be referred to the Oom'r of Works 'for estimates as to the
t coot and 'plane, and.report back to this Board, and that the. City Solicitor be instructed
} to give this Board an -
..opinion oe to the rights and liabilities of thq'partles- carried
a upon call of the. roll Dy 6 yeae. O`•�: '
! On motion of Member Graves the following letter.was'reoelved and filed and ordered
spread.on the minutes.,. �
June 28th, 1917.
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-Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci of Paducah June Both continued
`i �, "Honorable Mayor b Board of Commieeionere, {
City of Paducah,
{; KY
-4 j; Geutlement 1
In response to your request of recent date, desiring an opinion from
me as City Solicitor touching the supply of milk to the City of Paducah and the
raising of the price thereof by dairymen and persona engaged in selling and
t delivering milk to the inhabitants of the City of Paducah, permit me to say that.')
I have aura fully looked into the matter and find that any oombination of the !
" character referred to to ruise the price of any commodity whatever is in violation'
of the laws of the State of Kentucky.
" 6 Section 3915 of the Kentucky Statutes is in'the following wordst
" That if any oorporution under the laws of tics Kentucky, or under the
a laws of any other Stute or country, for trunsuoting or donduotiie any f
ra kind of business In this State, or any partnerahip, company, firm or
individual, or other assoclation of persona, ehull oroute, establish,
organise or enter into, or become a member of, or a purty to, or in any
any Interested in any pool, trust, combine, ugroemon , confederation or
! understanding with any other corporation, partnership, individual or ! +„
f;= person, or association of person e, for the purpose of roguluting or.
controlling or fixing the priceof any merchundise, manufactured
articles or property of any kind, or shall enter into,.b000mo a member
r / of, or party to or in any way interested in uny pool, ugroement,.con-
i— !, trust, understanding, oombination or confederation, having for its
object the fixing, or In any way limiting the amount or quantity of any. {
�i article of property, commodity, or merohandia6 to be produced or manu-
j fuotured," mined, bought or sold, ehull be doomed guilty o,f the crime of .
oonsptruoy, and punished therefor as provided in the suboequent eeotions
of this act. "
It will be seen from oven a oasual reading of this Sootion that it
comprehends all combinations or agreements entered into by any person, corporation;'
' u company or useooiation to control the price of any commodity or article of mazes
., V chandiee or any products to be bought or sold will be in violation the
emphatic provisions of the Statute.
Section 3917 -of the some Chupter, numely; Chapter:101 of the Ky. .
r� Statutes, provides that;.
:.ny president, manager, director or other officer or agent or reoeiver
3 of any corporation, company, firm,partnerehip, or any corporation, company,
firm or aosoolution, or any member of any corporation, firm or #Association,
or any member of any company firm or other un000intion, or un individual �.
found by a oourt.of competent Jurisdiction guilty of any o' zo V15
t. of this act, shall be punished by a fine of not lees than $500.00 nor more
than $5.000.00, or may be imprisoned in the county fail not lose than
six months nor more than twelve months, or may be both so finod and .
imprisoned, in the discretion of the court or fury trying the case.'"
IiChaptez 17.of the Acts of 1916 is even more stringent .than Cliuptor 101
of the Xy: Statutes above referred to, not only increasing the ponaltiso for its
violation but making the provisions of the law much more eiuoting and oomprohen-
u ( sive in every respect aguinet persona entering into any ugroemont for the purpose
of fixing or regulating the prices of any commodity or product or food .whatever.
I huve oulled the attention of the Commonwoulth'a• Attorney to these
N chapters and he agrees with me that the violatione'ouggbetod In your Bosolttion
are not only reprehensible but has deolured his intention us an offioiul to look
k into the matter at the next meeting of the Circuit Court' and.oall the, attontlo.n {
f; of the Court to the violations of the law. I
There can be no question that the Aots cited in this opinion are not
r only being violated but are being violuted under a positive ugroemont to ruioo the;
yr price of milk to consumers, and I heartily oonour eith this.11onoruble Board in
` the suggestion that the people ought to be protected from such oonopiruoios or
oombinos. 1lowever, I might be permitted to suy that the duirymen or sellers of
milk and butter are not the only ones in the City of Puduouh who are guilty of
such combinations. I haverecently taken some puine to inquire us to the etutus
of food prices in different cities of this State and I huvu fulled to find a
solitary one where grouter evidences of combinations, exuotione and impoaltiono
on the people exist than are prevulent in the city of Paduouh, wzd I believe
:h that the law should be enforced without heeitunoy and the purtiea who have pre.- !
