HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 247, March 12, 1917.. ��yti, ....,�,•`� .. i4'Srv'T�pi. v �c_r.�'1f ;f •.5�,.+'�S''-,i-�!? 3r. M- fk4 -'; '<�.r •, `:.4 {..T.,,, - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ua= 1 .., f I No -A417,_ loth 191 At a celled meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council t,. Chamber, of the Oity Hal 1, Paduoah. Xy. on Uaroh 10, 1917 upon onl l of the loll the following answered theirmane; Burne, Gardner, .Graves, Darton and Washington- 6. Mr. Knox. of the State Board of Underwriters, together with his assistants, {' i►►* 7�w-� I addressed the Board regarding the condition of the Fire Department and the probable i, requirements by the State Board of Underwriters for' the changing of the rate basis of ? r the City of Paducah from three to a two end one half basis. t F.". On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: ' M Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Graves; Marton and Washington- 6. . k ♦iep ed Z% 2_L191T ' laPPR VM11D r • :� II•'' cb, Cb b DdAXOR I j Uaroh 12th. 1917. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoil Ohumber of the.Oity Hall. Paducah, Yy. on Uaroh 1E, 1917, upon oull of the roll the, following t j answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Graves. Darton and Waehington- 6. . On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on March 5thl { �j and of a special meeting held on.Maroh 8th, 1917V%7ere adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. , F` On motion of'Dember Darton.. that the communication from the Citizens Savinge.Bk• •' F, 1 k in regard to aseesemant on property located on Doyere St. be received and filed and that.,,:'•' •{ on the report of the .Board of Supervisors be concurred in us fbilow e; r .. 1��. � G. � � • M. ..saosament Citizens Suv. Bunk 4E, 966. ! t J. L. Mooquot,iruatee, Bink of I' (j Benton.... 2.00. that and. the, Delinquent tax collector be instructed to eolleot taxes from the Bank of . 1 .. Benton. for the years 1911 to 1916 as above ueeeaaed, and that the 'Citizens Savings •Bk.' ,' '• exempt from payment ofthe amount assessed aguinat them- same having been listed in, { �be ! the bank's assessment for taxes- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. r, I On motion of Uember Gardner, that Ur. Goo. E. .,ugustus, owing tohie advanced '.1 h age and his physiadl Inability to do manual labor, be relieved from payment of poll:, i k J4 y I{ taxes for the year 1917. and any future years of hie life, as par his written` request*.' I '`• ' ' .b. 't III hereto dttaohed- some oar ried upon call of the roll b I! P Y 6Yong. 4 On motion of Llember Graves. that the Com'r of Public Property be Instructed to ;{ Y' have an aro light placed at the corner. of 8th & Hurrieon Ste., In u000rGanos with the petition of citizens hereto attached- eine carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. S1, On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Commie'sioners meet every after. noon except on Si:turdLW for one hour- from tr.•o' to three o'clock- for oonsultution 1'n j y regard to the city's affairs, unless called aaey by other official duties, carried.' ;. upon call of the roll by 6 Ye us.. i On motion of tie above. that the City Solicitorprepare an ordinance to'be.sub-i f mit ted to a vote of the people, after puasuge by this body, placing the Police Dept., P> r. NF Fire Dept., Street Dept., Sexton of Oat: Grove Oemetery, Uarket Uaster,'Oity Weigher, •• Supt'. and employees of the City Light Plant under civil service rules• also the eewer ;f department, so they will hold their respective positions dura ng good behavior and the is 777 positions will depend or; oompegenoy and efficiency, and defining causes for removal - carried upon call of the roll by6 yeae. ' � v.-;+>.,•.- f � ..a_. �___ ..d_';. .. _ .. eti�_.. __.r_.r� ..�.!i4_.�_ .. _._�_..... _._.-J.-S+r.....�.:5 1{..�i{ f y � . j `'.i.1,1Le. ::6•.':u.� _t:;ar•.u.%ai,U:w:a:iri.•�r.:n, .:b. ,_.•...d.c�' t, .c: 4.-. . - .ark...,,.,.. :...�.,::ta No. I' ;i.:. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah marsh 12th 191 v oontinued On motion of bomber Gardner, that the communication of Mr. J. A. Gardner in regard . 0 A. �le,dLi.w U to the overflow at 0th and Adams streets by the.exaeeeive rainfalls, be referred to the Mayor and Commissioners as a'whole for investigation- carried upon oalI the roll by of u the follc•wing-vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Lorton and Washington- 6. rOn motion of Member Graves. that the communication of Member Gardner in regard to '.'