HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 251, March 26, 1917' t ,�?�'�'�':'.1Ti�"i�ia.,3tear» �•yt,.sY v ..r•r, a .vn a�,. �_zt•�..r�.t �d�+!�'t:►`h`t,^ �;r, r' ,1�u.:ir.. Rlt„'1 \v `S , -t x� c, �+' t � , y ' - �fi'� �11,�} �'•� :t'r'y LT• ?�.f`r R '%r �,�y. r �� k• IkYityl�},C - ^'^ h NQ �,,,, V'}c � c o- t'ft `rt V:rC +k ,�' .; :,7 }�.:,, !; :� - _. �. .e ....�:.rr.,•..�.•n:>....u.-.•, ...a:.._- w'1i.:t-..at .ti:.l. w...c-:w.:.-._..:-�.`^a, :.i:,...r.�. �.�..:.:. .w3. _ .-l"y:r"y'ts�iC,°'er.ar*+rcw,•. ,.,....r •^,. r.. r•.r+.,r�.,m;.; Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducahmrah 19th i91s year ug At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners bold in the Council ohamber'Ir . Y. On motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular mooting held on March �.'y of Lbs City Hall,. Paduoab, Keatedry, On Much 19, 1917, upon call of the roll the 19. 1917 were adopted as read upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. i ,. On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners on west Jefferson . 0 f following answered their namear Burns, Gardner. Craves, Marton and Washington- 6. i. You, Burns, Gardner, Graves and Maxton. 6. Hay, Washington, 1. be received and filed, same carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .-S., On motion of Member Graves, that WHEREAS, a contract hen been lot for the .. a On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of a regular meeting held on March. On motion of Member Gardner, that a deed be executed and delivered to PhlliD; reconstruction of Broadway from 11th to 17th street, that the City Solicitor be in- I: is 12th and of a special meeting beld.0a March 16th were adopted as read upon call of w w, It atruoted to bring in an ordinance for the reconstruction of Broadway from 17th to ' 26th street. said ordinance, to provide for the ew.o material as to be used in the hereto attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. J the roll by 6 yeas. i ten —at Ian and that the Com'r of Publlo works be 'instructed to advertise '•.' On motion of the above; that the City Solicitor be Ira I truatod Irato bring in an � y { n. ordinance for the.re-oonstruation of Jeffrreon street from 17th street to 26th street,I " { same to be constructed of the seas material to be used on Jefferson St. from 11th to 26th street, and eel d work to be done on the ten year payment plan. and that the oom'r' k of Public Works advertise for bide se soon as possible. carried upon call of the roll.l :4 by the following rote: Yeas. Burne. Graves and Marton- S. Hey, Gardner and Washington- E. s q On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department for the week ending March 16. 1917, not covered by ordinance, amounting to $168.96, ,�� • ��• be allowed ae. per attached statement. Carried upon Call of the roll by 6 ysae. �� ,I On motion of Member Marton, that the Mayor and Board of Com'rs ratify the I • r' appointment of Mr. A. P. Hurt to the position as Aset. Street Inspector, as per A :. a 3 I, request of Com'r of miso Warks attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yen. ."6-., On motion of Mayor Burns, that the petition for improving Y. 11th street' 1 between Burnett & Greer streeee be referred to the;oommiseionere as a .hole, carried A upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. i On mot lon the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by_the following vote: JY4. ` � You, surra, Gardner. Graves. Marton sad Washington -6. p 191 ^ • ; ,4 .. a it X4YOR ; : March E6. 1917. t S � at a regular meets g sag of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, $y.. on Maroh. E6, 1917, upon call of the roll tho'.followings year ug answered their names:. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington -'6. 1. . Y. On motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular mooting held on March �.'y 19. 1917 were adopted as read upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. i I I' On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners on west Jefferson . 0 'between 17th and 26th streets agalnot the proposed reconstruction of Jefferson street,. You, Burns, Gardner, Graves and Maxton. 6. Hay, Washington, 1. be received and filed, same carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .-S., On motion of Member Graves, that WHEREAS, a contract hen been lot for the a On motion of Member Gardner, that a deed be executed and delivered to PhlliD; reconstruction of Broadway from 11th to 17th street, that the City Solicitor be in- I: w w, It atruoted to bring in an ordinance for the reconstruction of Broadway from 17th to ' 26th street. said ordinance, to provide for the ew.o material as to be used in the hereto attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. J construction of Broadway from 11th to 17th streets, and said work to .be done under the i ten —at Ian and that the Com'r of Publlo works be 'instructed to advertise for bide as soon us poeelble- Carried upon.oalI of the roll by•the following Notes You, Burns, Gardner, Graves and Maxton. 6. Hay, Washington, 1. .-S., a On motion of Member Gardner, that a deed be executed and delivered to PhlliD; Rosier for Int f35 Block 1, Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's reoeipt fbr 330.00 being. ( t hereto attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ri� � rii•. n. •+tr' - ;},rr•r; Gi. `:7-x;;}; t.5 1- � �:,;. ..¢ } ,(9 :r -z. �. i' }f.. "',tif"':'AI�.'S.. c�� rj ,.' - ,' • .• t '.s_.r.... r, 'Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March z6th 1917 continued On motion of Member Graves. that the communication and motion of Member Gardner A. f, relative to the oheabing.of the third district sewer plan, be referred to the Board ofd r 1`v. ;'Oommiseionere as a committee of the whole .for consideration- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. k On motion of Member Marton, that the communication of Member. Gardner regarding.,] {. ' n' 1.�• 0 I the report of Meeere.'Proutt'and Dabney, electrical engineers employed by the city of � ..: fM1►altif�l.' •� Paducah, be reoeived.and filed, carried upon call of the roll by 6'yeae: On motion of .the above, that in as much as the Court of Appeals has passed on rthe expenses of the Juvenile,Court and as:; the City is excused from this obligation, . • ��^ •_ ^_'•'�.', i I move that. the City Auditor be iristruoted to look up the amounts paid the. County in : past years• for the. upkeep of, the Juvenile Court and that he present a bill to the .County r., r asking for a refund of same oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the'sbove, that the matter regarding the city paying the county {. . (� It•��inW� for the ouro and koop of 'city prioonere 'be roferrod tc,tho Oily Solicitor, and for him; _ d �••''..''11,,to rendor an opinion as to whether or not the city is required under the LN to pay i. 'the county for the oars and keep of city prisoners- carried upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas... f On motion of Member Gravee, that the communication of City Solicitor Jho. H. : Hendricks with reference to the transferring of,the special sewer fund be received and. filed end that his former. oommunioation on this subjeot''be withdrawn as per his request, "r "^ ;.. carried upon call of -the roll by 6 yeas: (] On motion of Member Marton, that the communication from Edmund T Perkins in regard to his expenses in 'preparing the brief for the Armor plant be referred•to the axu-.'p`y p11a-j Commissioners as a whole for'tbeir Investigation and recommendation- carried upon call' of the roll by 6 yeas. AA On.motion of the above, that Whereas. the City of New Albany was visited by a .!Y oyolone and many lives loe't.ae well as property destroyed,'and from reports much suffering exists there at this time, and as a general call for help has been sent out, that the Mayor be authorised to wire'to the Mayor of.•New Albany. Ind. the in of $60.00- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas: i 'l F On motion.of Member Waahington, that the pay roll for the street department for, the week ending March 23,1917. amounting to $163.80; not covered by ordinance, be. ].allowed as per attached statement, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. on motion of the above, that Mrs. Cothran be allowed to oultivate a lot ,owned by l the City of Paducah located in Meohaniieburg on the North side of !eieer near. Woodward. t41.tu•aL .Gfi ' � { street, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the parties baring contract to erect s white way on � Broadway and Second streets be allowed to put in white way poste at the corner of the nn�e�0.Ay' 'intersection of curb lines, erd.that the City 'Solicitor bring in an ordinance amending' the ordinanoe prohibiting. poles to be put in the intersection , to the effect of.allow- Ing ornamental poste to be so ereoted- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of. Mayor Burns. that all. wooden poles of the Paducah Light 6 Power Co: and those of the.'Weatern Union Telegraph Co., if any, on Broadway between First street. 