} sumod to take the law. in their own hands and defy the people and impose ,upon
them under the present hureh conditions now existing on account of our.Govornment
being at war with foreign powers should be disoonntonanood by.eyory law-abiding v
:c citizen. Arbltvury raising of the prices of food commodities neooncury foy the "
very exi0tenoe of the people does not uffoot so seriously the wealthier oluoo of
' our citizens because they aro able, in many instances, to puy the, oxorbitunt
prices demanded, but even a oasual inventigation of the populution ,f our city ,
will reveal the deplorable fact that many of our luboring people and the poorer
olaseos of our population are being pressed to the very limit to obtuin even the
r ordinury supplies of food for the maintenance of thomeolves and farnilios, and the
Ny officials of the city and all persona interested in fair play ought, in my
opinion, to see that suoh impositions aro at onoo stopped.
Respootfully eubmittod,
a John K. handriok, City Solicitor. .' '
_ uvx.i:, r::�:•£.R�i.Z�.'�v_y.: �t�+';'•>; ":rE S-.-$'. ,� I �i..f rr.�t�' �+7
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June Path 191 L oontinued .
On motion of Member Gravee: :That'the•question of revoking all.permits of dairy-
men who have raised the prise of milk and other dairy produote, or who bsy.and resell SAS`'
milk and other dairy
produote from persons other than oetnDllehod.dnirieo, De referred
to the Board of Commissioners as a oommlttee of the, whole to .take euoh,aotion as may b1
deemed advisable and expedient- oarried upon sell of the roll by'5 yeas.
Member Marton offered the following motions That -,the petition asking for, son- I
oreto eidewalke,'ourbs and guttoro.on Madison St..fro m 17th I. to 20th street, or 880
. below 19th street,-be reoeived.and filed,.and that the City Solioitor be.inetruoted to..
} bring In'6 Resolution and ordinanoe.for the ooaetiuotion of same- said work to be donef..
y J 4 s • ..
under the ten. ear n
q p gment plan same aarriea upon sell of.th'e roll by 6'yeas.
Mayor Burne offeredLhe tollowing.¢.ofion: That„the saloon ordinanoe.be
so so to require applioante for saloon lioenese to sin .an
g agreement •to not net' up,
operate oi. permit to be operated in their res eotivo remises Blot moohinew or other.
P P.. i'
gambling dovioes- adopted
upon sal1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,, Burne.
' Gardner, Marton and Washington, 4. Nay- Gravee, 1. z '•'
yOnmotion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by the. followin voter'.
Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves,.Marton and Washington-_6.
k- r I )ti
JULIE 30th. 1917.
=,,4 ;ti `;;,j`:;•. i� At a. epooinl, mooting of the Board: of Commieaionere held in the Council Chnmber.of �4,� •'
'the City Hall. Paduoah, Icy., on June 30,'1917, said meeting having been galled together,
",in the Mayor's aboenoe from the oity, by Lember Marton, Mayor Pro tem, and Member
'.Washington-. upon sell of the roll.the following anewered their names: Cardner..Grevee,' _
” Marton and Cashington- 4.
o. vI
On motion of alayor Pro ,tem Marton, the rules wore-temporarily suspended ea to send-
i out oo See of ordinanoes oto. three days prior to meet p <xs.,
� P , q p Ingo, upon sell of the roll '•""
by 4 yeas. : •
U133I0BE113 ON-JABUARY.22, 1916, AND RECORDED ON.JABU6RY 23, 1916- was given itspa8eoge f•.;;•
upon oall of the roll-by the follow!
P Y ng vote: Yeast Gardner, Morton and Washington-'3,'
ti Nay. Groves-
on motion of the above,.thnt. the City Solicitor be inetraoted to bring is an
ordinanoe at the nest meeting eliminating all illegal Blot mmohinee or gambling devioeei„
sy from all busineee'housoe In the City. of Paduonh or sny otber plaoee In the oity where
they are used for gambling; same ourried upon oall of the roll by the following vote:.
:Yeas, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 3. Hay, Graves, 1. %
} " .On motion the Board adjourned.upon sell of the.roll by the following votes; Yeas. I {
.= Gardner, Craves, Morton and Wosbtngton-.4:
AYP.L?+O V7�Dy�
Adc od __ 3;19LAE-
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