• ' the payment for water in 1917 to be used from the 204 fire hydrants, the contract upon' - Y a whioh has heretofore.expired. be rooeived; filed and spread upon the records and re- ' forrod to the Board of Commisoionere as a whole fer ocneideration and notion- 'oarried I " 'upon oull of tho roll by 6 yoda. Said oommunioation is as.followet i. '3'. •, kill a�' �, .. - ^Marah 12, 1917. ,' .. Honorable Mayor & Commissioners, City. Je Gentlemeni i7 y, � On 1'eb. 18" the Mayor requested the hands of -the different departments! to mule suggestions as to how expenses of the oity should be reduced. I think I; know of a very -good way we oun ourtuil one item, to -wit: the water bill -for the, fire plugs. As you know, in 1004 these plugs were installed and leased for u term' ` ' of twenty years at a stipulated rental.' There were at first 160 and. subacquently . 360 hydrants installed under this contract: Dow the contract has expired -as '- contemplated in the ordinance- on 204 of.Umse hydrants. You are.no doubt aware! „ =! of the fact that we should now only pay for the motor actually used -that is, for the sale value of the water, not on the contract price. as. 'the contract has already. oypirod. I have made repeated investigations and find that the City of raduoah ; ! only uses one million.gullons'of water for fire protection In -the entire city, and as the sal6. value of pater in the city of Paduouh is regulated by that of. 6 other sit iea.set out in an ordinunce-approved Sept. :;0,.1004, I 'think: we should arrive at what should be paid for these fire plur by.aseertaining what Is the sale value of a million gallons of.water in the cities named in our original contract entered Into with one J. A. 'Jones 'of 3t. Louie in 1004. I.am entieffedj . • S' however', the sale value of the. water would not exceed 16V in these cities on: d each thousund gallons ,:and as .it tales one thousund thousand gallons to. make a million, at 16V a thousand- which I am satisfied would cover the, sole value- the fair price to be. by the City for. the water used at' the as expired hydrants . Raid • would not exceed `150.00, but to be liberal and, on the safe side, I would. favor giving 'them the . sum of '200. for the year 1917 on :the '204 fire. hydrants on'which' the contract has expired. �• In making, thie r000nroncution.may I advise you, that the sale value, of. water for the entire city. of Detroit' -having u population of 600,.000 people -for . . �'�'s'•' the year end" Juno 30, 1916 was only `649,90, and in Cloveland, u city of six l .,'•'. or seven hundred thousund .people, the sale' value,of the wuter.for the year 1913 was given at, `2174.40, and it aertuinly looks to me that vie are paying exorbitant water' rates . in Paducah on. these 'expired. fire hydrants. I therofbre sok: you -.. •, gentlemen to think over this mutter beibre the cpportionment ordinance. is drawn.,. and I um satisfied that. upon invootlEution'you will find paD0.00.ie'e fair price; for the water on the expired hydrants. ' ' I wish ,also to call' your uttention to the fact that there are approxi-' mutely 300 fire hydrants on which our contract has not expired,'altho' they'are expiring' every' your, and for these 300 hydrants re are paying, according to contract. J7100. is addition to whet we pay on the 204 hydrants above mentioned,, and as the fire pressure has to be maintained on .the se. unexpired hydrants all 'the time on the water mains, it doesn't take 'any ,extra pressure on the mains rhere.. the contract has already•expired. I trust you will give this matter your earnest consideration as'it'some te"i:' g. a (rest hardship to tax the people of Paducah and toaccess license taxes against your merchants and business .of'every. character in Paducah to pay such excessive . y fire hydrant rentals. It seeme to me only common sense .andfairn'eoq.to the tax payers of . 'r �•,.' Paducah to say that if .the private company now flirnishing water in this oity•is, not satfefiod- with what we should.pay them,. and should any difference arise as to w ? what they think they should have and .what we, the tax payers, feel we should pay, +' we can very easily dotortnine the matter before a'jury in our Circuit Court of :. Kentucky, with u right of appeal on either side to the -Court of appeals of Kentucky, and -they will than toll us vAiether or not our.00ntention 1a correct in' . ► th}s mutter., 1 Reapsotfully; •,. 1> W. armour Gardne r; Commissioner of.Publio Proporty: P. 9. I have just received a letter from the Mayor of Owensboro,.enoloeing ?. 1. report of the•Owoneboro municipal water, plant for the,yeur 1916, Lind I find that the operating and maintenance of this plant for lust your .was ohly 420,266.29. f " As you are 'aware.. they are -pumping and deliveringannually into the mains about • �. 660 million gullons of water, and us this only costo 'them the sum of Z0 266.29., you oon readily see that when we.pay 412,600. (more than half of the entire 1 ' operating expends of their water works plant) for. the use of one million gallons. of water for fire proteotion, that' we are paying ve% much more than we should.!. W.A.G. ". j `'.i.1,1Le. ::6•.':u.� _t:;ar•.u.%ai,U:w:a:iri.•�r.:n, .:b. ,_.•...d.c�' t, .c: 4.-. . - .ark...,,.,.. :...�.,::ta _''`_!�v'S�S+.."9P*'el_'94t'i�'�'�•'.rs• - c _ r -� � .N <Y + �, -+ .• v.�7,i, ",�'�„-T� t'16L �{T;yy:�.�.'� y�. 7-n".+' l+f� �.q�„� . T }4'KttiY �'iV fl ^{"N •.M) �f y�i i'. '�:� ' ;� '�/�S - `it.1Yv..'M� In t.�j , ^ �. -� .. l rI0. `` Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah March lEth . 191.7 continued �-{ On motion of Member. Graves, that the communication of Member Gardner in reRard to the sinking of n teal well for water for the municipal water plant be reoeived, 1 -iota * filed and referred. to the commissioners as a whole for oonaiderutlon- ourried upon '.' '. '• call of the roll by the following vote; Yeue, Burns.. Gardner. -Graves. Corton and ` ! Wuah ing to n- 6. I. On motion of the above, that the motion of Member Marton and communication C C accompanying same with reference to the assessment of G. L. Beasley, W. N. .Warren, 04 L're. C. 0. Lee and A. Switzer be referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion 1 .� to whether the Board 0- as or not hue any power to correct eume as requested- oarried f{ I. 1 upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. i (. �iFQ�,t On motion-of Member Carton, that the City Clerk be authorized and instructed to 1' ,p ��ie.�✓�!`�issue.deed to lire. L. Shoemaker to Lot 67 Block 8 Oak Grove Cemetery, she having I: 111 i bought this lot on the installment plan and now paid aame , no per treueurer' a receipt u hereto attached- carried upon call of the .roll by 6 yeas. : ;•F .` ji On mot ion of Member Washington, thut the pay roll for' the Street Dept. for the week ending Caroh 9, 1917, amounting to $138.80. not covered by ordinance, be ullovi d• il .as per statement uttuohed- ourried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeue. ��•. � nAA.. C on motion-of Lember Groves, that the oommunioution of L. A. Graham, Chief of j I/stat. I - �' ' N Police. requesting that the City procure new outfits for all uniformed man on the ? << S ! i polios force, be referred to the Commissioners ae u vhole for their ooneideration- f, + curried upon cull of the roll by 6 yeue.. jI I l ` ! On motiQn of-Umber Washington, that the opinion of,the City Solicitor. in regard exemption of taxes of the puduoub .Ise Co. be reoeived, filed and concurred 1 t Mn.w�pw 1n, ourried upon oulI of the roll by the following vote; Yeue, Burne, Graves, Marton and Washington- 6.. Loy, Gardner, 1. c On motion of the above, that. the opinion of .the City Sollaitor reRarding'the,,' exemption of taxes of the Ohio Valley Fire tc L'urine.Ins. Go. be: received filed and. concurred in, same ourried'upon call of the roll by 6 yeas, On motion of Muyor Burne, that the opinion of the City Solicitor reRnrdinq.the r $+....1. '30,000. sewer fund be received and fl led- carried upon ,cul l of the roll by 6 yeas.{ N On.motion of the above, that the report of the Com'r of Public ;Yorke reparding' upproxii.•mte coot of, storm aewo7 system to take cure of the storm water on Uuehingtod • N St. Brom. the oust aide of 3d stroet to the weot aide of 6th'atreet- carried upon call of the roll by G yeas. c' On motion of the above, that tb sum of Y4.GP, be refunded the Fuduouh Brewery I ;' ' C.+ go. for taxes 'erroneously paid for 1916 on the property of Ernest Yurbro, ourried 4r - upon call of the roll by 6 yeue, F " On motion of the above, that the petitions of oitIzone requesting that the City pot I : abolish give 3tution a6, be reoeived and filed- ourried upon cull of the roll. by 6 you. ' On motion of the above, that the request of Mr. R. W.