HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 26, March 1, 1915'�.�.�, ✓. ,, �. r+y Z � S , d �aYr � " .—.r 7• II'_ µ i. j r ` `.,'..' T. i�. ��`"�^`_S '!r a h { ,r:'..�,�.... �.., y.. A'. trQ • _ t '�' .ti /' .r!, .:G �I at ,ZF �' •1 b a^.- - F .e,r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' Maroh let . 1916 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, in the City of Paducah. By., March let, 1916, upon call of the. roll'the following answered their names: Burne, Haselip,.Marton, Wallace E and Washington - 6. On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read, upon pp call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas..Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and �. . i .Washington - 6. On motion by Payor Hazelip, that the communication of City solicitor be re - 1 y oeived and filed relative to suit against Paducah Traotlon.Co.,and Paducah Light 14 d,• � & Power Co., on motion by Member. Marton that the above be ameaQed - that the City iQa iy9` , q solicitor be instructed to file suit agoanet the Paducah Light L Power_Co. and Pod. , l'- Traction Co.' for Lazes - carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Marton and Washington - 3. Mayor Hazelip and Wallace not voting. On motion by the above, that the Tuberculin Test Ordinance be amended so as to give those testing their cattle to so advertise the same, and that those furnishing dairy products from untested oattle be not permitted to carry such ndvorticement, same loot upon call of the roll by the following vote: iYeae, Hazelip and Wallaoe-E. j. • Na, e: Burne, Marton and Washington 3. ! On motion by Mombor Burne, "AN'ORDIILLNOE AW01110 SECTION FIFTE&I (10).OF.AN. • � ( y ' ORDIINUICE ENTITLED "AII ORDIN;1IOE GOVE%iING THE SALE OF LIIL'b AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS' AND REGULATING THE SANITARY. COIiDITION OF DAIRIES AND MILK DEPOTS AND TaB CONDITION AND USE OF UTFIISILS, VEHICLES', ETO., USED IN-HAIIDLIIIG,.MANUFACTURING OR SALE OF MILK OR DIARY PRODUCTS III THE CITY OF P;LDUCA11, KENTUCKY, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE. CITY OF P.lDUCiLH", APPROVED BY JALMS P: SL;ITH, 1"YOR, SEPTEIZbER: 1, 1911;" was given its passage upon oall of the rol:l.by the following vote: Yens; ' Burns, Marton and Weehington - 3. Puys: Haselip and Wallace - 2. On motion b Member Burne, that stepe be taken to collect the bonds of Taylor and Johnston,: and that the communication of City Solicitor be received and �►" carried 'upon call of the roll. by the: following vote: .Yeas, Burne,. Marton, Wallace and Wdshinrton 4. 'Mayor Hazelip not voting. ''. On motion by Member Marton, th.e finanoial allowance for salaries, eto.,. amount / iqg to 412;918.67. wae.allowed upon cell of the roll by the ..following vote:. Yeas.' I r Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace .and •Vlashington - b. On motion by. Member. Washington. that the ooavnrnioation,in regard .to Ltayor q. .,Hazelip'e salary being raised to 03600.00.per year, from the City Solicitor was re- 5 1, oeived and filed and concurred in, upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Liarton and Washington - 3. Nays : Hazelip and rlallnoe - E. On motion by Member Burne, the monthly report of the Poli Co. Fire. Dept. was received and filed, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese. Burns, Hazelip. Marton,, i`lnllaoe, and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Liarton, the bond of the. derry-boat CITY OF CAIRO_ (the Y . .Farmers and Merchants Transportation 00. of St. Louie., Mo. having purchased from Mre'. J. 'B: Arntaen, EYeoutriz of the estate of J..B. Arutzen. deo'd, said bout and franchise) with Farmers and Merchants Transpo tation Co. by Tim. Ruprooht, Pree. and ( Edward 0. Rupreoht, as surety.thereon, jointly and severally -,same was eooepted.ead�. oertifisd.cheok. amounting to 3600.00. was ordered released upon call of the.roll by the following..vo.te: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace add Tlaehington - b... On motion.by the above, the report of collections and disbursements was i ` •�.�..wrvt./•.:L;.:y.M.:lau::ii:.e.�.szri i.t'��'-•. +.+�....•e.�.ti-w:iaw::'.z..AWi,. `•_.r•:,,... .✓.n.w►.�.arr.,.:.r_ ..•r.., - '�' . .. .. .. .. � � �'Srp^�-,'y,7,-i�r.-.t=� .r»w+...i•...ran. �af�--r•.rww:art,-r..�^"7t I 1 1 9 L " 5 Commissioner's 7., tir Igs, City of Paducah ' March let F following vote: Yeas. Burne, Hazelip. Marton. Wallace and Vashington - 6. r, received and filed and ordered printed upon call of the roll by.the following votes Use. 'Burne. Hazelip. Marton.. Wallace and. Washington - 6.• On motion by the above, that.the Mayor and Oommiesioner,of Finance be in-. � - 4r�etruoted to borrow from the City Depository the sum of $14,768.00. carried upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Bums. Hazelip, Marton, Wallace andIftru Washington - 5.- 7;. A i x On motion by the above, that Geo. H. Goodman be refunded $167.60 over - .� f i Y. -''`r assessment on personal taxesfor the year 1914, carried upon call of the roll by the .: IQ following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - b... P On motion by Mayor Hazelip, the report from the Commissioner of Publio.WorkeP. On motion by the above, that Ed Paxton be refunded w227.68, for over. i l assessment on personal property for the years 1910 and 1914 inclusive carried upon call of the roll by the following vote'. Yeas. Burne. Marton, Wallace and Gashington. IWashington.- 6. 4. Hay: Mayor Hazellp. 