HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 269, May 30, 1917' �• t�, �. FM,'S!.I�wmr �1i�lw�l` t�i� � sti i. — , r ° «EPi+'C t; •v h � T.w it �•�r '�� P%t"'t irP�;J t i. +'1..:�� ;l° . 1 l: 7` r. r 'SN Y2''�y�` ' ";�' , tw � � 4 . �. ,•:�. r ,•;t; - i.. t,„ ��r�.Y,��„ s Payor Burne lead and introduced the following ordluanoe,ihich was laid over one. i week before passage, to -wits AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING ' - p--,•1S34p�'1 iLIr.AY, +`i!(''4 :� Ns., �y <F - •i ?{"c 'p`�:N 1. •T^t1i M h Y L i'� �:.`.r.•`4,i -.:.—..-;-_—_"_...,_:—rf�•:.�.r—l- .y'`'�"f�`'1�!`C �n,.lA�--.— t•�1 r_1.»t`i..+,7:t.�.�rt.�-:•......iw ... � .t . �.-. - ':'1 CURBS, GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, OATOB BASINS AND SEWERS, ON BOTH AI 77 77 t c y.. No. T :t !; PROPERTY.LINE OF BROAD STREET, IB THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FURTHER j s♦r 1 f Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Mm 28th 191 continued Payor Burne lead and introduced the following ordluanoe,ihich was laid over one. ' week before passage, to -wits AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE OONSTRUOTI08 OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, OATOB BASINS AND SEWERS, ON BOTH AI t c SIDES OF SOUTH FOURTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF ELIZABETH STREET TO THE NORTH " :t !; PROPERTY.LINE OF BROAD STREET, IB THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FURTHER j s♦r ii THAT THE COST THEREOF MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN. On motion of Member Marton. -that the ordinance for the reconstruction of sidewalks t li-on Ninth street from Monroe to Trimble street, as provided by resolution passed on i t .r;,.• .y i; May 21st, be deferred until some future date- carried upon call of the by roll the x, I' following vote: Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. ? . O" �•/o"'�"" On motion of Member Gardner. that the Paducah Gruin h ftivufor.Company, n Aew sy; i •T I manufacturing concern to be located on First 9tseet.DeLwaen Kentucky Avenue and .. .1 . - "` I' Washington, street, be placed on the exempted list for five years from this date, as per the request of Mr. Con Craig, Beaty. of the Pad. Board of Trade hereto attached, I . carried upon Oall•of the roll by 6 yeas. • , On motion the of above, a communication from the Paducah Ministerial Asea regard- Ing the maintensnoe of a Public Nurse in Paducah was received and filed upon call of . the roll by 6 yeas; r r On motion of Member Marton, that the action taken on May 14th directing the Oom'r j' of Public Property to advertise for and eooepL bide for the construction of a speakers t' .' { 8,��'J.r•+{� stand at Oak Grove cemetery, ry, not to coat more than x160.00 be rescinded and in j ��' .lion thereof the following be substituted: That said speakers stand be and the same is rl hereby ordered to be constructed is accordance with the plane and specificatione.pre- r . pared by the Com'r of Public Works, and that the bid of.Yanoey k Johnson to construct ( same for 400. be accepted, and that the Com'r of Public Property Is heroby authorised ,'y'•. to enter into contract with said Yancey a Johnson at Baia sum to oonettvop enure- carried ' upon Gull of the roll by b yeas; c j OA motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: • Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. r I'A�e H 1 d . I91TZ, II M1�7 cwr t, 3 P MAY 30th. 1917 At a called meeting of the Board of Qommiaelonere hold in the 0ounoil Chamber Of the city Hall, Paducah, Ky.. on May 80th, 1911, up on'oall of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington. 