•Podgitt asking for.an ., 3...:. ' . allowunoe this year for municipal oonoerts, and the request of the Goldred Home of ; Lvi�..aP^.1K�`. the Friendless fes n donation, be referred to the aoa{miealonare up o whole to be r considered In making up the apportionment ordinance, ourried upon call of .the roll by 6 yeas. j' On motion of Member Graves, that ,the oommunioution from 11argur.et .Woodrow Wilson l addressed to llaybr Burns be spread upon. the minutes of this meeting- sarie carried upor{I -call of the roll. by 6 yeue, j AA):L��.I�' '. Said communication is as follows;. "My dear Mr. Layor i.;'' I hope that Mrs. Wella oonveyed.to you my deep appreciation •\f' •tom N t�f"a� iY• +77►(Y,� H' ,......., .1 "No. ' 1.10 ,, •.?"` `" Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah harsh 12th 191? E of the gift whish the commissioners of Paducah pre ted to me on behalf of the city. Since I,left ruduouh to go back to auchington for the inauguration my time has been over-full, olse .I should have written to you before now to try to r ! express some of the 'epprooiation whioli is in niy heart of the courtesy end kindness' +' ' • shovra to no. in Paducah. The .kindly thoughts of me expressed 1n.your press and by ..,your, people and finally symbolized in the beautiful silver vase Till olwuye be a ,W ..Y eouroo of deep joy to me.. I u The loving uppreoiation used confidence which-the people'of Paducah expressed toward my Futher, in the f'eneroue reception vihioh they gave me, made me happier ' than can say: � I have.thought of Puducah hundreds of brise since I lift there, and'I assure you that the Puduooh people will ever lingor in my memory no among the loveliest .. `' end' kindest I have ever. rat. I • r The.beautiful Tetter whioh a000mpanted.the silver Toed I sholl.keep always, ! ar>d I an sure that it will not ae an inspiration to' meAn times of trouble. oo With. my heartiest thanks to you and your fellow commission and to the =•people of Paducah, I am, T r: Vast sincerely yours, llargarot Woodrow-Wiloon. " On' motion of 1lember Groves, that the proposed ordinanoe clanging the salaried A. P, the be to the commissions re to bei of certain' employees and officers of city referred; considered by them as.a committee of the whole- carried upon call of.the ioll by 6 yeas. On.motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the. following Totes :'b) .::• Yoas; Burne, Gardner, Graves, Marton and •.Wash Ing ton- b'.. ` fi die ed191.�:- ;6ePP' 1L ,. . r Uexorti , ilaroh-16, 1917' At a, op. eoial meeting of the. Board of Gommiesioners held in the Couno11 ;Y, r Ohtmbir'of. the City Ball, Puduouh, Ky.., L•aroh 16, 1917,.upon'.call of the roll the' following answered their named: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Lurton and ',Wuahington- 6. " On notion of 11ember Lurton.. that the amount of 0,763.82 be allowed and .checks : issued for same, being the soni-monthly allowance for f' L'aroh. 'ae per. report of Com'r of i . . i _ Finui»e' and City iiuditor hereto attached, carried upon call of the roll by 6 no. #. On motion of L'uyor Burns, that the report of.L'essre. Proutt unid Dubney embodying. TJc�a�T^' the findings and oonolusions of the survey of the municipal light plant, be received, (� approved and filed, and that said original report be kept on filein the fire proof ; " vault under the cuetody of the Oom'r of Finance-,ourried upon call of the .roll by 6. yeas:' ' 11 ./1a."Un motion of the above, that the report of the Board of Sups rvieore. for the 'C�►p~A Ind �,. � ye or .1917 be received and filed- ourri ad .upon call of the roll by 6 ye ae. On motion of the above, all ORDINANCE AZENDI110 SUBSECTION 1 OF SECTION 3, SUBSEOTION �• •� 6 OF SECTION, 3. SUBSECTION 7 OF SECTION 3, SUBSECTION, 4 OF SECTION 4, SECTION 1 OF SECTION 6, SUB3EOTION 2 OF-SECTION '6, .BUBSECTIOV 3 OF SECTION 6, .WD SUB9EGTION 6 OF SECTI011.6 OF 41 0RDIN.\I10E ?21TITLED "fell ORDI11.:110E PROYID111G FUR TIM J-POLITLEIG OR RETE{lTION BY.. -i-TBE BOARD OF COLl:IS8I0NL113 OF THE CITY OF BkWOM OF CEBT.Ji! CITY OFFICEims, AGU;TS AUD P 121PLOYEES. OF ,%E CITY OF PADUG.H. KEIiTUCKY, AUD ENING HEIR S.ib6RIES. POT.M.3 AND DUTIES" � PASSED BY THE BOARD OF OULLUSSiONERS JANUARY Z. .1916, 'AND REWORDED JAN 3r 3, 1916. ` - <'!z Lember:Gardner offers the following amendment: That the salary of the Chief of, . Police be 4lOO.00 per month inatoud of one hundred and twenty-fivo dollars- said amendment " tee-ruled out of order, reoelving no second.. was ; ' 1 The, original ordinance above/given ite,:paesage upon-oall of tis roll by 6 yeoe.1 :•. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roil tV the following vote: Yeas, ... :. b Burne, Gurdno 0 uvea,. 'T/n/ karton and Washington- ington- 6. bM�wlYlln,'n.f.a. ,wh^,,:titt SlLi .. :e4ii;..ii ""•-rt= 11..=. K . w .�•...as:ax..... ...,iv:awe�� 6:'ar.i......�•Tis:':•r:1.. ,'. i