HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 242, February 19, 1917�CJa ...q'. •fl S .L .�'. I.;iYF 157. _Ll.. _ _
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah FeDrnara lith 191
At a'special meeting of the Board of Gommiseioners.beld in the Counail Chamber!
of the Cit hall on rob. 16, 1917,
City upon, cell of the roll the following answered f
their names: Burne, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4.
Know on motion of Member Washington, a Reeolntion.making it a part of the duties of
the city veterinarian and Meat b Milk Inspector to give medical attention and treatment
to all stook belonging to the city of Paducah, without any additional compensation, was
Vah"' given its passage upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
d on motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution making it a part of the duties of
the City Physician and Aset. City Physician to give first aid attendance end medical
p� !
1 attention, eta. to any employee of -the city who Is injured while in the performranas of;
,'hie duties or to taken suddenly ill by unusual.exposure or over exertion, without an ! .
additional compensation therefor- was given its passage upon a ll'of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion of Member 'Marton. a Resolution making it 'a part of the duties of the;
City'Solioitor and Abet. Oita Solicitor to defend any notion Drought egelnat.eay employs-
o'f the city on hie official bond: involving a bause of action growing out of the per-.
1� formance or attempted performanoe of his official duties; without any additional
charge for such servioee= was given.ite'passage upon call of the. roll by 4.yeae.
On motion of Mayor Burne, a.Resolution oondemning Blot machines and all gambling
e, devioee..and games; and ordering the Chief of Police to notify all. operators u.f same to i,
cease operating. before Feb. 19, 1917- was given its ase i
8 passage upon call of the roll lay 4;yiae.'
On motion of Member Washington, that the ooademnetion_enit of the. City of
Paducah ve Barnes for .right of w(W 1br a street from Meyers street thru the Syerrill- ,
U ,. Xing Lbr. Co. property. j
p Pe ty.De.continued fbr fur the r.00neideration pending negotiation as
117 - 'i .to settlement- carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. i
On motion the Board adjourned upon oall'of the rill by the following vote.t !'
Yeas. Burns, Gardnei; Marton and Washington- 6.
Ad pled —1.2.191.✓'•
. :cii, cwr FEBRUARY 19th. 1917.:
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council Chamber
of the City Rall, -Paducah, Ky., on Feb. 19th, 1917i.upon call of the roll bbe following
answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Graves, Barton and Washington- 6:
k On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Feb. 12th;
1917 were adopted ae rend upon call of tie roll by 6 peas.
on motion of the above, the .minutes of a ape oial meeting he ]d on February 16th
wore adoptedus'read.upon oall of the roll, by the following vote) Yeas, Burne, Gardner,
Marton end Washington- 4.' L,ayi .Graves, 1. �.
on motion of the above, the minutes of an adjourned meeting hold on February..
18th were adopted ns read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �.
j. On motion of'tho above, the minutes of a special meeting held on Feb. 16th were'
adopted an read upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burne, Gardner,'
Marton 'snd Waehington- 4. tiny: Graves. 1. i
On.motion of Member Marton, that.the report of oollectione for the Improvemen.t
f 6th eLreet,.Dy the construction of concrete sidewalks. etc.; be received and filed,;.
and the amount oolleotad;..to-s+it.i ,34,269.02, be paid to Prosser 6 Hallidayas per.
gam, (5x' contract- also that bcnds.be printed to .the amount of $2.170.89, and some delivered to
r •
Wpef,, .�J"W, the -above contractors, and that theAuditor be Instructed ,to. turn over to. acid Prosser,
6 Halliday'the two'•,unoolleoted bills amounting to 4282.96- carried upon call of the roll'
by 6 yeas. }
.:r' 'dyLi.r3'-,etirS - ..+ f:>:�;i•;�t,ct:x4erJ«.b%C:t:' , '.tG'>'�,Mw•L•., .w•au..e. �a.:.i..
