HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 244, March 5, 1917a4n•LF' ,+ nb..:w-....:.r .cc?n,u ,,:•cS.3Y ��r..,..�.wib. s.. :. nw.:w-.,-.�..-.: s_:.�iy- •::.n=eti_, ::v--,.-��•ri`..� .max �ia.�r-'
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of.Paducah unr h int 191-7—
91 At a called meeting of the.Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber)I
of the City Hall, on March let, 1917, upon call of the -roll the mellowing answered I
h' their namesa Burne, Gardner, Marton and Washington 4.
y on motion of Member Marton, that the monthly allowance of $12,026.66 Tor the
q , � :.. !;•
month of February 1917, se, per report of the Com'r of Finanoe and auditor hereto
aattached, be allowed end .oheoks ordered drawn on. treasury for samecarried upon salla
I 1 -
-X.` of the roll by 4 yeas. I '
r ..��►h,'tiarvs':. _ On motion of the above,. that the oily of Paducah praohaee'the $6.000. Dior 'of j
.-Paduoeh 4%, street Improvement Bond from Jae. 0. Wil'leon & Co. cf. Louleville, $y. O ! ..
k;, 96* and interest- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens. ..
` that the transfer of saloon license of W. A. Vlokells
r iQ. xp i On mot Son of Mayor Burns.
to Roy Randolph at 100 Broadway., be granted as requested- carried upon oall of .the roll
` q K ` by 4 yeae. '
,G �i� tn�'� T On motion of U®Der Marton; that the retail coffee hones license of Goo.
Schulte at 701 Jackson -St. be transferred to Matlock & Walton. as per request hereto..
attached- carried upon call of the roll by.4 yeas.
on motion of Mayor Burow, that the oo.mmunioation,of 0. F. Fuller, of the Paducah
Butter Co., regarding the establishment -of a milk distributing station, be received
and•filed, oarried.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
' GywaaWl.a - ..
4 on motion the Board adjourned .upon soli of the roll by.the following wrtea.'
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Marton and Washirgton- 4.
eio 3 —
chy awb, MAl'OIi 1
March 6th,. 1917._
. 7' '•�'
ATa regular.meeting of the Board of Commissioners held'in the Council, Chamber.
of.the City Hal l,. Paducah, Ky. on March 6, 1917, upon call of the roll the following
w r ` answered their namae: 'Burns, Gardner, Marton and Wa�ington- 4.
g ' . On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of. a regular meeting held on Feb. 26�
;•" and special meeting of Mar. lot were, adopted as. read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
d On motion of the above, that the Report of the Auditor & Com'r of 'Finance oftt•
Receipts and Disbureemente for .the month, of Vebruary 1917 be. received. fl led and
published 1n the official newspaper- carried upon call of the 'roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of. the above, WHEREAS, the cost of living has advaaoed and wages
have remained the same, I move that the City Solicitor be Instructed to bring in an �.
4 i
s� �i►tanfu� amenAmenit to the :retention ordinance efiere same ie required lnorenrinrr the salary of J,
,the f.ollowing city employees:
POLICF. D1 P.u,S1.Z17T l '
;!. Chief of Po oe ............From 4100
� . t0 4126.
Patrol drivors ............. " 60. to 70.
x' Ohio of Fire Dep ...• ... " 100. to 126.
1;Ei llEPdiiiL0;11T
Street Inspeotor ........... " 76. to 90.
Ghaingang Foreman ........... " 60 to 66.
(ell street employees be Increased. 0 per hour.
Increased from 42..0 42.26 per.'do .
Increase rom ;,;1.60 to 41.66 per day
I Clerk to rom r of Pu is Works- From $76.00.to 486.00
! .
" Fireman - ............... From. 160. to 1160:
Repairman .................. " 46. to 60:.:
..... ... " 60.
^riamter to 70 � !
Duress increasedrom .00 to ,10. psi month
.. i 'aAh��j�?�•?�.h M•�.�i rn7cru.,.af"�i'^".�`'S.��w"P ry+ .r, a.' �•iA � o�+:,x +. yr .�t�• �/T'i�"•` it `L.-�!,
- A*-,;,,
- . � '. ''`.1.i�'.f�'7yPT7✓•.ri<rrburA.-ce me .n:..hrrw••rram..r:..,F� F � I
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. March 8th jyp_oontinued .
r' Engineer at Light Plant from 470.00 to Y100.
Sewer Inspector from 80.00 .to. 86.
I: These inorsuees to take effect on and after the 16th of liar ah 1917- carried upon -c
j, call of the roll by 4 yens.`
` On motion of Member Washington. that the pay roll for the Jtreet Dept. for
i• the weekending Laron E, 1917, not oovered by ordinanoe, amounting to 9136.16, be
allowed. ae.per attached statement- carried upon oul1 of tib roll by 4 yeas.
glaraev On motion of t:e above. that the Hational Surety Co. be released from the
of Wulter England and Chas. J.. Clark, patrolmen, as of the date of the tormina-
tion of their services- ourried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Mayos Burne, that the Resolutions of the Library Board regard -
! Ing the additional apportionment for the library be received and filed and dulyf
considered in making up- the rrportiomnent ordinance .for 1917- oarrieQ upon cell of
the ro bl by 4 ye as.
On motion of the above, that the communication of lir. H. P. Linn, Health
of floor. regarding.a filing cabinet, be received and filed- ourried upon oall of the
i .
r I
roll by 4 yeus.
._ 1! Member Graves entered the meeting.
On motion of Member Gardner. that the letter of hie Sxoellenoy, the President
of the United Stutee, to Hon. Frank H. Burne, Mayor, dated Liar. 2, 1917- the.letter'
7•''' p of MissLiurFnrot Woodrow Wilson, dated Feb. 27, 1917- and the letter of lir. Vill,R.
Scott,. dated Liar. 1, 1917, addressed to the Moyor, be ,epreod upon the minutes-.
carried upon oull of the roll by the ibllowing vote: Yeus, Burne, Gardner. Graves.
n Marton and Washington- b, t
'.` Said. lettere aro as follows:
K 2 Maroh, 1917
Uy deur Lir. Burne:
You were certainly very gracious to said me in your kind
latter of February twenty-sixth the resolutions passed by the Board
of City Qommissioners with regard to my daughter's visit to.Paduouh.
It hue gruti fie d he r tod me- very deeply indeed thu t she should have
received so cordial and generous a weloome. Will you`not be kind
enough to convey cn expreusion of my own warm uppreoiation to the
other Commissioners'!
Cordially and sinoerely yours,
Woodrow Milson.
Hon. Frank II. Burns. Mayor,
Paducah, Kentucky. "
"Paducah, Ky.. Peb. 27th.' 1917..''
X .
My dear Mr. Mayor,
Let me thank you from my heart for your kind letter
with its offer of help. If m mail increases much today p.' y y and tomorrow
1 I shall tato udventare of your generous oupgeotion. or if there Is
anythinw aloe wa oun oall on for that re need r,o ehall do so.
You have Gado us feel how genuine is your hospitality and cordiality.
The resolutions. of the commissioners moved me deeply but I
because of the loyalty and admiration they showed toward my father
!; and beuLase of the oordial spirit they expressed toward me. They
mule me very happy indeed. Plouso axtond .to the oorunlecioners for
me my most heart -felt thunla for the courtesy they have ahown me and
through me to the President.
to I hope that I.
It was u plousure meet you yseterduy end
- nhnl l wan vnu nvid n ha fnra 7 leave. •. I
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 6th 191-L
March 1, 1917
Hon. Frank N. Burns, Llayor ,
and The Board of Oommieeioners
.'1 p cot1�"
The intorout tukon by the Board of Commiuo1one ro in the visit
importwit fuotor in
WtQ�. h. „'r
. of !fico LfurRarot Woodrow Wilson Nue u most ranking
her impression of Paducah a fuvorable ono, and personally I wish to
thank you for decorating the stage at the Hentucky, which meatit sub-
stantial assistance to me' as her looal manager. She' carried away
with.her a strong conviction that Paduoah,.offioially and privately, Is
a delightful city.'.
Youre very truly..
William R: Scott. "
' w ,_LO
on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes "
Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Gravee.karton and Waeh'ingtoa- 6.
Liaroh 0th, 1917.
• r �
At a epeolel meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council
I -.
Chamber of the, City !fall, Paduooh,. Sy. on March 0th, 1917, upon oal1 of the. roll the
followin g .onswered their names: Burns, 'Graves, 'Larto' . and Washington- :4.
A committee from_the MoGraoken County Liedioal Association, composed of..
Dr,.' Sights.. Caldwell, Jackson and Rivera; addireesed the. Board regarding the estab-
' C� (""'•J
liehroent.of n bacteriological laboratory: ;
on motion of Llember karton, that the communication from Claude.Porter ,-
regarding the transfer Lof his retail coffee hoveo lioens.e at. 106 S. Third St. to
bN C�A..dc p
kr.. Jl 0. Sellars, at the .same location, be reoeived.'ond filed urd that said trnnefer.
PN�" ko rA'•
be granted, sore to take.ite usual course- carried Upon oai1 of the roll by 4 yeas.;
On motion of the above; that the Gom'r of Finance be authorised to'pay..
' O
to Harry Rose 4496.00 ae per his contract with the City 'for the grading and graveling
Sit p0
of uonr.oe Street, and that the City Auditor.. be instructed to deliver to the above
,.• u ,�.i,_
contractor the following Unpaid street bills ::'Agnes Leeah 462.00; Fred 0. ebd.kre. ..
Wulker 4124.00, Paducah' Realty Co. 062.00= .total .4248.60- some carried upon pall of
: the .roll by 4 yens. .. ,...
On motion of !Member Gravee, that the City Solicitor be instructed to-advise `
A �p fy
the Board of Commieeionore whether. the City .of Paducah is required to supply.more
than one quarter of one per cent of. the Juvenile Court expenses in the event that sold .
of. one per cent does ,not realise'snough money .to pay one half of the, expense of said; '
Juvenile. oourt- carried upon cal l of the roll by.4 yeas.. j
0-motion the Board adjourned ul.°n oall of the roll by the following vote: .
Yeas, Burne. GiaveeiUvrton.end Washington- 4.
Ai lei _ u;�.�_'"191;;r� �. nO
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