6. N On motion of Member MaTLOA, the rules were suspended an to sending out copies , 5 I of ordinanoee three days before meetings upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. On motion of Mayor Burne, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN. ij ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE 'COMPELLING OF'ANY NATER COMPANY,.CORPORATION OR INDIVIDUAL d TO CHANGE OR RE -LOCATE ANY WATER MAIN OR PIPE", PASSED BY THE BOARD OF C0121ISSIOUERS AUGUST 14. 1916, AND RECORDED ON AUGUST 16, 1916, was given its passage upon oall of . the roll by.6 yens. I , On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ANY WATER COMPAIIY'.BUPPLYING WATER TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH OR. TO ANY OF THE CITIZEIIS THEItEUP, UNDER A PUBLIC FRn11CHIsH. TO REVEM' OR REPLACE, AT ITS On EYPENSF., SERVICE I � ,�.<�,y✓ �rl PIPka EXTUIDING FROM THE UaINS OF SUCH 6'ATER COIT..NY TU THE PROPERTY -LBS Te&ING " ' LINES OF VATER CONSUL PATER FRULI SUCH CUL1?&NY, F UPOU NOTICE SO TO DO BY THE CULUJIS81011ER OF PUBLIC GORES. ..ND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR AN THE F.ILURE 30 TO DO.wus given its passuge upon null of the roll by,6 yeus. . a'T. --al _ -. .. .,-iYI'r•-.. i"t Tj^�+n,,.e...rr•:. a:4? I `.'fdT .a :.rte_.-»..._,.�• ___ '-- _ •._ r ...1�_ _.._.. ..-'...._�.—....... _.=.�ysJ. } __ y.,. dray • Nom=- . ... .. 'Commissioner's Proceedings,. City of Paducah Lay 30th 1917 oontinued. ' `'. On motion of Mayor Burne, that Miee Bolke. City stenographer, be given ten dollars per month in addition to the salary now being reooived by her- said amount to be oharged, to the oontingent fund- oarried upon oull of the roll by.the following votes Yeas. 1 Burne, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of the above, that the Oom r of Pinanos issue a oheok for $600.00 to the Board of Trade, same to be oharged to the advertising fund-_oarried upon.oall of the roll by 6 gene. . On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the.followlnR votes Yeae, Burne,, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Waehington- 6. �- � Illaptad 191.x. /� �+ naAXON 1 May 31st. 1917 AT a oalled meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chamber of the Oit Hall. Puduoah, _ 3 Y Ky., on May 31st; 1917, upon oall of the roll the following; '. 1.! answered their names: Burne, Graves. .Marton and Washington- 4. On motion of Mayor Borne, that the rules be suspended as to sending out oopiee of ordinanoes and reeolutione three days before meetings— oarried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the abo*e, a Resolution inviting the Clor Dept: to loonte one of its �_I onntonmente in Paduooh, and pledging the.unreeerved support and 000peration of the O1Ly V� of.Paduoah in maintaining and enforoing all rules and regulations of the Department 1 reepeoting the health, moral and general welfare of troops and all others oonneoted therewith in the event euoh oantonment is looated in this oity, was given rte pose " age upon oall of 'the roll by 4 gene. ' On motion the.Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following voter I' - 'r Yeas. Burne, Graves,.Uarton and Washington- 4. Ade tad 191.xCRY Chrb . June 2. 1917. ;tip, hr r At a speofal meeting .of the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky. on June 2. ,1917, upon oall of therollthe .following 7 { Wl B answered their names: Burne, .Marton and Washington- 3. , On motion of Member Marton, that 019,368.27 for.a000unts and salaries for the. j c. month. of May; 1917. be allowed from the general fund, and the amount of X2,209.61 be ` r allowed from the epeoial sewer fund, and that oheoks be iesued for eame, as per. the } r Rreport of the Gom'r of hinanoe and 'Auditor.hereto attached- oarried upon ®all of the . troll D ' Y 3 yeas. • •. � _ On motion the Board adjourned Upon oall.of the roll by the following vote. ',Yeas., Burns, Marton and Washington- 3.' {: ` Adoptad 141^ O t i .ri1 I. r _ �- r; --- ' --w CJ b 1t5ATrDR �a :.:a , X±e:sa„1r.=l.:b'-_ ns,y,.',.'�}L+n:t�.r .i1r�:?it »wrSLW: .,,• —. .-w.L... :n.n: ......,+..LJ/ri^4`nv�� _ , LL::t�e,; yam'• •^ '