HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 247, March 10, 1917.. iytwr "4"��`a Y,-'Sfr;�•� pi Jirc . m�.f:.t 4' s � -: ,i•��?�r ��.. �,. i"�' c ,r.. a n. y y`vh.. t -,.'""'.in,
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No. AK%',
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah harsh 10th 1917
At a palled meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oounoil i
r. f
nen in regard to aeaeoeuent on property loouted on Moyere St. be rooeived and filed and that
a W
191+1✓ �
Ohamber.of'the Oity Hall, Paduoah, Sy. on Maroh 10, 1917 upon pall of the roll the
I,. !
Y. n8eosament Citizens Suv. Bank X2,966.
following answered their Haase; Burne, Gardner, .Graves, Marton and ilaehingt'oA- 6.
t J. L. Moo quot, Trustee. Bunk of
11r. lssox, of the State Board of Underwriters, together with his assistants,
Benton.... 200. gj3,166..
1:r"� ",�.✓
!i and. that the Delinquent tax oollsotor be instruoted to collect taxes from the Bank of j
addressed the Board regarding the condition of the Fire Department and the probable
hBenton. for the years 1911 to 1916 as above usseseed, and that the 'Citizens Savings Bk.�
be exempt from payment of' the amount assessed against them- same having been listed in,
the bank's assessment for taxes- oarried upon pall of the roll by 5 yeas.
requirements by the State Board of Underwriters for the ahanging of the rate basis of
r the City of Paduosh from three to a two and one half basis.
I On motion of Member Gardner, that Mr. Geo. S. ..uguetus, owing to hie advanoad
ape and hie phyeloil inability to do manual labor, be relieved from payment of poll:.
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll by the following votes
hereto 6ttnohed- Boma oarried Y 6 Yene.'
upon oull of the roll b
Yeae. Burns, Gardner, Graves, Lorton and Washington- 6.
j: have an aro light plaoad at the oorner.of 6th to liurrison 9ts., in a000rdnrloe with the
ff •ti�4
1. -
petition of oitizens hereto attached- sine oarried upon sell of the, roll by 6 yeue:
I; On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Commieeionere meet every after..
Aiep ed > %t_-L191T l�P�i VSD
noon exoept on Saturday for one hour- from taro to three o'olook- for ooneultution in
regard to the oityls nffaira, unless oalled away by other offiolul duties, ourried.'
v4 cry MAYOR•
upon owll of the roll by 6 yeas..
4 Maroh 12th. 1917.
mitted to vote of the by body. '
a people, after puesuge this planing the Pollee Dept.,
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionere held in the Oounoil Chamber
Fire Dept., Street Dept., Sexton of Oal: Grove Cemetery, Market Maeter,'City Weigher,
of the.0ity Hall, Paduouh. Xy. on L'aroh 12, 1917, upon oull of the roll the.following
answered their names; Burns, Gardner. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. .
department, so they will hold their respective positions during good behavior and dais
positions will depend oq oompegenoy and effioienoy, and defining onuses for removal -
On motion of Member Graves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Mnroh 6th
ourried upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas.
�f and of a epeoial meeting held on March 6th, 1917V%7ere adopted as read upon sell of the
I! roll by 6 yeas.
I .
On motion of 'Maribor Marton .that the oommsunioution from the Citizens Savinge Bif
nen in regard to aeaeoeuent on property loouted on Moyere St. be rooeived and filed and that
a W
191+1✓ �
the report of the Board of Supervisors be ooncurrod in us fbllowes
I,. !
Y. n8eosament Citizens Suv. Bank X2,966.
t J. L. Moo quot, Trustee. Bunk of
Benton.... 200. gj3,166..
!i and. that the Delinquent tax oollsotor be instruoted to collect taxes from the Bank of j
hBenton. for the years 1911 to 1916 as above usseseed, and that the 'Citizens Savings Bk.�
be exempt from payment of' the amount assessed against them- same having been listed in,
the bank's assessment for taxes- oarried upon pall of the roll by 5 yeas.
I On motion of Member Gardner, that Mr. Geo. S. ..uguetus, owing to hie advanoad
ape and hie phyeloil inability to do manual labor, be relieved from payment of poll:.
taxes for the yeur 1917. and any fature years of his life, as Oar his written' request
hereto 6ttnohed- Boma oarried Y 6 Yene.'
upon oull of the roll b
On motion of Member Graves. that the.Com'r of Publio Property be inotruoted
j: have an aro light plaoad at the oorner.of 6th to liurrison 9ts., in a000rdnrloe with the
ff •ti�4
1. -
petition of oitizens hereto attached- sine oarried upon sell of the, roll by 6 yeue:
I; On motion of Member Gardner, that the Mayor and Commieeionere meet every after..
noon exoept on Saturday for one hour- from taro to three o'olook- for ooneultution in
regard to the oityls nffaira, unless oalled away by other offiolul duties, ourried.'
upon owll of the roll by 6 yeas..
On motion of the above, that the City Solicltor.propure an ordinance to'be.eub:
mitted to vote of the by body. '
a people, after puesuge this planing the Pollee Dept.,
Fire Dept., Street Dept., Sexton of Oal: Grove Cemetery, Market Maeter,'City Weigher,
1, Supt. and employees of the City Light Plant under civil eervice rules- also the sever
department, so they will hold their respective positions during good behavior and dais
positions will depend oq oompegenoy and effioienoy, and defining onuses for removal -
ourried upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas.