HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 244, March 1, 1917�.h+'•i-':ny,::4y'i,i:•'lS4-,:..-1�Y!...i.::.�.vu'vn l2ral k:C a.,_:—:". e..:.ai.: n!v'Yh:d:-r..".�.. _.d-.. •:.:.. :,hll,v ♦_. ,-: '::.�'Ja-K—r-:L ..:w Ww- :.��. .. 4 KM-� nH[frvlN"_._ .�_'l. Not Commissioner's Proceedings, City of.Paducah lin*�>, �Ac 1912 At a called meeting of the. Board of Commissioners held in the CouncilChamber all on Maroh let 1917 u on oal 1 'of the roll the fb llaing" all -answered , of the City H P j' their namest Burne, Gardner, Marton and Washington-" 4. motion of Member Marton that the monthly allowsnos of $12,026.66 Tor the .- On m 1 - I�torA+!'y moth of February "1917, as per report of the Oom'r of Finanoe and auditor hereto attached, be allowed and checks ordered drain on. treasury for sanscarried upon call, o f the "roll by 4 yeas. I ' QWy'tin� On motion of the above,, that the City of Paducah purohnee-the $D,000. Ditar of " Pnduoeh 4,%, Street Improvement Bond !roof Jae. 0. Willson b Co. of Louisville, Hy. O an& interest- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens. I . { 1 `•' On motion of Mayor Burne, that the transfer of saloon lioenee of W.. A. 111okelle- ~. to Roy Randolph at i00 Broadway., be granted" as requested- carried upon call of .the roll W H � ,tJAI by 4 yeas. I ' On motion of Member Marton, that the retail coffee house license of Geo. Schulte at 701 Jaokson-'St. be transferred to Matlock &Walton, as per request hereto.. f i attached- carried upon call of the roll by.4 yeas. .Ynbl }uy On motion of Mayor Burne, that the oommanioation.of 0. F. Ful]er, of the Paducah { Butter Co., regarding tte establishment -of a milk distributing station, be reoeived " and filed oarriedll f"the roll"by 4 yeas. l'ww,,wr,.4.La�l'• .uPon cao' L On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the dill by the following votes. " !t, Yeas, Burne; Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4. 1 ,.fir n _c;►y _ � I , ' , �, • , � a � �xUIi. Mar oh 6th," 1917.. " 5•' "11 AT 'a regular.meeting of the Board of Coimnieaioaers"held in the Council. Chamber. "of, the 'City Hal l,.Pnducoh, $y. on Ito roh"6, 1917, upon call of the roll the following "answered their names: "Burne, Gardner, Marton end Woahington- 4. I . On motion of Member Marton, the minutes of. a regular meeting held on Feb. '26j r• 4 � 9 and epeoial meeting of Mur: let were adopted as. read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. a: d 17 On motion of the above, that the Report of the Auditor & Com'r of Finance off n 4 Receipts and Disbursements for the month.of I'ebruary 1917 be.reoeived, filed and R�ubliehed in the official . P newspaper- carried" upon call of the 'roll by 4 yeas. E On motion of. the above, WHEREAS-, the cost of living has advanced and wages 1 have remained the same. I move that the ,City Solicitor be instructed to bring in an I . amendment "to the :retention ordinance efiere same Is required inoreaeing the salary of �. u,the following city employees: I " . E POLICF DEP,0T].Z1;T r� 1. Chief o Po n o ............From 3100. t0 4126. Patrol drivore ............. " 60. to 70. 1� :DIRE' %11IE11T t Chief of Fire Dep ....• ... 0 100. to 126. 1 ST1REET DUARTIZIT Street inapeotor ........... " 76. to. 90. Chaingang Foreman .. .. .... "'' 60 to 66. 44 All street employees be increased 2V per hour. k" SE•i,ER DEPARTIENT Increased V . $2.26 per. day OAK GROVE i. 'Inoreneerom41.50 to 41.66 per day ' lUIGINEERIPO DEPT. Clerk to -jom r of Pu is Works- From 475.00. to 386.00 I. . LIGHT PL„147 I' l Fireman - From 160. to $60: Repairran 46. to 60: Trimmer• .:. ^ 60: to 70. r " P RIVERSIDEHOSPITAAL Burses.increased rom .00 to 310. per monthJ. " t t• ^• 4t 1 i�. - f"