1. s l; On motion by the above, a communication from tho City Solicitor in regard to fthe year 1916 be referred to the Commissioners as a whole, and the superintendent salaryof the clerk for the juvenile court and a ,A � xpansee.inoident to probation officer ; 6%✓ appointed by the County Judge. stating that the City Is liable therefor, same was A1 allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne, Hazelip, Uarton, Wallace and Washington - 6. t;•:•.ti .j '�furnish the. commissioners a statement showing the date of the installation of all; 1 :;�.. On motion by the above. a communloation from the Central Labor Union, An-. • ,,/ regard to the unemployed, was received and.filed upon call of the roll by •the follow- A't. ;t Ing vote: Yeas, Burne..Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. ' j On motion by the above, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring is t __ to the :I{ �.an amendment Funotion Ordinance. so that when amended Section 8 of Sub- . �•+�.' section b will read ono olerk, whose salary will be $800.00 a year, instead of two t .2 '.. ji olerke at 81140.00 a year. carried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: ' ( Yeas. Burne, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 4. Mayor Hazelip not voting. .- p� f On motion by Member Burne "AN ORDINANCE ALIENDING AN ORDIJANOE ENTITLED "AN' (V P ORDINAHOE FIXING THE SALARY OF CITY OLERK OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY:" APPROVED ',� �• BY THE MAYOR JUNE G, 1903" was given ,its passage upon cell of the roll by the F following vote: Yeas. Burne, Hazelip. Marton. Wallace and Vashington - 6. r, �. On motion by Member Washington "AN ORDINANOE GRANTING TO THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL A0"; RAILROAD COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A SPUR TRnCX CONVECTED WITH ITS RAILROAD � jqR TRACK NOW EXISTING ON NINTH'STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND EXTENDING !; FROM A POINT ON NI=X STREET BETC'EEH BOYD AND FINLEY STREETS TO A POINT OPPOSITE THH B! is WEST SIDE 'OF THE PROPERTY HEREAFTER TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE COMPANY x IN ACCORDANCE WITH BLUE PRINT HERETO ATTACHED " was given its passage upon Gall of ;;the roll by the following vote: Use. Burne, Hazelip, Darton, Wallace and Washington, P On motion by Mayor Hazelip, the report from the Commissioner of Publio.WorkeP. in regard to installing new machinery e y Lightan, was received and � "_/ ' at the OitPlant, . �.�..• nom. If.; tiled and concurred in, to be considered in the apportionment ordinance, upon ' of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne. Hazellp,,Uarton, Wallace and IWashington.- 6. On motion by Member Washington, that the question for hydrant rental for fthe year 1916 be referred to the Commissioners as a whole, and the superintendent sof the Paducah Water Oo., carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne.'Haselip. Uarton. Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by'the above, that the Commissioner of Finance be instructed t0 t;•:•.ti ' '�furnish the. commissioners a statement showing the date of the installation of all; 1 y \ i NO. $. j Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March lat 191 6 hydrants beginning with the year 1884, carried upon call of the roll by the following) vote: Yeae, Burne, 11aselip, Marton, Wullaoo and Washington.- b. I . On. mo tion by Member Wallace, that the recommendation of the Ootmniseioaer p � of Public .Works to have a coal bin erected at the City bight Plant, same wad received O� and filed and concurred in, and that he be authorised to have said bin built, carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace f and Washington - 6. !i On motion by Member Wallace, the report of the Commissioner of Public I Works, in regard to employing labor in cleaning streets, was received and filed and #1 concurred in upon call of the roll ,by the following vote: Yeae, .Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -.6. I On motion by Member Washington, the payroll for the street department for the week ending February.27, 1916, not covered by ordinance, and paid by cash order. amounting to $148.86,, was:reoeived and filed .upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. C 1 8. On motion by Member Wallace, the. Commissioner of Public Works was.authorised to order three to six oarloade of crushed atone, upon call of the roll by the .following ' .vote: Yeae, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, the report of.eztra help at Oak Grove Cemetery. ^� and the awarding of contract for additional toilets and basins in the City'Hall to Hd ? , A- eXi+y'N D. Hannan for $92.00 - the lowest and beet .bid - and a contract awarded the Paducah �.,•� 1 Printing Oo. for filing cases, at $224.00, same was received and filed and concurred In il upon.oall of the roll by'the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wa11a06 and Washington - 6. r. On motion by. Member Marton, that the 'office hours of the different 'em- ployeas at the City Holl be from 8:30 A., M. to 12t00 M. and 1:00 P'. to 6:00 P. Q c0-1 carried upon call of the: roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, ! Wallace and Washington - 6. t ' �,rt✓ On motion by Member Burne, the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in, ✓" an ordinance regulating Weights and Measures at the next meeting of the Board of ,{fir Oommieeionere for disposition, carried upon call of the roll by the. following votes f Yeas, -Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington On motion by Member Washington,. the City Solicitor was Instructed to +investigate the opening of Husband street from fourth to sixth street, and, if �►-,Q�_,6.�!�,%'"'necessary, to enter condemnation proceedings to prooure.Lhie.righL-of-way, oarrI d i, upon call of the roll. by.the following vote: -Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Barton, Wallace ands Washington.- 6. 1 On motion the. Board adjourned upon call of .the roll by the following vote! Yeae, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. : &I?OPJ'MZ V�i3D