HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 257, April 16, 1917..��Cal} Sf . y.X jR �Y.'1C �' d."�`P} ! l3 `>c-.w.l� �t�,,! j•i �" r- •i"C,CY Y'NCa! `h ry. ,rf•N?'i i i 1 Cdr�
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"`. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of PaducahApril lath 1917 continued
Member Gardner offered the following amendment to the above motion= That the
Uews-Democrat Publishing Co. be appointed the official printer for thin year- said
{{; motion was,tabled, recelving no second,
r The original motion oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yens,
On motion the Board adjourped upon call of the roll by the, following votes ..Yen4
Burne, Gardner, Graves, L:arton and Uaahington- be `
;' II Adop ed../ '!1{51.,2.
APP:R 4�]D. y
a r 1.•0
,Y .. NAY01
' april 16, 1917, s '+
at a regular meeting of the Board of Oommleeloners held in'the Oou6oil,Chamber o
the City Ball, Paducah, Xy., on April 16, 1917, upon call of the roll
the following
answered their nomea; " Burns, Gardner, Graves, Barton and Washington, B,
On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 9,
j } the minutes of a epeolol meeting held on April 10th, and the. minutes of a special q'
! meeting held on ipr11 14th, were adopted as road upon call of the roll by B. yens. 1
iOn motion of L:ember Gardner, -that a deed be. executed to Dan Liggone for Lot 122 �.
In Block t3 Oak.Orove Comate
n� .1 LA pp , ry, letween_ Miller and Hick stroete, treasurer's
r✓ Uo f, receipt for thirty dollars being attached he rotoourried upon call of the roll by6 7484
On motion of the above, that, Uhereas," the. State Board of.Supesvisore hue Elven
notice of an intended 161% rales on the valuation of personal property in, the city of :)
r -}yr Paducah, which seems".unjuat in proportion to the value of the property, I move that'
r , the Mayor. appoint a committee of three to go beibre the 'Board of Supervieore_and ti
r . j,
•',4 . �, � protest this intentional increase in property- carried upon wall of the ,mil by 6 yeas '
On motion of Member. Marton,. that the City Solicitor be inatnnoted to`bring.in
ea ordinance for the oonetruotion of concrete sidewalks, grate curbing, etc. on
outh Fourth street between E11a.abeth and Broad streets-.thie improvement to be on
the ton year payment plan- carried upon oull of the roll by 6 yeue.
. •fin .
�j On motion of the abova,.that.the amount of i4,448.13 be allowed and checks
issued for dame, this being the semi-monthly allovenoe Ser, ..pril; as per report of
�i Comer of Finance and Auditor ,)*rete attached- oerrie.d upon owlI of. the roll by B' yeas;
�j On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners and residents on
AjjAj�f_ ot•``' }'
Willie street flys a"light at 7th street be referred to the Com'r of Property with
!f power to aot=, ourrie d upon call'. of the ro 11 by 6 A ns.
On motion of Mayor B=ne, that the work on Clay street from Fountain Ave. to
19th street be received uad upproved..ae per'recomnendation of Com'r of Public Works -
carried upon call of the mil by b yreae.
On motion of Member 1'laahington, AN ORDIVaHCE A33ESSIUG THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OH .
STREET TO THE EAST. CURB LIVE OF UIUETEE TH STREET, was given Its passage upon call
J of the roll by 6. yeas. `
On motion of the above, that the pay roll fbr the street department for the week! '
}i Anding April 13. amounting to X176.60, not covered by.ordlnanoe, be allowed -'carried
upon call of the roll' by 6 yeas.
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ry'"' tt • .
_ ..
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah enrlllGth 191-2-oontinaed' J
On motion of Mayor Burns, that the matter of taxes.egolnet the Ohero-Coln Bottling
VF�O �6U11e:..Co. be referred to the City Solioitor, foran opinion respeoting the exemption of said
A�'�, t oompany from taxation under the head of manufaoturere- also thttf 1816 taxes
A.,9.u.1 ✓p./ t e maer oaxe.
overdue; oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. `
On motion of.Member Gardner, that the oommunioation from Warren Bros. dated April'
�eru 11th be reoeived and filed and referred to the eommieaioners as a whole- oarried upon ,
oall of the roll by 6 you. {
On motion the Hoard adjourned upon. pall of the roll by the mllowing. vote-
ote:Yore,. Burns ; Gardner., Graves, Parton and Washirgton-' 6.
Adopted :A�PR0vIi3D
A .: nsAYor:
dPRIL El. 1917.
At n onlled meeting of the Board of .Commiseionere held in the Connoil Chamber
of the City Hall .Paduooh, K
y., on"April E1, 1817,. upon Dell of the .roll the following
answered their. names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Tashingto.n- 6.
On motion of Mayor.Barne, that the rules requiring oopies of ordinanoes to be ,
served upon.the oommisoioners three days before meetings be suspended' as to the appor-
tionment ordinanoe, oarried upon oall of the roll -by the followirg vote: Yeas,' Burne,'
Graves, Marton and..Washington- 4. Hay, Gardner, 1. (GGarda r ask d to be exov eaa from oti
& regietered nay.pureuanz W resolntio�) .
+ On motion of Member Washington, that the amount of $600.00 in the apportion-
' �G_ �•�
went ordinanoe for digging a test well:for eater be .eliminated- said motion lost upon
rroall of the roll by the following' vote: Yeas, Burne and. Washington 2. Hay: "Gardner.
Graves and Marton -3. (Member Gardner asked to be exoused from voting k registered nays '
On motion of.Mayor Burne, that'the apportionment ordinanoe for 1817 be intro- {.'
duoed to lay over one Beek before its passage- serried upon Dell of the roll by the
-following �vote: You, Burne, Gravoo, Barton and Washington- 4. H ng Day: Onrdrbr, 1 (Member
' Gardner having asked to be exoused from votirg was registered in the. negative)..
f 0n motion the. Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by the following vote::
Yeas,; Burne, Gardner; "Graves, Marton and Was 6.
Adcptcd X-3 101
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