4 Ninth street; be required to be rmoved and iron poise substituted therefor by ordinance, which the City Solicitor le.hereby instructed to bring before this Board-: oarriee'upon call of the roll by the following iota: .Yeas. Burne, Graves; Marton.asd Washington- 4. Say, Gardnerj 1. _!on. motion of M®ber Washington.. that the office. hours for offs see in the City ai Hl be from eight "A. M. to Twelve noon, and from one Y. M. to five P. M., and. that the 'r heads of the different departments see that these hours are enforced- oarried upon pall �.�•_ ./�L � of the roll by 6.ysae. i �"'� Yiu:.} ..t„iif:.;.•J,++L�.k .:3ai:.Aa::a,:: cat .�}-.w.i.r:. . .._...'a f .. .•—� «.i...ce.sttkr:�..:.r ro.t. 1 :.f:�t v 'eq: - " t A T'11 ' .f..•�•. �:if.+�: LL.-�t�.r. ..�:tirv... W-. ' .u..l.._..:.M°.:..:... �J'.�.:rJ '� \ t � _L✓.:.i_ ...�.,.t�i_...: �fv.,� i 1 7 Na i 5 P,^•.1 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' March 26th ig,ty continued, . �. On motion of Mayor Bums, that the communication from the Ministerial Aes'a ' 0 .'.regarding the West U. Industrial College. be received and filed, carried upon call of!. the roll by B yeae. j' On motion, of Member Graves. that the Com'r of Public Works, L t Washington., `r he instructed to prepare plane and apeoifioatione for a storm water eever from 6th and Aflame streets down or Scot on Aflame etreot,to the Tennessee river or to Second end •��• :.. Washington street and-oonnaot with the Washington street power, an he deems moot advleable-"carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion. of Mayor Burns, that J20.00 be"allowed J. p. Stewart for boarding .R lire. Leaper and daughter while quarautinod under order of " Health Dept.,, some to be =r',t,✓ y charged to the poet house fund, carried upon call of the roll by 6"yeno. On motion of Member Graves, that the City Solicitor be Instructed ".to prepare ;....... .: '. If and bring in as ordinance requiring the construction of concrete .sidewalks and granite ` curbing onboth sides of Thirteenth street between Jeflbreon street end Monroe street, and providing that said work be done on the ten year payment plan, carried upon.oall•'' ' 4 �!"'•, �! of the roll by the following :vuLe:Yeae. Burns. Graves, Merica end Washington- 6. ;,; _=•` I' HaY. Gardner. 1. „1 /�� On motion of Member.Marton. that the communication of Lire. Pagan regarding the •';.. f ' 'f purchase of oertain property owned by the city of Paducah, be reibrred to the Oom'r of " Public Property- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas,'" l+ Y n • --. n n` On motion of Mayor Burns, that the communication from .the Paducah Band Oonoort,. /�'�"� Aar✓ t relative to an appropriation from the city, be reoeived and filed, to be further oon- 1� i eldered in the apportionment ordinance- carried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yens. t.• On motion of Member.Marton, that the communication from the Baptist State Board of Missione of Louisville, $y., is to the i , •• __•._,;�,.► regard exemption of city taxes. be � "referred to.the Cit `"6 ! Solicitor- carried upon call of the roll by y P'. yeas. - ,•-.1 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the ib,llow•ing votes i Yeas, Burne. Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. . Ade ed 3- 191 tiFPRv .n : y April 2. 1917. r r At a regular meeting of the;Board of Commissioners hold in the "Council 11. 1; Chamber of the City Hall, puduouh, $y. on Apr 11 2, 1917, upon dell of the roll the following answered their name: Burne; Gardner, Graves, Marton and Washington= 6. On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Marob. N 26, 1917 were "adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. I{� . On motion of Member Marton, that the petition of property owners on North 13th j /7lKisd !� , street between Jofftreon and Monroe streets protesting the reconstruction of that , ' r -block, be received and filed- carried upon oull of the roll tW 6 yeas. On motion of Member Gardner. that a deed be executed and delivered to Walter �. bowburn for Lot #47 Block Teo on Miller street Oak Grove Cemetery. ry. Lreaeurer'e receipt ;A'J Fes" for {40.00 being hereto attached- carried upon call of the roll $r 6 yeas. 4 On motion of the above, that Wkfl;BSeS, the amerioan Cigar Co.bee established 'a; ' manufacturing plant in this city. and under the ordinance of the city of Paducah exempt. �. Ing manufaotesere approved June 23, 1906., this `company is entitled to exemption from .t ;h ..taxation for a period of five years. I move that said American Cigar Co. be ordered Gt 9444,1_f `. placed upon the list of manufaotcriee exempted from taxation for a period of five years from this Apr. 2, 1917- carried upon oalI of the roll by 6 yeas.