'�.• ,�, • 4N.bA. .LfO.AVV X•'aY e.�/.F.S 'i 7�jlA:>•. i.•:�:_•n•
't�:.d�`ti«4,?y— }x- -�'�.. ._�nx;s•MHS'r,�;t�,`•ty.:a`�.'j•;;•,"'�'t },� .•.ti''^t�sj_j't'.H. r'F1'f": �`.
. `I ''°: H=y�•�+� ���rar .r r , g+.}h`.) ,cr r� a car 7,Yn e'n M1.�y'Yt ! •'•i� +.,,.... a .r � .;err r j � � r � �; r. xM. .. ..
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J Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah February 18th 1917 ooatinued
.' 7 Can motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department for, �
the week ending February 17th, 1917, not covered by ordinance, amounting to X109.86, !
' as per attached statement., be allowed- carried upon pall of the roll by 6 yeas.'.
On motion of the.above,.that the petition of the Ohio Valley Ins. Co. for
exemption from taxes be referred to the City Solloltor as to wether said, company f .
comes under the head of manufnotuserw -
i[ember Graves offers the following -substitute for the above motions that the
of the Ohio Valley Ins. Co. as to exemption from city taxes for a period of
7 �
two years be granted- said substitute motion was tabled', reaefving no eeoond. '
The original. motion ,of'llembior Washington carried upon oul l of the roll by the. follo.r-
Ing votes Yens, Burns, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4: tiny: Graves, 1.
On motion of Member Gardner, that the Williams family mentioned ,in the commu.
hereto filed; be fUrnfshed forty gallons of gasoline to take them to their,
11 �
destination, Clifton tenneesee. the said folly bei ng on a boat and 1n destitute
ciroumatonoee- this account to be charged to the oontingent fund-, carried upon
� L •
wall of. the roll by 6 ye as.
On nation of Llenb.er Wash ington,:that the reoosmerdatione of the Mayor relative.
to the curtailment'of expenses be received and filed, end referred to the coamleoionese
y as a committee of the whole. curried upon cull of the roll by 6 yeae.
On motion the.Board adjourned upon oull of the roll by the following vote:
r' Yeoe, Burne, Gardner, Graves, Stanton. and Washington. 6.
�t AhP o • .
l Z.G
bruarp 86th. 19170
I At a regular meeting of the Board ot.0ommisalonese halal In the Ooun011
Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Sty. on Feb. 86, 1917, upon pall of the roll the
C fbllming answered their namest Burns, Gardner, Graves, Darton and Washington- be
On motion of Lauber Marton, the minutes of u regular meeting held on
8/19/1917 were adopted as read upon oall of the mill -by 6.yeae.
PelieL ,'
On mOL10A of Member Graves, that the Dopy of letter of instruotione.iesued
by Chief of Police L. a. Graham, regarding the esppresoion of gambling and ,other
9"&.o eie'j,
vices. be received and filed- oarried upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.
r .. on motion of Vember Washington, the payroll for the street department not
covered by ordinanoe for the week ording Feb. 81st '. 1917 o6unting to 0140.65, was
, .
allowed- upon cull of the roll by 6 yeae.
On motion of ttember'Gardner, that a deed be executed and delivered to 0. If.
Sisk and Lloyd Walker for Lot 80. in Block One, Oak Grove Cemetery, between Stewart'.
i and Baker streets, treasurer's. r000lpt for J30.00 being hereto attaohed- ouri'fed upon
call of the roll by 6 yeae.
e On motion of Voyor Burns a Resolution oommending the visit of Mae
itargaret Woodrow Wilson to the city of Puduoah, urging the oftisenship to attend the
recital to be given by her on Feb. E7th, and reaffirming our faith and oonfidenoe is
J our President, was given Its paosuge upon oull of the roll by 6 yeae.
On motion the Board adjourned upon cull of the roll by the following voter .
Yeae. Burne. Gurdner, Graves, L[urton and Washington- 6.
Adopted -rZ
7 